

Research on Uncertainty Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Theory and Application to Satellite System Design

【作者】 姚雯

【导师】 陈小前;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 航空宇航科学与技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着空间技术的不断提高和应用需求的不断发展,对卫星的稳健性和可靠性提出了越来越高的要求。论文从提高卫星设计质量的角度出发,对不确定性多学科设计优化(Uncertainty Multidisciplinary Design Optimization,UMDO)的理论及应用进行了系统研究,初步形成了一套完整的不确定性MDO方法,并将其应用于可接受在轨服务小卫星总体设计优化问题中。首先,研究了不确定性理论。阐述了不确定性MDO基本概念,研究了不确定性分类与建模方法、不确定性分析方法和约束可靠性等效处理方法,为实现不确定性MDO对不确定性因素进行合理有效的管理、分析和计算提供了技术途径。其次,研究了试验设计与近似建模方法。提出了基于最优拉丁超立方设计的序贯分组试验设计方法,以及基于序贯分组试验设计和Kriging函数的改进序贯近似建模方法。该方法能够在保证近似精度的要求下减少建模所需的样本数量,从而有效地解决复杂系统近似建模的计算复杂性问题。然后,研究了不确定性MDO优化过程。以并行子空间优化过程为基础,提出了基于探测加点和限制记忆法的加速响应面逼近策略,以及基于对策论的混合子空间组织方法。在此基础上集成不确定性设计优化方法,形成了基于对策论的混合子空间不确定性MDO优化过程GBCSSUO(Game theory Based CompositeSubSpace Uncertainty Optimization)。通过GBCSSUO的有效组织,能够使不确定性MDO的计算复杂度得以降低,优化效率得到提高。最后,以可接受在轨服务小卫星为对象,对不确定性MDO在卫星总体设计中的应用进行研究。根据对地观测和可接受在轨服务的任务需求,初步设计了小卫星总体方案,建立了总体设计学科模型及其不确定性模型。采用GBCSSUO对总体多学科设计优化问题进行集成实现与优化求解,结果较好的验证了GBCSSUO的可行性和有效性,并给出了满足稳健性和可靠性要求的较优的总体设计方案。论文对不确定性MDO理论进行了系统研究,并将其应用于可接受在轨服务小卫星的总体设计优化中,为促进不确定性MDO方法在卫星总体设计中的应用提供了一套较好的思路和方法,为提高卫星总体设计水平奠定了良好的基础。论文在卫星总体设计中引入可接受在轨服务的设计思想,对可接受在轨服务卫星的总体设计进行了初步探索,对我国开展可接受在轨服务卫星的研究具有一定参考价值。

【Abstract】 With progression of space technology and development of application requirement, demand for robustness and reliability of satellite is ever-increasing. To enhance satellite design quality, the theory and application of Uncertainty Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (UMDO) is systematically studied in this paper. Based on the research work, a complete set of UMDO theoretical methods is established and applied in the system design optimization problem of a serviceable small satellite.Firstly, the fundamental theory of uncertainty is studied. The basic conceptions of UMDO are expounded. The methods of uncertainty classification and modeling, uncertainty analysis, and equivalent disposal of reliable constraints are comprehensively studied, which establish the technical foundation for uncertainty modeling, management, and analysis in UMDO.Secondly, DOE and approximation modeling are studied. A sequential grouping design method based on optimum Latin hypercube design of experiment is proposed, and an improved sequential approximation modeling method based on sequential grouping design of experiment and Kriging function is put forward. This method can reduce sample number required to construct the approximation model with requested precision, so as to efficiently settle the calculation complexity problem of approximation modeling for complex system.Thirdly, the UMDO procedure is studied. Based on the Concurrent SubSpace Optimization (CSSO) procedure, a strategy of accelerating response surface accuracy based on adding schemes to the database by detection and selecting schemes to construct responsive surface by restriction memory is proposed, and a composite subspace organization method based on game theory is put forward. Based on these improvements, further integrating uncertainty design and optimization method, a Game theory Based Composite SubSpace Uncertainty Optimization (GBCSSUO) procedure is put forward. GBCSSUO can efficiently organize the process of complex system uncertainty design optimization, and mitigate the calculation difficulties, so as to improve the optimization efficiency of UMDO.Finally, the application of UMDO in satellite system design is studied. A serviceable earth observation small satellite is chosen as the study object. According to the serviceable satellite mission requirement, a system scheme is primarily designed. The disciplinary models of the small satellite system design are set up, and uncertainties of the models are analyzed and modeled. GBCSSUO is adopted to integrate and resolve the uncertainty multidisciplinary design optimization problem of the small satellite system design. The optimization result confirms the feasibility and validity of GBCSSUO, and offers a robust and reliable optimum system design scheme of the small satellite.To sum up, UMDO theory is systematically studied and applied to system design optimization problem of a serviceable small satellite. It’s beneficial to facilitate the application of UMDO in satellite system design, and establishes a good foundation for improvement of satellite system design quality. Meanwhile the thought of enabling satellite to have the serviceable ability on-orbit is introduced in this paper. The system design of serviceable satellite is primarily studied, which has some reference value for development of our country’s research work on serviceable satellite.


