

Rsearch of Shelling Chestnut Technology Base on Burning

【作者】 杨双晓

【导师】 薛惠岚;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农产品加工及贮藏工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 板栗是我国的特产,具有很高的经济和食料价值,在我国也具有很大的种植面积。但是由于受到深加工技术的影响,我国板栗资源浪费情况很严重,人均板栗的消费水平也很低。其中阻碍板栗深加工技术发展的主要因素之一就是脱壳技术的欠缺,因此板栗的脱壳技术是亟待解决的关键性问题。本文在分析研究前人工作的基础上,提出了采用灼烧和揉搓挤压的方法来实现板栗的脱壳,通过相关试验确定了板栗灼烧的热源;进行了板栗灼烧、脱壳装置的设计制作和相关的试验,进行了样机的结构设计工作,主要完成了以下工作:(1)通过研究液化气灼烧后板栗各个部分含水率的变化情况,提出了灼烧可以达到脱壳预处理的效果。运用液化气灶,对板栗的灼烧进行正交试验,确定了最佳工艺参数。通过板栗的电炉高温试验得出板栗的裂壳率、碳化率和焦化度、熟化度与板栗的高温处理温度以及处理时间之间的曲线图和回归方程;运用正交试验得出电炉灼烧的最佳工艺。在分析比较液化气热源和电炉热源优缺点之后,最后确定板栗灼烧的热源为液化气。(2)根据液化气灼烧试验,提出脱壳灼烧试验装置的设计要求,借鉴农产品干燥设备的类型,选择板栗灼烧装置为螺旋轴与光轴对板栗进行翻滚推动,液化气由下部输送管小孔喷出燃烧得结构形式,进行了相关部件的设计,制作了相应的试验装置并进行了相关的试验,为板栗灼烧样机的设计提供技术参数。(3)根据灼烧后板栗的特性,提出了板栗灼烧后脱壳装置的设计要求,对比各种脱壳原理,确定了板栗的脱壳原理为揉搓挤压式为宜,通过结构分析,最终将其结构设计为橡胶滚筒和栅条凹版相互作用的形式,进行了主要部件的设计,制作了相应的试验装置,进行了相关的试验,验证了灼烧脱壳的可行性,为灼烧脱壳样机的脱壳部分设计提供了技术参数。(4)根据装置的试验,提出了板栗灼烧脱壳装置的结构设计图,并进行了主要部件的设计。设计的样机具有结构简单,制造容易,脱壳效果好等优点,可以为板栗的脱壳技术提供一种新的理论和方法。

【Abstract】 Chestnut is the local specialty of our country, which has great and nutritional value and being widely planted in our country. But our technology deficit in chestnut processing has led to great waste of this product and low consumption per capita. Being one of the counteracting factors in chestnut deeply processing, chestnut shelling is one of the critical problem need to be resolved urgently.Based on the analysis of the former study, the method of chestnut shelling by burning and kneading was raised in this paper. In the study, the heating resource of chestnut burning is decided by experiment, designing and producing of burning and shelling device were finished and tested by experiment, as well as the designing structure of sample machine, the result can be summed up in the following:(1) Pre-processing of chestnut shelling by burning is confirmed by study on the water rate variation of different parts of the chestnut. And the orthogonal experiment of chestnut burning was conducted using a natural gas stove and gained the optimal parameters. According to high temperature experiment with furnace, the relationship between broken rate, carbon degree, cooked degree, coked degree and temperature and time as well as the regression equation about the relationship were obtained. After effect of compare and analyze of the furnace and petrol gas, the later was selected as the heating resource.(2)According to the petrol gas burning experiment, the requirements on burning device were raised. With reference to the drying experiment of agricultural products, the structure of burning device was determined to be spring shaft and smooth shaft.. Parts of the device were designed some and some experiments were conducted with the device and got some parameter for the sample machine.(3) According to the requirement of shelling machine, the requirements of shelling device designing were fixed. By compare of all different shelling theories, selected rubbing and extrusion as the working principle of machine, and structure of the device was designed as the rubber cylinder and concave grid. Also designed some important part and did experiment with the device. Testify using the burning and shelling can get good result in chestnut shelling. And some parameters for designing of the sample machine were provided.(4) According to the experiment by the device, the sketch of the sample machine, and chief parts of the machine designed.The sample machine is sample in structure, easy to manufacture, and has good shelling performance, thus provided a new method in chestnut shelling.

【关键词】 板栗灼烧脱壳
【Key words】 chestnutburningshelling
  • 【分类号】S664.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】170

