

Studies on Quality Law of F1 of Hybrid Wheat and High Molecular Weght Glutenin Subunits Compositions

【作者】 潘栋梁

【导师】 张改生;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为了探明杂交小麦F1品质的组配规律及高分子量谷蛋白亚基组成规律,本研究选取具有不同品质类型的14个亲本材料,以8种设计,按照强筋×强筋、强筋×中筋、强筋×弱筋、中筋×强筋、中筋×中筋、弱筋×强筋、弱筋×中筋、弱筋×弱筋等方式组配成不同杂交组合,分别测定它们其中8种F2代的品质和亲本、F1代、F2代的高分子量谷蛋白亚基,研究了杂交小麦在不同组合中的品质状况和高分子量谷蛋白亚基的组成规律;同时选取6种异源细胞质和2种普通小麦,互相杂交,以测定6种异源细胞质对小麦籽粒蛋白质含量的影响。旨在为组配超高产、优质小麦强优势新组合,以及采用异源细胞质来改良小麦的品质提供一定的理论依据和技术支撑。试验获得如下重要结果:1、通过对杂交小麦F2籽粒品质的分析,在同一父本、不同母本的杂交组合中,以强筋小麦为母本的组合在品质各性状的表现均强于以中筋和弱筋的杂交组合。而在同一母本、不同父本的杂交组合中,以强筋、中筋和弱筋不同品种做父本的杂交组合在品质各个性状上却各有优劣,说明父本在杂交组合中,没有母本对后代品质的改良作用强,而母本对杂交小麦F2籽粒品质改良有很大的作用。本研究表明优质母本亲本对品质性状有影响,对于杂交小麦F2代的品质改良,在配制杂交组合时,应以优质亲本做母本。2、F2代HMW麦谷蛋白亚基在品质上的表现,1和5+10亚基对品质性状蛋白质、湿面筋、稳定时间、行成时间和弱化度的影响要超过null和2+12亚基,对于小麦的品质改良,引进5+10亚基具有重要的意义。3、在杂交小麦亲本和F1代的麦谷蛋白亚基比较中,供试亚基在杂交小麦F1代中出现了亚基共显性现象和缺失现象,而且经观察还发现,缺失的带基本都是父本的亚基带。对杂交小麦改良来说,以带有优质亚基的亲本材料作母本,能起到很大的作用。4、在杂交小麦亲本和F2代的麦谷蛋白亚基比较中,发现F2代的亚基组成与其组合中母本组合基本一致,F1代种植后,亚基会出现分离,由于高分子量谷蛋白亚基的倾母效应,母本亚基占的比例要大,所以后代亚基组成与母本更为相近。对杂交小麦改良来说,在亲本尤其是母本上带有对品质优异的亚基,对杂交小麦F2代品质的改良有很重要的作用。5、异源细胞质对F1代蛋白质含量的影响中,以6种异源细胞质为母本的正交组合在蛋白质含量与反交组合相比,在蛋白质含量上有很强的正效应。而以单芒和二角的细胞质正效应最大,与对照相比,高于其它4种类型的核质间组合。这表明这两种异源细胞质在提高总蛋白含量方面与不同核基因型的组合间存在良好的互作关系,具有普遍的和特异的核质互作杂种优势的存在。说明这两种山羊草细胞质在今后改良小麦蛋白质含量方面,以及选育有利于品质改良的不育细胞质源具有较高的利用价值。6、异源细胞质对小麦回交后代高分子量谷蛋白亚基的影响中,子粒中表现了亚基共显性现象。异源细胞质对小麦籽粒蛋白质含量的提高,这可能是Glu-B位点上不同亚基之间相互作用的结果。所以在不同类型的异源细胞质对蛋白质含量影响的效应中,不仅存在着显著的质核互作关系,而且在高分子量谷蛋白亚基上,不同亚基之间的相互作用,也提高了蛋白质含量。

【Abstract】 In order to detect the quality law and high molecular weight glutenin subunits compositions of F1 of hybrid wheat, 14 parents with different quality patterns was selected and 8 kinds of hybrid combinations was conducted as follows: strong-gluten×strong-gluten, strong-gluten×medium-gluten, strong-gluten×weak-gluten, medium-gluten×strong-gluten, medium-gluten×medium-gluten, weak-gluten×strong-gluten, weak-gluten×medium-gluten, weak-gluten×weak-gluten, and then quality of 8 types of F2 and high molecular weight glutenin subunits compositions of parents, F1 and F2 were determined. In the interim, 6 types of wheat with alloplasmic cytoplasms and 2 types of common wheat were selected and mutually bred in order to study the influence of alloplasmic cytoplasms on wheat seed protein content. This study aimed at providing theoretical base and technical assistance to conduct combination of high yield and good quality wheat and improve the quality using alloplasmic cytoplasms.It got the following results:1 Determination of the quality of F2 hybrid wheat showed that, in hybrid combinations of the same male parent with different female parents, the quality of combinations with strong-gluten female parent were more desirable than that with medium-gluten and weak-gluten female parents; in hybrid combinations of the same female parent with different male parents, the quality of combinations with strong-gluten, medium-gluten and weak-gluten male parents cannot be discriminated, indicting that female parent had a stronger role in quality improvement than male parent and female parent particularly took an important part in the seed quality improvement of F2. Therefore, female parent with desirable quality should be selected when mating combination was prepared.2 As for the performance of F2 HMW glutenin subunits, 1 and 5+10 subunits had stronger impact on protein, wet- gluten, dough stability time, development time and degree of softening than l and 2+12 subunits, so introduction of 5+10 subunits was of significance to the quality improvement of wheat.3 Comparison of glutenin subunits between parents and F1 of hybrid wheat showed that subunits co-dominance and deletion was observed in F1, moreover, deleted bands were subunits bands of male parents. It was suggested that female parent with elite subunit took an important role in quality improvement of hybrid wheat.4 Comparison of glutenin subunits between hybrid wheat parents and F2 showed that subunits composition of F2 was consistent with that of female parent. When F1 was planted, subunits appeared segregated, and because of the maternal inheritance of HMW-GS, subunits of female parent occupied a larger proportion, so progeny subunit was close to that of female parent. It was further proved that parent, particularly female parent, carrying elite subunit, could function necessarily to improve the quality of F2.5 As for the influence of alloplasmic cytoplasm on F1 protein content, orthogonal combinations with 6 types of alloplasmic cytoplasms as female parent, had strong positive effect on protein content compared with counter-junctions combinations, and the types of Ae.u-niaristata cytoplasm and Ae.bicornis cytoplasm had the strongest positive effect, more remarkable than that of other 4 types of nucleoplasm combinations. It was indicated that the types of alloplasmic cytoplasms had good interaction with different nuclear genotypes combinations in improvement of protein content, so the universal and special hererosis of nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction was present. It was showed that the two types of alloplasmic cytoplasms had high utilization value in improvement of protein content and development of sterile cytoplasms favorable to quality.6 The research of alloplasmic cytoplasm influence on HMW-GS of backcross offspring showed that subunits co-dominance was observed in seed. The improvement of protein content by alloplasmic cytoplasm types might be resulted from the interaction of different subunits at Glu-B loci. Therefore, not only remarkable interaction between cytoplasm and nucleolus improve the protein content, but the interaction of different HMW-GS.

  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【下载频次】40

