

Studies on the Brewing Techniques of Apricot for Kernel Flesh Vinegar and Its Health-Care Function

【作者】 樊艳丽

【导师】 李志西;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以仁用杏果肉为原料,对其果肉的主要营养成分进行了分析测定,酿造制得仁用杏醋。并以仁用杏醋为研究对象,对其理化特性及抗氧化特性进行分析测定,通过动物(小鼠)试验研究了仁用杏醋的减肥功能和降血脂功能,得到如下结果:1.仁用杏果肉除含糖量较低外,在有机酸、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素C、果胶、钙、钾、铁、硒、锰等元素和多酚类物质的含量等许多方面均优于很多普通果品,是集营养和保健为一体的宝贵食品原料,具有广阔的开发利用前景。2.仁用杏果实表面的微生物种类非常丰富,但粉碎后的果肉浆液在密闭发酵状态下,随着酵母菌快速繁殖扩大,细菌和霉菌等逐渐被抑制,最终仅有酵母菌和少量醋酸菌和乳酸菌生长,从而可以作为酿造果酒和果醋的原料而保存半年以上。3.采用在粉碎打浆后的仁用杏果肉浆液中添加适量混合糖、2‰果胶酶和2‰酵母菌进行酒精发酵,用自制的果醋发酵罐进行液态深层醋酸发酵,再通过0.45μm微孔膜过滤、壳聚糖或混合蛋白液澄清处理、85℃保持15min杀菌等工艺,可以生产出符合国家标准的高质量的果醋。4.通过正交试验设计筛选出的仁用杏醋饮料的最优配方为:酸度0.6g/100ml,乳酸钙添加量为0.15%,蛋白糖添加量为0.09%,高麦芽糖桨的添加量为8%,杏香精的添加量为0.01%,乙基麦芽酚的添加量为0.0045%。5.仁用杏醋具有较强的抗氧化能力,总抗氧化能力和对二苯代苦味酰基自由基(DPPH·)的清除作用远远高于柿子醋和苹果醋。6.利用高脂肪营养饲料建立小鼠营养性肥胖和高血脂模型,对仁用杏醋和苦荞醋的减肥和降血脂功能进行了对比试验研究。动物试验研究结果表明:与普通对照组相比较,营养对照组小鼠的体重增长速度、脂肪总重量、脂肪系数、胆固醇、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)和动脉硬化指数等指标均显著地高于普通对照组(P﹤0.05),说明动物试验减肥模型和降血脂模型的建模是成功可行的。试验组小鼠(与营养对照组小鼠饲喂相同的营养饲料)体重增长速度、脂肪总重量和脂肪系数小于营养对照组,表明仁用杏醋和苦荞醋对小鼠的体重增长和脂肪组织的生成有一定的抑制作用,具有减肥功效。试验组小鼠的胆固醇、甘油三酯和动脉硬化指数低于营养对照组,表明食用仁用杏醋和苦荞醋均可预防动脉硬化,降低血清中的血脂含量,仁用杏醋降血脂效果更明显。

【Abstract】 This research analyzed and mensurated the main nutritional components of the apricot for kernel,and used it as the raw material to brew vinegar.Then analyzed and mensurated some physical and chemical properties of the vinegar, and also maked some research on antioxidant of the vinegar. Experiment on white mice was also the important part of our research to study on the effect of apricot for kernel vinegar on the reducing obesity and reducing blood lipids function; the main results are as following:1. Compared with other common fruits, apricot for kernel is rich in Organic acid, Protein, Fat, Vitamin C, Pectic, Polyhydroxybenzene ,Calcium, Kalium, Iron, Selenium, Manganese and so on, however, it is poor in sugar. Apricot for kernel has capacious foreground because it is a kind of food material which possesses nutritional and health keeping characteristics.2. The kinds of microorganism on the surface of the material are very abundant, but after the flesh is crushed to slurry and is sealed in the fermented jar, bacterial and mildew are prohibited and yeast multiply very quickly. At last, there are only yeast, actobacters, and lactobacillus living in slurry, so flesh of the apricot for kernel can be stored for more than half one year at leastas the material used to produce vinegar or wine.3. Added proper mixed sugar, 2‰pectic enzyme and 2‰yeast to the crushed apricot slurry to producing apricot wine, then made the wine to change into vinegar in fermented jar designed by ourselves, finally, adopted tiny orifices membrane to filtrate, shell polysaccharide or mixed albumen liquid to clarify, and 85℃,15min to sterilize, we can get high quality fruit vinegar accorded with national standard.4. The optimal prescription we selected to produce apricot vinegar through orthogonal design test was: acidity 0.6g/100ml, lati-calcium0.15%, albumen sugar0.09%, high maltose8%, apricot essence0.01%, ethylic malt hydroxybenzene 0.0045%.5. The apricot vinegar has higher antioxidation ability, total antioxidation ability and eliminating (DPPH·)ability are much higher than persimmon vinegar and apple vinegar.6. To used nutritional fodder that is rich in fat to establish two models: one is fat caused by high nutrition, the other is high blood fat. We used these two models to do some research on the function of reducing obesity and reducing blood lipids of apricot for kernel vinegar and buckwheat vinegar. In the experiment on white mice, some indexes, including the weight growth velocity, total fat, fat coefficient, cholesterol level, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and atherogenic index, were determined. All indexes of nutrition group had increased significant than that of normal group(P<0.05), indicated that animal weight-reduce model and reducing blood lipids model we used was feasible and successful. Compared the results of weight growth velocity, total fat and fat coefficient between nutrition group and vinegar-feed group, the vinegar-feed group had lower level, showed that apricot for kernel vinegar and tartary buckwheat vinegar would help to restrain the weight growth and adipose tissue formation. The content of cholesterol level, triglyceride and atherogenic index of vinegar group were also lower than that of nutrition group, indicated that apricot for kernel vinegar and buckwheat vinegar could prevent arteriosclerosis, helpful in reducing blood lipids content in the serum, and the former was even better.

  • 【分类号】TS264.22
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】474

