

Researching Fermentation Technology and Developmenting New Product of Dense Wine

【作者】 马粉娟

【导师】 刘邻渭;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 粮食油脂及植物蛋白工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 稠酒是我国传统的一种特色低度酒。它是以糯米为原料,经浸米、蒸米、糖化、发酵等工序酿制而成,富含葡萄糖、麦芽糖、氨基酸、维生素、有机酸、多糖等成分,具有较高的营养价值,是滋补健身的佳品。稠酒传统酿酒技术多属经验型,没有统一标准,酒的质量参差不齐,产品性能不稳,不易大规模生产。本文在传统稠酒酿制的基础上,对稠酒的工业化液化条件、糖化条件、发酵工艺、稳定剂的使用及杀菌条件等进行了研究,并对稠酒新产品开发进行了探讨,取得了如下结果:1.通过试验确定以α-淀粉酶作为液化稠酒酒胚的液化剂,通过单因素试验确定液化工艺条件为:加酶量为糯米干重的1.0%,液化温度为40℃,液化时间为120min。2.以β-淀粉酶作为糖化酶糖化稠酒酒胚,通过单因素试验确定最优糖化工艺条件为:加酶量为糯米干重的0.5%(mL/100g),糖化温度30℃,糖化时间为24h。3.采用L9 (34)正交试验确定稠酒发酵剂的组成配比,对试验结果进行极差分析,确定复合发酵剂最优配比为:0.4%安琪甜酒曲+ 0.05%黄酒酵母+ 0.1%葡萄酒酵母(按糯米原料干重的质量百分比计)。4.采用L9 (34)正交试验确定稠酒最优发酵工艺:在蒸熟放凉的糯米中加水1倍,经液化、糖化后,拌入复合发酵剂发酵,发酵温度为30℃,发酵时间为72h(三天),复合发酵剂的加量比为甜酒曲0.64%、黄酒酵母0.04%、葡萄酒酵母0.08%(按糯米原料干重的质量百分比计)。5.采取蛋白酶稳定剂复合的方法,增加混浊型稠酒的稳定性。试验结果表明最佳稳定方法为: 10ml/kL木瓜蛋白酶在pH 4.6、60°C下水解3h后,添加1.2%的黄原胶,在75℃~80℃杀菌30-40 min。按此工艺生产,混浊型稠酒的稳定性可以保持150天以上。6.澄清型稠酒的最佳澄清与稳定方法为: 5℃冷处理24h—36h后,取上清液,添加0.04%的黄原胶,在80℃~85℃之间杀菌30min-40min。按此工艺生产,澄清稠酒的稳定性可以保持200天以上。7.以澄清型稠酒为基料,以料水比为1﹕30,75℃回流2h分别制备荷叶、竹叶和芦苇液的提取液为辅料,进行勾兑调配,研制出三种稠酒清凉饮料。其最佳配比分别为:荷叶稠酒清凉饮料:按照体积比为54﹕30﹕15﹕1将澄清型稠酒、荷叶提取液、40%蜂蜜溶液和1.0%柠檬酸溶液混合,然后在75℃杀菌30min。竹叶稠酒清凉饮料:按照体积比为51.5﹕32.5﹕15﹕1将澄清型稠酒、竹叶提取液、40%蜂蜜溶液和1.0%柠檬酸溶液混合,然后在75℃杀菌30min。芦苇叶稠酒清凉饮料:按照体积比为45.8﹕35﹕18﹕1.2将澄清型稠酒、芦苇叶提取液、40%蜂蜜溶液和1.0%柠檬酸溶液混合,然后在75℃杀菌30min。8.结合传统桂花处理方法,研究桂花稠酒的生产工艺。试验结果为:桂花糖渍后,按6.25%加入混浊型稠酒,75℃回流提取2.5h,通过无菌过滤器粗滤后直接无菌灌装。9.将茶饮料与澄清型稠酒结合,研究红茶稠酒的最佳制作工艺。试验结果为:红茶按0.8%加入澄清型稠酒,80℃回流提取30min,通过无菌过滤器过滤后直接无菌灌装。

【Abstract】 Dense wine was a kind of traditional low alcohol health beverage in China. It was brewed through socking rice, steaming rice, saccharifying, fermenting etc.by using glutinous rice as material. It was in glucose, maltose, amino acid, vitamin, organic acid and polysaccharose, and was a fine nourishing product with high nutritive value.But the traditional brewing skill was always according to experience, there was not unified standard so the qualities were diferent and the properties of final product were unsteady that it unease produce in big scale. Therefore, the liquefaction condition,saccharifying conditions, fermenting processing, the using of stabilizer and sterilizing condition, and the processing and technique were researched for new dense wine.The following achievements were obtained.1.The best liquefying reaction was conducted by 1.0%а-amylase at 40℃for 120min by the single-factor experiments2. The best saccharification reaction was conducted by 0.5%β-amylase at 30℃for 24h optimized by the single-factor experiments.3. The best ingredient of the yeast complex were consisted of 0.8% liqueur koji,0.05% yellow rice wine yeast and 0.1% grapte wine yeast optimized by orthogonal experiments.4. The best fermentation conditions were 1 to1 of rice to water, 0.64%, 0.04% and 0.08% of the three yeasts, at 30℃for 72h optimized by orthogonal experiments. The unique flavor and pure spirit of wine had been made by those optimized technology.5. Composite the protease and stabilizer could increase efficiently the stability of opacity dense wine.The best quality indicated that treating with 10ml/kL papain at pH 4.6, 60°C for 3h firstly, then adding 0.04% xanthan gum, and being incubated at 75℃-80℃for 30-40min . The best sterilizing condition of opacity dense wine was obtained,6. The best clarification methods wascold treatment at 5℃for 24h, adding the 0.04% xanthan gum in supernatant. The best sterilizing condition of clarification dense wine was water bath 80℃-85℃for 30-40min.7. The series dense wine beverage were made by adding the lotus leaf extract, bamboo leaves extract and reed leaves extract into clarification dense wine respectively. The best composition of lotus leaf dense wine beverage were:54% dense wine,30%lotus leaf extract,10% honey which mass fraction was 40%,1% citric acid which mass fraction was 1.0%.The best composition of bamboo leaves dense wine beverage were:51.5% dense wine,32.5% bamboo leaves extract,15% honey which mass fraction was 40%,1% citric acid which mass fraction was 1.0%.The best composition of reed leaves dense wine beverage were:45.8% dense wine,35% reed leaves extract,18% honey which mass fraction was 40%,1.2% citric acid which mass fraction was 1.0%.8. The production process of osmanthus fragrans dense wine was reseached, combineing with the traditional ones and some innovation methods. The test results had been gotten by addition 6.25% sugaring osmanthus fragrans, reflux extracting at 75℃for 2.5h, and filtrating though the screen .9. A new kind of dense wine product was developed by adding the black tea. The test results was: addition 0.8% black tea, reflux extracting at 80℃for 30min, and filtrating though the screen .

  • 【分类号】TS262
  • 【下载频次】537

