

Allelopathy of Lily Root Exudates on Some Receiver Ornamental Plants

【作者】 董小艳

【导师】 程智慧;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 百合是世界主要的商品花卉之一,深受消费者的喜欢。但百合在栽培中忌重茬,研究百合根系分泌物对观赏植物的化感作用,将为百合产业化生产中选择后茬作物,构建合理的栽培制度提供理论依据。本试验以波利安娜和白狐百合为供体材料,以莴苣、满天星、千日红、金鱼草为受体材料,采用水培、滤纸培和组织培养三种方法为研究手段,通过生物测定,探讨了百合根系分泌物的化感效应,并比较了三种研究方法的优缺点。主要研究结果如下:(1)利用水培的方法收集百合根系分泌物,对四种受体植物进行生物测定,结果表明,波利安娜根系分泌物对莴苣和满天星的化感抑制作用不强,都未达显著水平,甚至对有的指标起促进作用;而对千日红和金鱼草的发芽率和发芽指数表现显著的抑制作用。白狐根系分泌物对满天星苗高起促进作用,对其他指标均表现抑制作用,但差异不显著;而对其他3种受体植物则表现较强的化感抑制作用。因此认为莴苣和满天星可作为波利安娜百合的后茬作物,满天星可作为白狐百合的后茬作物。(2)采用滤纸培的方法收集百合根系分泌物,同样对四种受试植物进行生物测定。结果表明,波利安娜根系分泌物对莴苣和满天星的根长和侧根数的抑制作用达到显著水平(可能是根与化感物质直接接触的原因),但对这2种受体植物的其他指标的抑制作用均未达显著水平;对金鱼草的化感抑制作用除发芽率和根鲜重未达显著水平外,其他指标均达显著水平;对千日红的化感抑制作用除根鲜重外,其余指标均达显著水平;白狐根系分泌物对4种园艺植物的化感作用,总体上表现为抑制作用大于促进作用。因此认为莴苣和满天星可作为玻璃安娜百合的后茬作物,而四种受试植物均不适合作白狐百合的后茬作物。(3)为了排除微生物的影响,本试验还采用了组织培养的方法收集百合根系分泌物,研究了根系分泌物对受体植物发芽及幼苗生长的影响,并对化感机理进行了初步探讨。波利安娜根系分泌物对满天星的形态指标(除地上部鲜重)均表现化感抑制作用,但差异不显著,对根系活力表现的抑制作用也不显著,虽然对SOD活性有明显的降低,但MDA含量却减少了,说明植物并没有受到太大伤害;对其他3种受体作物的抑制作用大于促进作用。白狐百合根系分泌物对四种受体植物的化感作用,总体上表现为抑制作用大于促进作用。因此认为满天星可作为波利安娜百合的后茬作物,而四种受试植物均不适合作白狐百合的后茬作物。(4)三种方法收集得到的百合根系分泌物对受体植物的发芽率和发芽指数均表现出化感抑制作用,而对幼苗生长表现出的化感作用不尽相同。其原因可能是受体植物幼苗生长条件、根际环境不同以及不同方法收集到的化感物质数量和质量不同。三个试验研究结果一致表明,白狐百合根系分泌物对受体植物的化感抑制作用大于波利安娜百合根系分泌物。水培收集法简单、方便、易于作进一步的分析。滤纸培收集法更具直接性、真实性等优点。组培收集法可不受季节、环境条件的限制,还可以排除病、虫害和土壤及土壤微生物的干扰。

【Abstract】 Lily is one of the main commodity flowers and deeply favored by customer. In planting, lily should be avoided continuing in the same terra, accordingly, the allelopathy effects of supplier plant lily root exudates on four receiver ornamental plants were studied to provide a theory basis about forming reasonable cultivate system. Pollyanna and White fox as supplier plants, lettuce(Lactuca sativa), snapdragon(Antirrhinum majus), gomphrena(Gomphrena globosa)and starriness(Gypsophila elegans)as receiver plants, the study using hydroponic culture, filter paper culture, tissue culture methods to collect root exudates discussed the allelopathy effects of root exudates and compared merits and demerits of the three methods. The main results were as follows.(1) The hydroponic culture method was used to collect lily root exudates. Allelopathy of two lily cultivars root exudates were researched by biological testing. The results showed that lily cv. Pollyanna have a inapparent inhibit effect on some targets of lettuce and starriness, even have a promote effect on other targets of those, but have a significantly inhibited on germination rate and germination index of gomphrena and snapdragon. The shoot height of starriness were promoted by the root exudates of lily cv. White fox, and the other targets were not significantly inhibited. Lettuce, snapdragon, gomphrena were significantly inhibited by lily cv. White fox. So lettuce and starrines were the tolerant letter crops of Pollyanna. Starrines was the tolerant letter crops of White fox.(2) The filter culture method was used to collect lily root exudates. Allelopathy of two lily cultivars root exudates were researched by biological testing. The root length and the number of lateral root of lettuce and starriness were significantly inhibited by the root exudates of lily cv. Pollyanna, and the other targets were not significantly inhibited. The germination rate and root fresh mass of snapdragon were not significantly inhibited by the root exudates of lily cv. Pollyanna, and the other targets were significantly inhibited. The gomphrena were significantly inhibited by the root exudates of lily cv. Pollyanna excepting the root fresh mass. The root exudates of White fox on four receiver plants, the inhibitory action was bigger than the promoter action. Lettuce and starriness were the tolerant letter crops of Pollyanna. The four receiver plants were not suitable as the latter crops of White fox.(3) To eliminate disturbance of microorganism, the filter culture method was used to collect lily root exudates. Allelopathy of two lily cultivars root exudates and mechanism were researched. The modality targets of starriness(except the top fresh mass) were not significantly inhibited by lily cv. Pollyanna, and TTC reduction was not significantly inhibited, SOD activity was fell, but MDA contents was reduced, which shows the plant was not injured. The lily cv. Pollyanna on the others, the inhibitory action was bigger than promoter action. The root exudates of White fox on four receiver plants, the inhibitory action was bigger than the promoter action. So starriness was the tolerant letter crops of Pollyanna. The four receiver plants were not suitable as the latter crops of White fox.(4) Root exudates collected by three methods consistently exhibit inhibitory action on germination rate and germination index of the four receiver plants, but have a incompletely consistent effect on seedling growth of the four receiver plants. Perhaps, the reason is that there are some difference in growth condition, rhizosphere environment, and the quantity and quality of allelochemicals. Besides, the three studies showed conformably that the allelopathic inhibitory action of root exudates of white fox was bigger than those of Pollyanna. The water culture method is simpleness, convenience and prone to do more analysis. The filter culture method can collect root exudates directly and veritably. The tissue culture method is not restricted by season and environment, and can eliminate influence of plant diseases and insect pests and microorganism.

【关键词】 百合化感作用根系分泌物
【Key words】 lilyallelopathyroot exudates
  • 【分类号】S682.29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】498

