

【作者】 王敏

【导师】 李香兰;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 农地非农化是经济发展中不可避免的趋势,不管是城市化的发展还是新农村建设都对土地产生了迫切的要求。我国现行法律的缺陷和农地制度的不完善,导致在农地非农化过程中出现了一些不和谐的声音,农地非法非农化的问题层出不穷。农地是一种不可替代的自然资源,不仅具有生产的经济价值,还具有粮食安全保障、生态安全保障等社会价值,能否保有足够数量的农地资源直接关系一个国家能否实现社会经济的可持续发展。在我国土地作为农民的命根子,不仅是农民生存生活的保障,更是农民以后生活的社会保障。因而农地的非农化,不仅关系到农民的切身利益,更关系到整个社会的安定。保护农地、遏制农地非法非农化,是我国政府迫切需要解决的问题。然而,由于经济利益的驱动、相关法律的不完善,以及农地制度的缺陷等原因,使得我国农地非法非农化的现象普遍存在。因此对于研究农地非法非农化存在的现状及其影响,存在的原因和杜绝农地非法非农化应采取的措施,成为本文研究的内容。研究分析这些问题,以期对保护耕地,促进农地合法非农化提供一些有益的参考。文章首先简要阐述了研究问题的背景、研究的意义以及文章的创新点。接下来文章主要阐述了研究问题的相关理论。首先简要介绍了,目前大多数人所接受的农地非农化的概念。其次,根据文章研究需要,提出农地合法非农化以及农地非法非农化的相关概念界定。然后对我国现阶段农地非法非农化的现状进行陈述介绍。继而指出,农地非法非农化存在的具体表现。从耕地减少,粮食安全问题,农民利益的损害,和滋生腐败四个方面介绍农地非法非农化对我国社会发展造成的不利影响。第四个部分是文章的重点,基于对农地非法非农化的现状及其不利影响,对农地非法非农化问题存在的原因进行动力分析、法制原因分析、主体行为分析,农民法律意识分析,以及土地制度原因分析和土地市场原因分析。分析表明,获取经济利益、提高官员政绩的驱动,土地管理法律的不完善,农民自我维权意识淡薄,以及农村土地制度存在的产权不明晰和土地市场的二元结构是导致我国农地非法非农化存在的主要原因。第五部分针对分析的原因,进行策略研究。从削弱农地非法非农化的动力入手,完善土地管理的法律法规,提高农民的自我维权意识,以及明晰土地产权制度和完善土地市场等方面提出遏制农地非法非农化的对策。以保护我国耕地资源,更好的促进社会的可持续发展、科学发展。

【Abstract】 The non-agricultural conversion of the farmland is an unavoidable trend in the economic development. Both the progress of urbanization and the construction of a new rural area engender urgent requirements for the farmland. However, the limitation of our law and the imperfection of the farmland system make some disharmonious sounds in the process of non-agricultural conversion of the farmland. There appear various problems of illegal non-agricultural conversion of the farmland. As a kind of irreplaceable natural resource, farmland does not only have the economic value of production, but the social value of food security and environmental security. Whether a country has enough farmland resource directly affects its sustainable development. In China, farmland determines the life of the peasants. It works not only as the survival security of the peasants, but also as the social security of the later life of the peasants. Therefore, the non-agricultural conversion of the farmland has an impact on the right of the peasants, and furthermore affects the stability of the whole society.Protecting the farmland to keep the non-agricultural conversion with the legal limits is the question the needs quick solution of our government. However, due to some reasons, such as the pursuit of economic benefits, the imperfection of relative laws, and the limitation of the farmland system, the illegal non-agricultural conversion of farmland is very common. This thesis aims to do a research on the current condition and significance of the illegal non-agricultural conversion, the reasons of its existence and the measures that can be taken to put an end to the non-agricultural conversion The research and analysis of these questions can provide some beneficial references to protect the farmland and accelerate the legal non-agricultural conversion of the farmland.Firstly, this thesis gives a brief introduction to the background of non-agricultural conversion of the farmland, the significance of the research and the innovative points of the thesis.Next, the thesis mainly illustrates the relative theories. It is further divided into two sections. The first section briefly introduces the concept of non-agricultural conversion that is accepted by most people nowadays. The second section analyzes the relative meanings of legal non-agricultural conversion of the farmland and illegal non-agricultural conversion of the farmland.Then the thesis sheds light on the current condition of illegal non-agricultural conversion of the farmland in our country. It points out the specific representations of the illegal non-agricultural conversion of the farmland. Four aspects, including the destruction of the farmland, the problem of food security, the damage of peasant’s right and the breed of the corruption are manifested to introduce the disadvantageous significances that are caused by illegal non-agricultural conversion of the farmland.The fourth part is of the most importance. On the basis of the current condition of non-agricultural conversion of the farmland and its unfavorable significances, this thesis analyzes the motivation of the existence of illegal non-agricultural conversion of the farmland, the legal reasons, the subjective behaviour and the farmland system. These analysis show a fact that it is the pursuit of economic benefits and the enhancement of the officials’ achievements in their posts, the imperfection of the farmland management law, the peasants’ indifferent consciousness of protecting their own rights, the ambiguity of the property right in the rural farmland system and the binary structure of farmland market that lead to the existence of the non-agricultural conversion of the farmland in our country.The fifth part researches on the strategies to solve the problems. The thesis illustrates some measures, such as weakening the motivation of non-agricultural conversion of the farmland, consummating the law of the management of the farmland, enhancing peasants’ self-conciousness of protecting their rights, making a clear distinction of the farmland property right system and consummating the farmland market, to keep non-agricultural conversion of the farmland with the legal limits. Only in this way can we effectively protect our farmland resources and promote the society to maintain a sustainable and scientific development.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【下载频次】141

