

A Study on Job Burnout Status and Correlative Factors of Head Nurses in the Third Grade Hospitals in Xinjiang

【作者】 颜萍

【导师】 聂淑娟;

【作者基本信息】 新疆医科大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:了解新疆三级综合医院护士长工作倦怠的现状,探讨护士长人口学特征、角色冲突与角色模糊、应对方式及工作满意度与工作倦怠的关系,为进一步干预研究提供理论依据。方法:采用普查法,于2007年3月~10月对新疆13家三级综合医院445名护士长进行问卷调查,包括护士工作倦怠问卷、角色冲突与角色模糊量表、应付方式问卷以及护士工作满意度量表。结果:1)护士长工作倦怠三个维度得分分别为,情感衰竭25.87±9.10,去人性化8.76±4.24,个人成就感33.72±10.21;2)不同年龄、民族、护龄、任职年限、科室的护士长情感衰竭维度得分有差异(P<0.05)。沟通技能培训与管理知识培训经历不同的护士长,工作倦怠有差异(P<0.05);3)护士长情感衰竭与年龄、科室、护龄、任职年限负相关(P<0.01),与民族、沟通技能培训、管理知识培训与否正相关(P<0.05);去人性化与管理知识培训与否正相关(P<0.05),个人成就感与管理知识培训与否负相关(P<0.05)。角色冲突、角色模糊与护士长情感衰竭、去人性化正相关(P<0.01),角色模糊与个人成就感负相关(P<0.01)。解决问题的应对方式与情感衰竭、去人性化负相关(P<0.05),与个人成就感正相关(P<0.01),自责、退避等消极应对方式与情感衰竭、去人性化正相关(P<0.01)。护士长工作满意度与情感衰竭、去人性化负相关(P<0.01),与个人成就感正相关(P<0.01);4)护士长情感衰竭的主要影响因素为总满意度、自责和退避的应对方式、角色冲突;去人性化的主要影响因素为自责的应对方式、总满意度、角色模糊和角色冲突;个人成就感的主要影响因素为角色模糊、解决问题的应对方式、专业发展机会和工作科室。结论:1)护士长工作倦怠呈中高度水平;2)35~39岁年龄组、护龄20年以下、任职5年以下的护士长情感衰竭水平较高;少数民族护士长、儿科护士长情感衰竭水平较高;接受过沟通技能、管理知识培训的护士长情感衰竭水平较低;3)工作满意度、自责的应对方式、角色冲突与角色模糊是护士长工作倦怠的重要预测因子;4)本研究结果提示,管理者应关注护士长高工作倦怠的现状,加强护士长管理技能的培训,提高护士长工作满意度,改善护士长身心健康状况,提高护理管理质量。

【Abstract】 Objective: To investigate the job burnout status of head nurses in the third grade hospitals in Xinjiang, and analyze the relationship between job burnout and demographic characteristics, role confliction and role ambiguous, coping style and job satisfaction , so that to provide theoretical support to further interventional research. Methods: 445 head nurses who had appointed more than half a year in 13 third grade hospitals in Xinjiang were surveyed, by using Nurse Job Burnout Scale, Role Confliction and Role Ambiguous Questionnaire, Coping Style Scale and McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale (MMSS). Result: Each score of 3 criterions of job burnout was EE25.87±9.10, DP8.76±4.24, and PA33.72±10.21. The status of job burnout of head nurses was different in demographic characteristics (P<0.05). Head nurses who had been trained in communication and administration were in lower level of EE and DP, and in higher level of PA. Correlative analysis revealed that, age, work time and appoint time were negatively correlated with EE(P<0.01), nationality, training of communication and administration were positively correlated with EE(P<0.05), training of administration was also positively correlated with DP and negatively correlated with PA(P<0.05). Role confliction and role ambiguous were positively correlated with EE and DP, role ambiguous was also negatively correlated with PA(P<0.01).The coping style of problem resolution was negatively correlated with EE and DP and positively correlated with PA(P<0.01).The coping style of condemn and escapement were positively correlated with EE and DP(P<0.01).Job satisfaction was negatively correlated with EE and DP and positively correlated with PA(P<0.01).The major influential factors of EE were general job satisfaction, condemn and escapement coping style, role conflict, nationality and appoint time; the major influential factors of DP were condemn coping style, general job satisfaction, role confliction and role ambiguous; the major influential factors of PA were role ambiguous, problem resolution coping style, chances of professional development and work departments. Conclusion: (1) Head nurses were experiencing middle and high degree of job burnout. (2) Job burnout of head nurses was correlated with their demographic characteristics. The degree of EE was higher in head nurses who were 35~39 years old, and whose work time were less than 20 years, and appoint time were less than 5 years. (3) Role confliction and role ambiguous, coping style of condemn and job satisfaction were significant predictors of job burnout. (4) It indicated that administrators should put more attentions on job burnout of head nurses, enforce their ability of management, increase the level of their job satisfaction and lower their job burnout, then improve the quality of nursing management.


