

Studies on Investigation、Collection and Protection of Wild Lilium Germplasm Resources from Qinba Moutain Aera

【作者】 车飞

【导师】 牛立新;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园艺植物种质资源学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 2005年7月至2006年8月三次赴秦巴山区调查野生百合的种类、分布、植物学特性、生境条件和土壤状况。其目的是对秦巴山区野生百合资源的现状进行调查研究,并对野生百合原生地土壤样品进行分析,为百合资源的迁地保存和开发利用提供理论依据。实验结果表明:1经调查发现卷丹、宜昌百合、野百合、山丹、大花卷丹和宝兴百合6个野生百合种。大花卷丹是秦岭地区首次发现。从垂直分布看,山丹的生存适应性较强,其次为宜昌百合、卷丹和野百合;宝兴百合与大花卷丹的适应性较弱。从水平分布看,商洛地区分布的种类最多,汉中其次,安康、和甘南地区各分布有三个种,各地区的种类有所交叉。从各个种来看,宜昌百合分布最广泛;其次为卷丹和野百合;宝兴百合只在甘南的迭部县有少量分布。多数野生百合性喜荫凉和湿润,有75%以上的植株分布于邻近水源地的灌木中,少量植株生于草甸或林缘地区。2不同品种的野生百合对土壤PH值的要求大致相同,都接近中性。山丹喜弱碱性的土壤,野百合喜弱酸性的土壤。卷丹适宜在可溶性盐含量较低的土壤中生长,野百合和山丹适于在可溶性盐含量较高的土壤中生长;卷丹相对于其它野生百合而言适于较低的土壤有机质含量。3甘南地区土壤偏碱性,其他地区为酸性土壤;甘南地区土壤中可溶性盐含量明显高于其他地区,土壤的盐碱化程度较高,因而该地区只适宜生长抗性较强的山丹、宜昌百合及宝兴百合。4各野生百合种在引种到杨陵西北农林科技大学园艺场百合资源圃后,株高、叶片等生物学特征均发生变化。植株均变矮,叶片总体上变长变宽,叶形指数变小,花梗长度普遍变短,着花数量均减少。虽然野生百合引种后个别性状发生改变,但并不影响其生长发育。因此,各野生百合种均能在西北农林科技大学园艺场百合资源圃迁地保存,并进一步进行开发利用。

【Abstract】 From July, 2005 to August, 2006, we had carried out three times for the exploration on the wild Lilium species distributede, morphological characters, habitat conditions and the soil condition in the Qin-ba Mountain areas. The aim of the study is to study the genetic resource of Lilium in original habitat, analysis the soil samples which were collected from this region, and get useful ideas about the conservation and utilization of Lilium species in this region.The result shows:1. In the natural distribution area, 6 Lilium species had beeen founded and collected to conserved in the nursery field, which were L. tigrinum, L. pumilum, L. brownie, L. duchartrei and L. leichtlinii, and among these species L. leichtlinii was firstly reported. It can be concluded that L. pumilum has a wildly adaptability, following with L. lancifolium and L. brownii, L. duchartrei and L. leichtlinii var. maximowiczii only distributed in certain areas which have a narrow adaptability. In viewing of the horizontal distribution, it can be found that Shangluo area was the most widely distributed by lilium species, the next was Hanzhong, three species were found in Ankang and Ganna area, each species had an overlapping distribution areas. In view of the distribution of species, L. leucanthum was the most widespread, next were L. lancifolium and L. brownii, L. leichtlinii was only found in Diebu County of Gannan Area. Most of the lilium species like cool and moist condition, above 75% plants distributed in bush in the slope along rivers. A few plants could be found meadow or the edge of forest area.2. The different habitats of lilium species have approximately the same PH value of soil, and approaching to the neutrality. L. pumilum adapted to weak alkaline soil, and L. brownii grew well in low-acid soil. L. lancifolium grew in the low soluble salt content soil, in the opposite, L. brownii and L. pumilum grew in the high soluble salt content soil. L. lancifolium, which was different with other species, was suitable for the soil with low organic matter.3. The soil collected from Gannan area was weakly alkaline, and the soil from other areas were a little acid ; The soluble salt content in the soil from Gannan was obviously higher than others, and what is more, the soil salination degree from Gannan was high, thus this area was only suitable for L. pumilum, L. leucanthum and L. leichtlinii which had strong resistance.4. All of the lilium species were introduced to the nursery field of lilium Northweat A & F University, and variation was found among biology characteristics including plant height and leaf shape. The plants became a little shorter, and the leaf became a little longer and more widely, the foliage index reduced, the pedicel length shortened, and flowered quantity decreased. Although some of the morphological character changed after introduced cultivation, the plants could grow well. Therefore, all of the lilium species could be preserved in the lilium nursery field of this region for further utilization.

  • 【分类号】S682.29
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】437

