

Research Military Expenditure Based on Combat Effectiveness

【作者】 杨胜

【导师】 曾立;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 国防经济, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 军费与军队战斗力水平之间具有复杂的相互关系,正是这种关系的复杂性赋予军费经济学以广阔的研究空间。简言之,军费的规模和结构对军队战斗力水平具有决定作用,战斗力水平的高低又反作用着军费的规模及其结构,以往的历史经验为我们为此提供了一个反思的机会。我们研究军费与战斗力的关系,是为了实现军费资源在国防领域的优化配置,从国防经济自身的角度看,就是军费规模和结构问题。本文运用经济学、管理学和军事学的相关理论,运用规范分析和实证分析相结合的方法,在大量实证资料的基础上,论证了军费和军队战斗力水平的辨证关系,得出了我国军费发展的优化之路。首先通过对引入“战斗力生成函数”的扩展和修正,建立了“战斗力—军费”模型,分析了一国军费规模的大小是决定一国战斗力水平的核心因素;其次,在考虑技术因素的情况下,通过分析军费在军事人力和武器装备等战斗力生成因素中分配比例的不同,对军队战斗力水平产出高低的影响,从而确立军费的最优结构;最后,在综合分析的基础上,将其应用到我国的国防政策选择中,完成我国军费的优化之路。

【Abstract】 Complex relationship between military expenditure and the level of military strength give researchers a broad space to study on the economics of military expenditure. In short, the size and structure of military expenditure plays a decisive role in the forming of combat effectiveness. The combat effectiveness also reacts with its size and structure. Historical experience provides us with an opportunity to reflect. We study the relationship between the military expenditure and fighting power to achieve optimal allocation of military resources in the field of national defense. In the view of defense economics, the optimal allocation of military resources is just the problem of scale and structure of military expenditure.Through the theory of economics, management and military science, applying the method of normative and positive analysis, basing on a number of data and information, the paper reasons the dialectical relationship between military expenditure and combat effectiveness, and elicits the optimized development path of China’s forces. First, the paper founds the "combat effectiveness -military expenditure" model and concludes that the scale and structure of military expenditure is a key factor in determining a nation’s fighting power level. Second, taking account of technical factors the paper establishes the optimal structure of military spending by analyzing the influence of different percentage of military manpower and armament to the formation of combat effectiveness. Finally, on the base of a comprehensive analysis, the paper applies the optimal structure to the selection of China’s national defense policies and gets its optimal development path.


