

The Use of Massage in Treating Common Orthopedics Diseases

【作者】 许世政

【导师】 关俊辉;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中医学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究背景:在2003年8月8日召开的全国首届骨科学术论坛上,来自全国各地及港澳台、东南亚的700余位骨科专家、学者齐聚青岛,就颈、腰椎病的发病现状与治疗手段进行了为期两天的讨论与交流。研讨中大家一致认为:颈、腰椎病发病率正呈现逐年升高的趋势,且发病年龄愈发年轻化、低龄化,是一个不可忽视的社会化问题,是继癌症、心脑血管疾病之后威胁人类健康的又一大“杀手”。随着市场经济的发展,人民的生活水平不断提高,人们的生活节奏、工作节奏不断加快。人们的生存压力越来越重!特别是进入20世纪90年代以来,高节奏、高效率、高负荷主宰了人们的工作、生活,这使得本来已不堪重负的人体颈椎和腰椎更显得岌岌可危。在现代日常生活中,颈椎病和腰椎病已经成为上班族和中老年人群中最为常见的多发病,仅在我国的发病率就高达15%,且致残率较高。更多的人则处于一种“亚健康状态”,他们的颈、肩、腰、腿等都可能存在不同程度的损伤,但由于工作繁忙或不在意而得不到治疗。“亚健康状态”是在不断变化发展的,如处理得当,则身体可向健康转化;反之,则身体状况恶化甚至是患上严重的疾病。处在亚健康状态中的人大部分并未达到住院和门诊治疗的指征,但长期的疼痛和活动不便对其生活质量有着严重的影响。在这样的背景下,临床反映出,骨科门诊和病房收治的病人中,颈肩腰腿痛的病人所占的比率越来越大,而各医院骨科,推拿科的病人也越来越多。这些骨科病人中大部分并未达到手术指征,因而多采用保守治疗,保守治疗又以推拿或者说正骨手法为主。研究目的:保守治疗在骨科常见疾病的治疗中所占的比率逐年上升,传统中医,尤其是推拿疗法则显示不可替代的独特疗效。通过对推拿机理的研究和推拿在骨科中的应用的研究能更好的预防和治疗骨科常见的颈肩腰腿痛。通过对推拿的作用原理和治疗原则,骨科常见颈肩腰腿痛的发生、发展情况;“颈椎病、腰腿痛、肩关节炎病”的分型、治疗方法、推拿适应症及推拿手法、结合其他方法综合治疗;颈肩腰腿痛的保健推拿按摩等,进行综合分析和总结,从而使推拿在骨科能发挥更大的作用。研究结果推拿有”简单、经济、有效、无副作用”等优点,对于骨科常见病的保守治疗和预防保健中起着重要的作用。在颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出、肩关节病等发病初期和中期有明显的改善功能活动、缓解疼痛等作用;在上述疾病的后期则可能作用不大甚至会造成不良的后果,一般推荐采用手术疗法以治疗其根本致病源。保健推拿按摩能有效的预防颈肩腰腿疾病的发生,在疾病发生后能有效的缓解疼痛和改善生活质量。

【Abstract】 Backgroud:On August 8, 2003, the first national orthopedic academic forum was held in Qingdao, more than 700 orthopedic experts and scholars from across the mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia gathered together,discussing about the incidence and treatment of the neck and lumbar vertebra diseases for two days. The members of the seminar agreed that incidence rate of the neck and lumbar vertebra diseases was increasing year by year and the incidence age bacame lower.It should not be ignored that a social problem which was known as another "killer" as cancer, cardio-cerebral vascular diseases threated against human health.With the development of Market Economy ,the pace of people’s life had been accelerating. People suffered heavy pressure of survival. In particular, since the 1990s, high rhythm, high efficiency and high load had dominated people’s work and life, which made the already overburdened people live in an even poor situation ,we worried their neck and lumbar vertebra suffer heavier than ever before. In modern time,the neck and lumbar vertebra diseases had become the frequently-occurring disease of white-collar workers and the elder .In China the incidence rate was 15 percent high, and the disease even cause high disability.More people are in the sub-healthy state, which their neck, shoulders, waist, legs are injured more or less, but because of the heavy work or no care to receive treatment. "Sub-healthy state" is movable process,people can become healthy if the treatment is proper ,or become sick.In many situations,they have not reached the very point of treatment indications, but the long-term pain and inconvenience to their life are seriously existed.More and more in-patients and out-patients of orthopedics suffer with the pain of neck, shoulders, waist and legs. The quantity of patients of Orthopaedic and Massage become more and more. Although many patients do not reach the very point of surgical indications,but if the conservative treatment is given in time, manty patients will become much better.The conservative treatment of orthopedics contains Massage and Bone-setting practices.Objective:The conservative treatment of common orthopedic diseases is more and more populatr. Traditional Chinese medicine especially the massage therapy show an irreplaceable effect. The study of the mechanism of manipulation and Massage of orthopedics shows that we can handle the diseases of the pain of neck, shoulders, waist and legs. We will study the causes and developments of common orthopedic diseases including"pain of neck, shoulders, waist and legs" , the principle of treatment of Massage, the sub-type, treatment methods of Massage and the combined treatments with other treatment methods of orthopaedic common diseases for easing "cervical disease, low back pain, shoulder disease".Massage and other health-care for these diseases. Then we will draw a comprehensive analysis and synthesis.Results:Massage has the advantages of "simple, economic, effective and no side effects". It plays an important role to the conservative treatment and preventive health care of the common diseases of orthopedic .In the early and middle stage of cervical spondylosis,such as lumbar disc herniation, the shoulder diseases,Massage can significantly improve the function and relieve the pain. Of course in the advanced stage of diseases, Massage may even cause adverse consequences,and the general recommended surgery therapy should be performed to treat the fundamental source of disease.Massage of health care can effectively prevent the occurrence of neck, shoulders, waist, legs’ diseases, once the diseases occure,Massage can effectively alleviate the pain and improve the quality of life.

  • 【分类号】R244.1
  • 【下载频次】350

