

Research on Regional Suitability Evaluation Index System and Application of Household Biogas

【作者】 包风霞

【导师】 杨改河;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国每年农村农作物秸秆和人畜粪便产生量巨大,若处理不合理,不仅是对生物质能源的浪费,而且会造成严重的空气、土壤和地下水等污染,给人们的生活和生产带来不良影响。发展农村沼气不仅能增加农村能源供应,提高广大农民的生活质量和收入水平,而且对推动农村经济发展和改善农村生态环境、全面建设社会主义新农村具有深远的意义。经过多年发展,我国农村沼气建设取得了显著成效,形成了成熟的沼气生产技术、科学的沼气建设模式、成功的沼气建设管理经验、健全的管理服务体系和较好的群众基础。但是,同时也应该看到,随着户用沼气的普及,在农村户用沼气推广过程中存在着极大的盲目性,在不适宜地区推广沼气建设事业,非但未能取得预期的效果,也造成了资源、人力、物力的极大浪费。目前,有关农村户用沼气区域适宜性评价的研究是沼气建设中的薄弱环节,特别是如何评价农村户用沼气区域适宜的程度、应该采用哪些指标以及如何通过这些指标来衡量当前农村户用沼气区域适宜性的相关报道和研究成果较少。由于缺少可操作的量化指标和方法,许多地区对本地区农村户用沼气发展适宜程度无法作出科学的判断,沼气建设的模式、综合利用途径及合理规划缺乏合理的依据,从而影响到决策层的科学决策,严重阻碍了农村用户沼气事业发展战略的制定与实施。本研究在参阅已有研究成果和国内外农村户用沼气发展状况分析研究的基础上,构建了农村户用沼气区域适宜性评价指标体系,提出适用于农村户用沼气区域适宜性评价的方法,并进行实证分析,为各地农村户用沼气区域适宜性评价工作提供参考和借鉴。得出以下主要结论:(1)总结了国内外农村户用沼气的发展状况,针对目前我国农村户用沼气建设过程中普遍存在着缺乏规划,发展不平衡;认识不到位,对沼气建设重视不够;缺乏资金,农户承担费用过高;宣传、培训力度不够;不重视沼气配套技术,综合利用率低;技术力量薄弱,后续服务跟不上的问题,提出了相应的解决对策。(2)在参阅农村户用沼气区域适宜性评价相关研究的基础上,遵照指标选取的科学性、主导性、综合性、层次性和可操作性原则,构建了由气候适宜性、资源适宜性、经济适宜性、社会适宜性四个子系统;年平均气温、年平均日照时数、全年≤10℃日数、≥10℃积温、乡村人口数、主要农作物产量、牲畜年末存栏数、农民人均纯收入、地方财政收入、乡村劳动力、人口自然增长率、适龄儿童入学率,共12个具体指标组成的农村户用沼气区域适宜性评价指标体系。(3)本论文在对常用综合评价方法比较分析的基础上,运用主成分分析和聚类分析相结合的评价方法对农村户用沼气区域适宜性进行综合评价。利用主成分分析法进行综合评价,筛选出影响农村户用沼气区域适宜性评价的主要因子;运用聚类分析法对主成分得分进行聚类,从而得到区域划分结果。(4)在构建的农村户用沼气区域适宜性评价指标和选择的评价方法的基础上,以延安市为例进行实证分析。应用DPS多元统计软件中提供的主成分分析法对延安市农村户用沼气区域适宜性综合分析;用聚类分析方法进行区域划分。延安市农村户用沼气区域适宜性综合得分排序结果为:吴旗县>安塞县>洛川县>志丹县>延川县>宜川县>黄龙县。根据聚类分析结果将延安7个县划分为3类:户用沼气适宜区,次适宜区和不适宜区,适宜区包括延川县、宜川县2个县;次适宜区包括安塞县、洛川县、吴旗县;不适宜区包括志丹县、黄龙县2个县。

【Abstract】 Crop Straw,animal and human manure quantity is large in China every year,irrationally treatment is both a waste of biomass energy source and will cause serious air pollution,soil pollution and groundwater pollution,it may bring harmful effects to people’s life and production activities.To develop the biogas in the rural area not only increases energy supply,but also significance to promote development of rural economy and improve the ecological environment of rural area.Through many years’ development,China has gained significant effects in the term of construction of biogas pools,has formed mature technology of biogas production,scientific model of biogas construction,has gained sound system of management and service and better popularity.However,during process of biogas extension,there is still the blindness,which will influnce expected effect and waste human resources and material resources.However,evaluation on regional suitability of household is a weak link in biogas construction.,especially little correlation reports and study has been done about how to evaluate household regional suitable level,what index should be used and how to evaluate by these index.Due to lack of workable quantitative index and method,scientific judgement for suitable level cannot be drawn in many area,because lack reasonable basis in biogas construction mode,comprehensive utilization ways and reasonable planning.Thus affect scientific decision of decision level,has hampered establishment and implement of development for household biogas in rural area seriously.On the base of consulting previous references and comprehensively analysing of developing situation of biogas.Index system of assessment of regional suitability in china is constructed and comprehensive evaluation method was proposed,then there give a empirical analysis,the reseach can provide a basis to evaluation on regional suitability of household biogas.Through analysing and researching, main conclusions are as follows:(1) Survey of household biogas in China is conclusioned,due to a series of problems,as fellows:lack planning and household biogas development is different;exist incomplete understanding andlack necessary attention to household construction;lack of money and spend much money;propaganda and training and power is not satisfy;pay little attention to matching technology and low comprehensive utilization rate;weak technology force and follow service is not timely.At last dissertation was put forward.(2) On the base of consulting related references,according to principle of scientificity, scientificity,hierarchy assembly,comprehensiveness and maneuverability,in view of climate,resources,economy and society,the research constructs index system of assessment of regional suitability,including average temperature,average sunshine time,day of less then 10℃in one year,moer then 10℃cumulative temperature,rural population,major fame products output,main livestock penned,rural average net income,local financial revenue,rural laborer,population natual growth rate and rate for children school age,12 index variable in totle.(3) Affter comparison and analysis different comprehensive evaluation method,forward applying principal component analysis to evaluate regional suitability of household biogas.through principal component analysis,can screened out main factors of index system evaluation;region clivision can get by cluster analysis with factor value.(4) On the base of index system and evaluation method of regional suitability.A case study of Yan’an City,comprensive analysis was analyzed by principal components analytic method and the regional classification was classified by cluster analytic method.The results of the comprehensive sequencing of regional suitability of household biogas in the Yan’an City is:Wuqi County>Ansai County>Luochuan County>Zhidan Country>Yanchuan Country>Yichuan Country>Huanglong Country.With the clustering analysis divided 7 country into 3 regional suitability types:suitable region,fairly suitable region,unsuitable region.Suitable region includes Yanchuan Country andYichuan Country;fairly suitable region includes Ansai County,Luochuan County and Wuqi County;unsuitable region includes Zhidan Country and Huanglong Country.

  • 【分类号】S216.4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】735

