

Identification and Genetic Analysis of the Resistance of Wheat-Psathyrostachys Husashanica Off Spring to Take-All

【作者】 魏芳勤

【导师】 陈新宏;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 种子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 小麦近缘植物存在着极为丰富的遗传多样性和可供改良小麦的优异基因,加强小麦与其近缘植物的杂交、鉴定和利用研究,必将为小麦生产和育种带来更大的进展。本研究通过细胞学分析、原位杂交、分子标记及形态学统计,对小麦-华山新麦草稳定后代株系中抗全蚀病材料进行了系统的鉴定与分析。主要结果如下:1.小麦-华山新麦草后代的抗全蚀病鉴定及其抗病材料的细胞学检测和GISH分析通过抗全蚀病的形态学鉴定统计,细胞学分析和基因组原位杂交(GISH),在8份小麦-华山新麦草稳定株系中,得到三个抗全蚀病株系。GISH检测出一个异附加系-H9017和一个异代换系-H922,而株系H924的GISH检测没出现杂交信号,推测可能是个小片段易位系。2. H924的F2群体对小麦全蚀病的抗病性遗传分析对96(15)×H924的F2群体抗感病性状用IECM算法估算结果表明,来自H924的抗性遗传由二对主基因+多基因控制,其遗传模型是B-1,主基因表现为加性-显性-上位性模型,主基因遗传率h2mg在两次重复中为别为96.7%和94.6%。3. H924抗小麦全蚀病基因的初步染色体定位用296对分布于小麦整个基因组的SSR引物对双亲PCR扩增,得到102对差异引物,这些引物在抗病池和感病池中进行扩增,有5对引物在池间表现出多态性。这5对SSR引物定位在5D和6D两条染色体上。其中5D上有3对引物出现,6D上出现2对。说明在这两条染色体上有抗全蚀病基因存在。

【Abstract】 The relative species of wheat has the quite rich genetic diversity and excellent genes which can improve wheat, strengthening the cross between wheat and the relative species, identification and utilization research, will promote the production and breeding of wheat. This research through the cytological analysis, in situ hybridization, molecular marker and Statistical Analysis on Morphology, some resistance Take-all lines of the stable derived lines of wheat–Psathyrostachys huashanica(2n=14,NN).were identificated Systematically and analysed. The main result is as follows:1.Resistance Take-all indentification of wheat-Psathyrostachys huashanica progeny and cytology analysis and GISH analysis of resistance lines By GISH detection,we obtained 3 resistance lines from 8 stable lines. H9017 is addition line and H922 is substitution line,but hybridization signal was not detected in H924, we can conjecture it is a translocation line with small fragments or introgression line into which anti-Take-all gene was transferred.2. The hereditary analysis of anti-Take-all of F2 group of H924 By IECM algorithm estimation result for the F2 group resistant and susceptible character of 96(15)×H924 show, Inheritance of Resistance is from two pairs of main gene and many gene control, main genic hereditary model is B-1,F2 group main genic hereditary rate is 96.7% and 94.6% respectivly.3. The chromosome location of anti-Take-all gene of H924 Via wheat SSR molecular mark technology to amplify genome of parents by 296 pairs of primers randomly distributed along the linkage map in (common)wheat we got 102 pairs of primer which can amplify polymorphic bands,5 pairs of these primers was polymorphic betweenhe resistant and susceptible bulk, primer which can amplify polymorphic bands appears most frequently in 5D,there were 3 pairs of primers,there were 2 pairs of primers in 6D .

  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】118

