

Evolution of Theories of Person and Weapon in Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 母春生

【导师】 熊杏林; 薛学共;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是一个自古以来强调人的因素第一的国度。在中国传统军事文化中,孙子兵法确立的以“谋略制胜”为核心的军事理论体系,让所有后来的封建兵法家都望其项背,几千年来,孙子确立的战争制胜原则无人敢以超越。1840年鸦片战争的爆发,使得传统军事文化中的“重道轻器”思想遭到西方先进武器装备的严峻挑战。晚清人与武器思想,在西方“船坚炮利”的冲击下开始发生嬗变。林则徐与魏源等开明地主阶级代表,提出了旨在改善军队虚弱现状的“八字要言”,并发出了“师夷长技以制夷”的时代呼声;太平天国运动催生了曾国藩的军事思想,面对太平军的强大攻势,曾国藩对传统人与武器思想进行了初步修正,他秉承传统军事思想中的人的核心地位,同时也提高了武器装备的地位;洋务运动的开展使得晚清武器装备思想得到极大充实,李鸿章的“武器制胜论”成为这一时期的主导;甲午战争的失败标志着“武器制胜论”的失败,以张之洞、袁世凯、康有为、梁启超为代表的晚清兵学家,站在世纪之交,不再割裂地看待人与武器孰重孰轻,而是把目光聚焦于如何对二者进行有机结合,在他们的努力下,中国军制改革和军国民精神的铸造取得了显著的成效,使得中国人与武器思想跨入了近代资产阶级时代。

【Abstract】 The principles of war and the theory system of "person and weaponry" in Chinese tradition military culture, established by Sun-Tzu on the Art of War about two thousands years ago, were looked as authority, so as to nobody after Sun-Tzu was able to surpass it. But the break of Opium War in 1840, made a stern challenge to the thought of "look up spirit, look down matter", so the evolution of thought of "person and weapon" started in the face of the west advanced weaponry. In order to improve the military power of Chinese army, Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan had to broughht forward some new viewpoints, which were called "Eight-Word Principle" and "Study to the West, Beat the West". In the process of Suppreing the Taiping Rebellion, Zeng Guofan, the creator and the leader of Xiang army, made some adjustment between the person and the weapon. In the Westernization Movement, the status of weaponry had been improved obviously, the viewpoints of "weapon first" supported by Li Hongzhang gained the leadership in this period, but The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95 overthrow it, Zhang Zhidong, Yuan Shikai, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, no longer cut the person apart form the weapon, they made lots of efforts to unit the person and the weapon by Military system reform. As a result, the evolution of person and the weapon in Late Qing Dynasty had been completed.


