

Model Research on Hybrid Production of Top Quality & High Quality Beef in Mountains of Southern Ningxia

【作者】 安加俊

【导师】 陈玉林;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在对宁南当地农户肉牛生产现状调查的基础上,根据现有饲草料种类设计育肥日粮,对利木赞牛与固原黄牛级进杂交二代公牛进行育肥试验、屠宰试验、肉品分割试验、肉品质分析和育肥经济效益分析,对宁南山区高中档肉牛杂交生产模式进行研究。1、根据肉牛产业发展的需要,以农户重点,对宁南山区肉牛生产现状进行调查。调查表明:宁南地区,饲草料资源以总量不足、区域性缺乏和季节性不平衡为特点。人均能量、蛋白质饲料占有量最多和最少的原州区和隆德县分别为357.21㎏和1779.29RND、152.74㎏和648.76 RND。苜蓿在宁南山区占有重要地位,对当地饲草料蛋白质、能量的最小和最大贡献率分别为39.16%和83.25%、36.39%和75.70%,调查区饲草料资源表现为蛋白质相对过剩而能量不足。牛群结构复杂,以利木赞牛与当地各类型牛的杂交后代为主,调查区80%~90%的母牛用利木赞牛进行改良。基础母牛群,固原黄牛及其杂交后代分别占8.77%、30.31%,秦川牛及其杂交后代分别占18.71%、42.11%,秦川牛和固原黄牛与利木赞牛的杂交母牛分别占32.75%和17.54%。6月龄利木赞杂交牛售价高出当地牛500元~800元(相当于周岁当地牛);周岁杂交牛较当地牛高出1000元~1500元;每头杂交架子牛经3~5个月育肥可获纯利润900元~1000元。2、分别选择4头8-10月龄和8头18-20月龄利木赞牛与固原黄牛的级进杂交二代公牛,按年龄分为两组,根据宁南当地饲草料种类设计育肥日粮,通过育肥试验、屠宰试验、肉品分割试验和肉品质分析,对高中档肉牛的杂交生产进行研究。试验表明:(1)生长发育:育肥牛肉用指数均高于我国47个地方品种的平均值(3.145),且18-20月组高于我国良种黄牛,体型明显趋于肉用型。(2)产肉性能:8-10月龄组和18-20月龄组,A、屠宰率达55.33%和58.59%,眼肌面积74.42㎝ 2和92.37㎝ 2;B、高中档肉的产量和产率分别为91.95㎏和155.01㎏、48.10%和47.54%,优质切块肉产量和产率,分别为62.59㎏和101.35㎏、32.74%和31.09%;高档切块肉产量和产率分别为29.36㎏和53.65㎏、15.36%和16.45%;牛柳产量和产率分别为4.64㎏和7.74㎏、2.43%和2.37%,单块牛柳重2.32㎏和3.87㎏,达到甲级和特级标准;试验牛生理成熟度均为A级,18-20月龄组符合美国肉牛胴体重标准“满意级”的要求。(3)牛肉品质:8-10月龄组和18-20月龄组,肌肉色泽评分分别为3.50和4.25,脂肪色泽评分别为1.25和1.88,均达到标准最优级的要求;水分含量为71.11%、70.11%;肌肉剪切力(嫩度),3.56㎏和4.13㎏;系水力,68.80%和69.75%;粗灰分含量,1.08%和1.1875%;粗蛋白含量,24.34%和22.48%,总氨基酸含量,22.36 g/100g和20.12 g/100g,必需氨基酸比例达54.9%、55.6%;粗脂肪含量,5.56%和4.61%,不饱和脂肪酸含量,65.43%和65.02%,必需脂肪酸量比例达62.15%、62.81%。(4)经济效益分析:A、育肥效果,8-10月龄组和18-20月龄组,育肥期总增重140.0㎏、169.7㎏,平均日增重0.97㎏/d、1.17㎏/d,最高日增重1.50㎏/d、1.63㎏/d;B、育肥效益,试验牛育肥期平均日花费、平均日收益、育肥期净收入和收益率分别为7.42元和10.84元、6.03元和5.57元、874.52元和807.80元、30.47%和14.91%。○3常规屠宰与肉品质分割:按常规方法屠宰增殖、净收益率分别提高775.96元和809.96元、16.09%和10.39%;按标准按牛肉切块分割,牛肉增殖与净收益分别提高663.24元和2150.74元、13.76%、27.59%,收益率分别达29.85%、37.98%,且18-20月龄组的分割收益远优于8-10月龄组。综上所述,在宁南山区在现有饲草料条件下,按照本试验的饲养标准和育肥方法,可以利用利木赞牛与固原黄牛级进杂交二代公牛进行高中档牛肉的生产。

【Abstract】 Based the current production condition investigations of local farmer, fattening diet were designed according to feedstuffs and forages, and were fed to progressive Hybrids of Limousin and Guyuan Yellow Cattle, to test the fattening performance, beef quality, then the economic benefit was analysed to study some issues about the production of top & high quality beef in mountain area of Southern Ningxia.1. The farmer production condition focused was investigated according to the development need of beef industry. The investagtion showed: In the southern of Ningxia, the main characters of feedstuff and forage were amount shortage, area deficiency and season imbalance. The most and least feed of energy and protein possessed per captial were 357.21㎏ and 1779.29 RND in Yuanzhou district, 152.74㎏和648.76 RND in Longde county respectively. The alfalfa preponderated in local, that the most and least contribution for energy and protein were 39.16% and 83.25%、36.39% and 75.70%. Protein feed was relatively overmuch but energy deficient. The breeds was miscellaneous that the crossbreds of local cattles with Limousin dominanting, and 80%~90% of local cows were crossbred by Limousin semen. The proportion of Guyuan yellow cattle and its crossbreds were 8.77% and 30.31%, and that of Qinchuan and its crossbreds were 18.71% and 42.11%, and the proportion of crossbreds of Limousin with Qinchuan and Guanyuan cattle. The market price of crossbreds of limousin were much higher than local breeds, that a Limousin hybrids of 6 month-age could earn more 500~800 yuan, of one year-age can earn more 1000~1500 yuan, a feeder hybrid fished in 3~5 monthes could earn net profit of 900~1000 yuan.2、4 bulls of 8-10 month-age and 18-20 month-age of progressive hybrids of Limousin and Guyuan yellow cattle selected randomly were divided into two groups according to age fed to fattening diet make up of local feed resources, to research the fattening efficiency, beef production performance, meat quality, and production model of top & high quality beef, the taials showed:(1)Growth and development: In fattening period, total weight gain, Average Daily Gain, Peak Daily gain of Group 8-10 month and 18-20 month were 140.0㎏ and 169.7㎏, 0.97㎏/d and1.17㎏/d, 1.50㎏/d and1.63㎏/d respectively. The BPI(beef purpose index)of fished hybrids were higher than the averge BPI of 47 indigenous breeds inChina, the group 18-20 month than that of fine breeds of Chinese yellow cattle, and the frame size trend beef type. The maturityof both group were class A, and carcass weight of group 18-20 reached the desirable calss of U.S.(2)Beef production performance: Group 8-10 month-age and 8 of 18-20 month-age, respectively, slaughter rate reachedat 55.33% and 58.59%,ribeye area reach 74.42㎝ 2 and 92.37㎝ 2; the production and production rate of top & high quality beef were 91.95㎏ and 155.01㎏, 48.10% and 47.54%,and which of high quality were 62.59㎏ and 101.35㎏, 32.74% and 31.09%;which of top quality were 29.36㎏ and 53.65㎏, 15.36% and 16.45%;and the production and production rate of tenderloin reached at 4.64㎏ and 7.74㎏, 2.43% and 2.37%, weight of tenderloin block reached at 2.32㎏ and 3.87㎏ which can be classified into first and top grade.(3)Beef quality: Group 8-10 month-age and 8 of 18-20 month-age, respectively, the scores colour and fat were 3.50 and 4.25, 1.25 and 1.88, which reached the top class; the moisture, 71.11% and 70.11%; shear force, 3.56㎏ and 4.13㎏, crude ash content, 1.08%和1.19%; crude protein content, 24.34% and 22.48%; total AA, 22.36 g/100g和20.12 g/100g, and EAA reached at 54.9% and 55.6%; crude fat, 5.56% and 4.61%, the proportion of non-saturated fat acid reached at 65.43%和65.02%, of which EFA were 62.15% and 62.81%.(4)Econmic analysis: Average daily earnings, net earnings and yield of group 8-10 month-age and 8 of 18-20 month-age, respectively, reached at 6.03 yuan and 5.57 yuan, 874.52 yuan and 807.80 yuan, 30.47% and 14.91%, while slaughtered in conventional method, earnings and net earnings rate can increase by 775.96 yuan and 809.96 yuan, 16.09% and 10.39%, when the beef were cut by standard, the more earnings and net earnings rate can increase by 663.24 yuan and 2150.74 yuan, 13.76% and 27.59%, yield rate could reached 29.85% and 37.98% based cattle sold.So, the top and high quality beef can be produced with progressive hybrids of Limousin and Guyuan yellow cattle, and can be produce under the current farmer production condition in moutains of southern Ningxia.

  • 【分类号】S823
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】275

