

Study on Whole Transfer Matrix of Coupling Element in Gears Transmission System

【作者】 王新博

【导师】 柴山;

【作者基本信息】 山东理工大学 , 固体力学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代工业的发展,齿轮传动的旋转机械朝着高转速、大功率的趋势发展,应用范围也越来越广,车辆传动系是其中典型的具有复杂齿轮传动和分叉结构的多转子系统。由于齿轮的啮合作用,使得系统各转子之间的弯曲振动和扭转振动相互耦合,因而转子系统的动力学特性不能仅从单转子来考察,需要建立系统的弯扭耦合频率方程,对其动力学特性进行分析。整体传递矩阵法是进行转子系统动力特性分析的新型方法,特别适用多轴转子链式系统。该方法在应用于求解包含齿轮啮合效应的多轴系统弯扭耦合振动的动力计算时,关键是要导出齿轮耦合单元的传递矩阵。本文给出了齿轮副啮合传动动力学表达式,建立了直齿轮、斜齿轮,锥齿轮、柱齿轮,平行轴、相交轴和交错轴等多种构造形式转子系统的耦合单元传递矩阵,准确地把整体传递矩阵法运用到齿轮啮合轴系振动分析问题中。本文阐述了课题研究的产业和技术背景,总结了齿轮传动转子系统弯扭耦合振动问题的研究现状及主要的分析方法,介绍了多转子系统振动分析整体传递矩阵法理论。利用机械原理和机械设计中齿轮构造机理、理论力学的拉格朗日方程和达朗伯原理、材料力学的梁轴弯扭变形、振动力学的多自由度系统固有振动频率和模态分析、转子动力学的回转力矩等分析计算方法推导出平行轴圆柱齿轮啮合的广义动力学方程,并建立了对应于状态向量的传递矩阵。然后引入斜齿轮的螺旋角,考虑啮合力产生的轴向分量的影响,导出了弯扭耦合平行轴斜齿圆柱齿轮啮合耦合单元的传递矩阵,列入程序中进行计算。再对不同螺旋角组合情况下的交错轴斜齿圆柱齿轮的动力学特性进行研究,从该系统为点接触的啮合方式,分析啮合刚度的减小对系统临界转速的影响,总结交错轴的动力学特性。首次将整体传递矩阵法应用于解决相交轴锥齿轮啮合系统振动分析,并研究锥顶角不同对系统弯扭耦合临界转速的影响,对任意轴角斜齿锥齿轮进行动力学分析并建立耦合单元传递矩阵,计算分析不同轴角对系统弯扭耦合临界转速的影响。

【Abstract】 For developing of modern industry, the rotary machine has a tendency of higher speed, higher power. Its structures become more complex contain multiple rotors. For gears meshing, bending vibration and torsion vibration are coupling in vehicle. Analysis on the dynamic character of rotors system is not limited in separated rotor. The frequency of coupling must be considered for the warning of loss of more important frequenciesThe whole transfer matrix method is suitable to analyze dynamics property of multi-rotor system that linked in line. Dynamics equations of gear pair are deduced here, the coupling element transfer matrix of spur gear, helical gear; bevel gear, cylinder gear; parallel axis, intersecting axis, crossed-axis, and so on various style rotor system are founded.The background of industry and technology of the topic in researching is explained, and the latest research state of lateral-bending vibration of vehicle gear-transmission system and the main analytic methods are synthesized. The dynamic equations are deduced based on the theories of gear construction in kinematics and dynamics of machinery, D’Alembert principle and Lagrange’s equations in engineering mechanics, deformation of beams and shafts in applied strength of materials, analysis of vibration frequency and modal phase of multi-freedom system in vibration mechanics, attribute of gyratory torque in rotor dynamics. The helix angle of helical gear is introduced and the effects on the dynamic equations by the axial component of meshing force are considered, the coupling elements transfer matrix of spiral gear system and the crossed-axis rotor system’s dynamic character of different helix angle helical gears is the main object to study, it takes point-connected style, the crossed-axis rotor system’s dynamic character can be obtained. The transfer matrix of spur bevel gear meshing perpendicular transmission system and the effect of different cone-apex angle on coupling crisis speeds is analyzed. The transfer matrix of spiral bevel gear meshing intersecting axes transmission system and the effect of different axial angle on lateral and torsion coupling crisis speeds is analyze by calculation program.


