

Study on Environment Protection Planning on Centralized Water Supply Source in Yangling City

【作者】 余光亚

【导师】 呼世斌;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究调查了杨凌示范区城市饮用水源地的地理环境及水源概况,根据国家的相关政策法规对杨凌城市集中供水水源地源头保护进行了环境保护专项规划,研究提出了全区三个水源地的一、二级保护区范围、面积,研究制定了饮用水水源地环境保护工程规划,并对规划进行了可达性分析和效益评估,以保证杨凌城市的供水资源不再受到污染,以利于杨凌示范区的可持续发展(具体规划详图见附录)。杨凌示范区位于全国宏观经济布局的一级发展轴线上,属陕西传统的关中经济区,是关中高新技术产业带和星火产业带上的重要节点城市,是以农业高新技术产业开发与示范为主导,农业科教、旅游、商贸等第三产业发达的、交通便捷、信息畅通、城乡空间有机整合的生态型、田园式、具有现代化生态景观风貌、可持续发展的中国农业科学城和农业“硅谷”,陕西关中的区域性中心城市。由于近年来渭河水质总体恶化的趋势仍没有得到根本性改观,对陕西关中地区地表水环境负面影响十分明显,对杨凌城市地表水和地下水质量也有一定的冲击,加之杨凌示范区经济一直保持着较快的发展速度,生产、生活废水排放量急剧增加,地下水水质已有不断恶化趋势,城市饮用水源地周边环境污染的危险性日趋增大,城市居民用水安全受到极大地挑战.本规划依据杨凌示范区“十一五”国民经济发展总体规划,参照有关环境保护标准和技术导则,科学合理地编制城市饮用水源地环境保护规划,对保障杨凌地区水资源持续利用和实现经济社会可持续发展具有非常重要的意义,将为杨凌示范区政府宏观决策和水资源的安全管理提供科学依据。全文共分为六章。第一章对杨凌饮用水源地进行了概述;第二章阐述了规划的原则、依据、范围及目标;第三章介绍了饮用水水源保护区的划分与核定;第四章对饮用水源地环境质量状况进行了评价;第五章规划了饮用水源地的环境保护工程;第六章对项目的可达性及投资和效益评估、规划实施的计划和保障进行了分析和总结。

【Abstract】 The study explores the general situation of geographic environment and source of drinking water source. On the basis of relevant state policy, the paper makes special environment protection planning for centralized water supply source in Yangling City, puts forward first and second class protection region scope and coverage of three water sources in Yangling region, works out environment protection project plan for drinking water source. Besides, the paper makes feasibility analysis and benefit assessment to ensure the city’s pollution-free water supply source and sustainable development of Yangling Agricultural Hi-tech Demonstration Zone(see detailed planning in appendix).Yangling Demonstration Zone is located on the first class development axis of state macro economic planning, belonging to traditional Guanzhong Plain Economical Zone and key node city on Guanzhong Hi-tech Industry belt and Spark Industry belt. Yangling, with agriculture hi-tech development and demonstration as its guide, boasts advanced third industry such as agriculture hi-tech education, tourism, business and commerce, enjoys the reputation as china’s agriculture "silicon" with sustainable development, convenient transportation, up-to-date information, ecological and pastoral mode, a perfect combination of city and countryside and modern ecological scenery. Yangling city is also the central regional city in Guanzhong Plain.In recent years, deterioration of water quality in Weihe River has not been solved fundamentally, which poses obvious threat to earth surface water in Guanzhong region, as a result, earth’s surface water and underground water quality in Yangling city has also been affected. In addition, since Yangling Demonstration Zone has maintained fast development momentum, production and domestic waste water discharge amount has increased dramatically, and underground water quality is going from bad to worse, the city’s drinking water source and the danger of surrounding environment pollution has multiplied, as a consequence, the safety of residents drinking water has been challenged. The plan, based on " Eleventh Five " national economical overall planning of Yangling Demonstration Zone, with reference to relevant environment protection criteria and technical guide, designs scientifically and rationally drinking water source environment protection plan of the city, which will have far reaching effect on ensuring continued development of water source in Yangling region and its sustainable economical development, and will provide scientific basis for Yangling government’s macro decision and water source safety management.The paper includes six chapters. Chapter one gives a brief introduction of Yangling city’s drinking water source; chapter two illustrates the principle, basis, scope and objective of the plan; chapter three introduces the classification and approval of drinking water source protection zone; chapter four evaluates environment quality of drinking water source; chapter five proposes environment protection plan of drinking water source; chapter six makes an assessment of project feasibility, investment and benefit, analyses and summarizes project plan and guarantee of project implementation.

【关键词】 水源地环境保护杨凌规划
【Key words】 water sourceenvironment protectionYanglingplanning
  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】504

