

Research of HILS Development Platform Technologies Based on Linux

【作者】 贺彦平

【导师】 姚新宇;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着仿真系统应用领域的不断扩展,越来越多的仿真平台必须采用硬件在回路的方式构建,这就要求采用实时仿真。实时仿真要求系统平台定时稳定、波动小、中断响应迅速,而其操作系统作为实时仿真平台的核心支撑,是决定这些性能的关键部分。Linux操作系统良好的实时性基础及其开放源代码的优势为我们带来了实现这一技术的前景。然而Linux普及程度低、大多数工作人员不习惯在Linux下开发程序等问题,给我们直接利用Linux系统作为仿真开发平台提出了难题。本文针对windows系统开发人员使用多,软硬件支持较好等特点,提出了利用linux作为仿真平台,利用windows作为程序开发平台,采用交叉编译和交叉调试等技术来构建基于Linux的KD-DRT Workbench半实物仿真开发平台的思想,并对平台的设计与构建进行了具体的技术研究和实现。论文首先设计并提出了在分布实时仿真系统中基于Linux系统的KD-DRTWorkbench半实物仿真开发平台采用交叉编译技术的总体架构以及采用宿主机/目标机的开发模式。然后对Windows宿主机端采用Eclipse、CDT、GCC、GDB等软件进行设计和构建以及交叉编译器和交叉调试器的设计和构建等问题进行了研究。接着对在目标机端采用自主设计的Sim-Linux系统的内核定制、根文件系统的构建以及可启动U盘Sim-Linux系统的建立进行了研究。最后对宿主机和目标机间采用Gdbserver/TCP进行通讯的方式进行了研究分析。研发基于Linux系统的KD-DRT Workbench半实物仿真开发平台,不可避免要用到一些PCI设备来连接外部实物设备构成硬件在回路仿真。因此论文接着讨论了PCI设备驱动问题以及linux下设备驱动开发问题。同时,为了解决实时仿真中常用到的VMIC反射内存网络的连接问题,对VMIPCI-5565反射内存卡Linux系统下的驱动程序开发问题,也作了一定的研究。论文最后进行了实例程序的设计,并利用KD-DRT Workbench仿真开发平台进行了工程构建、代码编写、程序交叉编译和交叉调试以及最终运行的平台验证工作。经验证,基于Linux系统的KD-DRT Workbench半实物仿真开发平台达到了设计要求,实现了预期的功能。

【Abstract】 Along with the expansion of the simulation system applications, more and more systems need to be constructed with HIL(Hardware In Loop), which strongly calls for real-time simulation. Operating system of the computer, as the infrastructure for the simulation systems, are very important to give us a steady, unfluctuating and expedite feature. With a pretty good real-time performance and the open-source feature of the kernel codes, Linux OS helps us realize "simulation real-time OS" easily.However, the Linux system is not popularity, most people are not used to develop the program in this environment. These problems make difficult for us to use the Linux as the Simulation Platform directly. The Windows Operating System is very popularity, and supports most hardwares and softwares. So taking advantage of the Windows System, this paper makes an idea that using the Linux system as the Simulation Platform, utilizing the Windows System as the Development Platform. Based on the idea, using the cross-compiling and the cross-debugging technologies, we can develop a new Hardware-in-Loop Simulation Platform in the Linux System.It is the KD-DRT Workbench. This paper has a research on the design and completes the development of the simulation platform.First, this paper provides a whole structure for the simulation platform, and develops the program for the host and the target separately. In the development, we research the technologies and the functions of the platform, and realize the functions of the platform.Following, we discuss the driver development of the PCI device in the platform, and research the technologies of the driver development in the Linux environment. For the VMIPCI-5566, made by the VMIC, we research and develop the driver program in the Linux.Last, we test and analyze the real-time capability of the Sim-Linux system on the target computer. At the same time, we test the functional modules on the platform separately. The whole process of the development on this platform ,development、compiling、debug、running, are analyzed and recorded, and validated the whole functions of the system. Through the whole process, the platform realized the anticipative facility.

【关键词】 分布实时仿真IDE交叉编译EclipseLinux
【Key words】 Distributed Real-time SimulationIDECross CompilingEclipseLinux
  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】184

