

Comprehensive Utilization of Botanical Pesticide Residues of Sabina Vulgaris Ant.

【作者】 袁旭超

【导师】 张兴;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农药学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 砂地柏作为农用活性植物具有良好的开发前景,本研究的主要目的是利用堆肥化处理砂地柏工厂化生产过程中产生的植物残渣,该方法是目前减量化、无害化以及资源化处理植物残渣最有效的处理方法之一,已成为有机废弃物处理研究领域的热点。本研究首先从土壤和腐烂木屑中分离出纤维素分解菌,筛选出纤维素分解能力最强菌通过混合培养,组建成一组复合菌剂并对该复合菌剂的性质及适宜的发酵条件进行研究;然后以砂地柏残渣为原料,利用堆肥技术和能够高效稳定分解木质纤维素的复合菌剂对其进行生物降解;最后对砂地柏残渣堆肥腐熟度进行评价以及对堆肥产物是否具有防治植物病害进行研究,研究的得到的结果如下:1、从土壤和腐烂木屑中共分离纯化得到71株菌,细菌37株,真菌29株,放线菌5株,其中纤维素分解菌13株。本实验考虑到在进行纤维素大分子降解的研究过程中微生物的产酶体系之间的协同效应,本复合菌剂由4种微生物组成复合菌剂,分别是H6、S11、M3和Y0,其中H6和S11是细菌,M3和Y0是真菌。2、通过实验研究表明,本复合菌剂的最佳培养基是麦麸培养基,培养条件是麦麸培养基pH为7.0,28℃、150 r/min培养3 d。3、将复合菌剂应用与砂地柏残渣堆肥实验,结果表明,该复合菌剂可以缩短堆肥时间,加快堆肥速率。4、植物农药砂地柏残渣堆肥的控制条件,调整初始材料中C/N为25~30,水分含量50%~60%。堆肥腐熟评判标准,颜色为黑褐色,无刺鼻气味,C/N在20以下,最高温度高于55℃的天数不少于7天,发芽率(GI)不低于80%。5、通过生长速率法、孢子萌发法以及盆栽实验,结果证明了该复合菌剂有一定的抑菌活性。

【Abstract】 Sabina vulgarisAnt. ,which has agricultural activity, has a apparente prospect, the main purpose of this study is to handle the botanical marc which were generated in the factory production by composting process. Composting was regarded as one of the effective methods that were used to handle the botanical marc though the minimization, utilization and environmentally sound treatment,and has became hot filed of organic waste utilization.By separating and screening the cellulose-degrading microbes which were from soil and rotten sawdust, high–effective microorganisms were isolated, compound microbial fertilizer (CMF)were gotten at the same time through antagonism experiment and determination of cellulase specific activity,their best culture condition and zymogenic characteristics had also been studied.Then the biological degradation of Sabina vulgarisAnt. botanical marc was studied by composting process, compound microbial fertilizer which could decompose cellulose effectively and stably also took part in this process.At last the compost maturity was meatured and the effect of composing production on plant disease was also studied. The reS11lts of this paper were as follows:1. 71 microbes were got from the soil and the rotten sawdust , 25 of them were bacteria, 30 of them were fungi and 5 were actinomycetes, 13 of them had decomposing ability of cellulose , because of the synergism of cellulose -degrading microbes, compound microbial fertilizer were gotten through antagonism experiment, compound microbial fertilizer was composed of four microorganisms, H6,S11,M3 and Y0 , H6 and S11 were bacteria, M3 andY0 were fungi.2. The experiment proved that the best culture medium of compound microbial fertilizer was wheat bran medium, had the highest enzyme activity at 28℃,pH 7.0 , 150 r/min after cultured 3 days.3. The experiment proved that can the compound microbial fertilizer reduce the time course of composing , accelerate the rate of composing process.4. The plant agricultural chemicals sand cypress residual compost’s control requirement, in the adjustment initial material C/N is 25~30, the moisture content 50%~60%. The compost well-rotted compost judgment standard, the color is a vandyck brown, the non-sharp aroma, C/N below 20, the maximum temperature is higher than 55℃the number of days many in 7 days, Germinates the index (GI) is not lower than 80%.5. The experiment proved that the compound microbial fertilizer had bacteriostasis ability by the growth rate experiment, the spore germination experiment and the pot experiment.

  • 【分类号】S141.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】124

