

Study on Difference of Canopy Temperature of Malting Barley and Physiological Characteristics

【作者】 胡单

【导师】 王长发;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国啤酒大麦灌浆结实期常处于大气温度迅速上升阶段,特别是灌浆后期,植株常遭受高温的伤害,使啤酒大麦粒重下降,也使蛋白质含量增加,这严重影响了啤酒大麦的产量和品质。本试验应用红外测温仪连续两年(2006,2007)对6个不同啤酒大麦品种花后冠层温度进行观测,并对其一系列生理代谢参数和农艺性状进行了测定。结果表明:1.不同啤酒大麦品种冠层温度花后存在明显的差异,95-83、D-18和法瓦维特持续偏低,甘啤4号、哈瑞特、99-6持续偏高,出现了极显著的群体冠层温度分异现象。参照张嵩午对小麦温度型的划分方法,可把前者可归为低温品种,后者归为暖温品种。2.冠层温度日变化观测表明,不同大麦品种一天中的冠层温度以13:00~15:00时为最高,品种间的差异也最大。3.大麦花后叶片叶绿素含量有一个前增加后降低的变化趋势。低温大麦叶绿素含量降解速率缓慢,且在生育后期显著高于暖温大麦。叶片可溶性蛋白质含量呈先上升后又下降趋势;低温大麦下降速率慢,暖温大麦下降速率快,导致低温大麦可溶性蛋白质含量显著高于暖温大麦。大麦叶片MDA含量随着功能叶逐渐衰老而呈指数增长,低温大麦积累速度缓慢,积累量较少,暖温大麦增加速度较快,积累量大。低温大麦叶绿素、可溶性蛋白等含量高、分解缓慢,加上膜系统损伤程度低,使叶片能维持正常的活力,保持较高的光合生产能力,对提高产量和品质具有积极意义。4.花后低温大麦叶片SOD、CAT等保护酶活性随生育进程推进,呈下降趋势。但低温大麦SOD、CAT活性下降速率低于暖温大麦,生育后期更是明显。低温大麦保护酶活性(SOD、CAT)高、下降慢的特点,有利于有效清除活性氧,减轻膜系统损伤,从而延缓叶片衰老。5.灌浆期间,硝酸还原酶(NR)活性急剧上升,后快速下降,再缓慢下降,但低温大麦的硝酸还原酶活性较暖温大麦高,且下降也较为缓慢,生育后期尤为明显,说明低温大麦比暖温大麦具有更高的氮肥利用能力,具备高产的基础。6.不同品种大麦不同功能叶净光合速率均随成熟期的临近而下降;同一测定时期,同一大麦品种不同功能叶的净光合速率表现为旗叶>倒2叶>倒3叶。越接近灌浆后期,低温大麦和暖温大麦的叶片净光合速率差异越大,低温大麦显著高于暖温大麦。不同温型大麦越到生育后期,蒸腾速率差异越明显,低温大麦显著高于暖温大麦。大麦叶片衰老期间光合作用受到气孔因素和非气孔因素的影响,非气孔因素是重要的限制因子,低温大麦的非气孔因素的优势更大。7.随大麦衰老,根系伤流呈先快后慢的下降趋势。生育后期低温大麦根系伤流显著高于暖温大麦。表明低温大麦根系功能旺盛,可为大麦生育后期提供更多的生理代谢原料。8.低温大麦95-83、D-18、法瓦维特在穗重、穗粒重和千粒重方面均显著高于暖温大麦甘啤4号、哈瑞特、99-6,显示低温大麦灌浆特性优于暖温大麦,而收获指数显著低于暖温大麦。表明冠层温度对粒重有较大的影响,但低温大麦产量并不一定高产,有关冠层温度和产量的关系有待进一步研究。

【Abstract】 Usually, filling-legume period of malting barley in China is in this stage that atmospheric temperature is rising fast, especially in the later period of filling-legume, high temperature often harms plants, that led to declining of grain weight of malting barley and increasing in protein content, this is a serious influence on the yield and quality of malting barley. This paper continuously observed the canopy temperature of 6 different malting barley varieties after anthsis for 2 years with infrared thermometer, and a series of physiological metabolism parameters and agricultural characters in 2006 and 2007.The results showed that:1. There was a obvious difference among canopy temperature of different malting barley after flower, 95-83,D-18 and Favorit were continuously low and Ganpi4,Harrington and 99-6 were continuously high. That showed the marked difference phenomenon of canopy temperatures of different malting barley varieties population. According to the method of definition for wheat temperature type by Zhang Songwu, we called the former cool varieties and the later warm varieties.2. The observation of the diurnal fluctuation of canopy temperatures showed that the highest canopy temperature of different barley in one day was at 13:00~15:00,and at the same time, the difference of different varieties was also the most.3. The trend of chlorophyll content of barley after flower was firstly incremental and then descendant. The degradation rate of chlorophyll content of cool barley was low and its content was obviously higher than warm barley’s in later of growth. The soluble protein content of leaf raised firstly and then declined, but the declining rate of cool barley was slow and warm barley was opposite, that led to the soluble protein content of cool barley obviously higher than warm barley. The MDA contend of barley leaf raised by index with the gradual senescence of function leaves,but both the accumulation speed and the accumulation amount of MDA of cool barley were slower and less than warm barley. Chlorophyll and soluble protein content of cool barley was high, degradation speed was slow and damaged condition of membrane system was tiny, so their leaves could maintain normal activity and keep higher production of photosynthesis, these were beneficial for improving yield and quality. 4. The protective enzymes SOD, CAT et al. of leaf of cool barley was declining after flower with growth progress, but the declining rate of SOD, CAT of cool barley were lower than warm barley, and it was more obviously in later growth. These characters of protective enzymes high activity and low declining speed of cool barley was propitious to clear active oxygen and alleviate the harm of membrane system, these could defer senescence of leaf.5. During filling-legume period, NR activity of malting barley raised sharply firstly and then declined fast and declined slowly finally, but NR activity of cool barley was higher than warm barley, and the declining was slower, especially in the latter growth. These showed that cool barley had a higher capability than warm barley to use nitrogenous fertilizer, had the basis of high yield.6. Net photosynthetic rate of different leaf position of different barley varieties declined with approaches of autumn period. At the same period, net photosynthetic rate of different leaf position of the same barley variety was flag leaf > 2nd leaf from up>3rd leaf from up. More closed to the later of filling-legume, more significant difference in net photosynthetic rate between cool barley and warm barley, and cool barley was significantly higher than warm barley. With the growth gone, the difference of transpiration rate of different temperature type barleys was more obvious, cool barley was significantly higher than warm barley. Stomata factor and non-stomata factor could effect on photosynthetic during the period of senescence of barley leaves, and non- stomata factor was important limiting factor, but non- stomata factor of cool barley had a more superior.7. With senescence of barley, root bleaching raised firstly and then declined. Root bleaching sap of cool barley was more than warm barley, this showed that root system of cool barley had a hearty function that could offer more physiological metabolism materials in later growth. 8. All of Ear weight, Ear grains weight,1000-grains-weight of cool barley 95-83,D-18, Favorit were significantly higher than warm barley Ganpi4, Harrington and 99-6, these showed that filling-legume characteristic of cool barley was better than warm barley. But, Harvest index of cool barley was significantly lower than warm barley.this showed that the canopy temperature has the tremendous influence to the grain weight,but cool barley not necessarily have higher yield than warm barley, There is a link between different temperature varieties and grain yield and this is an area that needs exploration. The relation of the canopy temperature and the yield will be studied in the future.

  • 【分类号】S512.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】117

