

Research on Battlefield Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem

【作者】 张胜龙

【导师】 李孟军;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 项目管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代军事物流,离不开现代军事运输。军事运输系统,是战斗力和保障力机动的唯一载体,军事运输系统所体现的投送能力,实质上是威慑力、战斗力的重要组成部分。汽车运输是陆军集团军以下作战部队军事运输的基本形式,是战场上保障力向一线战斗部队延伸的中坚力量。特别是在我军信息化程度比较低和制空权、制电磁权难以达到绝对优势的情况下,作战前沿的后勤保障通过空中垂直保障将变得实现困难、代价高昂,此时,汽车运输将会发挥不可替代的作用。本文采用定量分析方法,针对现有问题构建数学模型并求解,以找出战场汽车调度的最优方案。论文从战场特点出发,阐述了战场汽车调度问题的特殊性,分析影响战场汽车调度的因素,并对战场运输网络进行描述,提出各种路权参数;提出了基于安全性、经济性、时效性等指标的战场汽车调度单准则决策问题,并将该问题逐个分解,进行了建模和算法设计;对基于时效性、经济性、安全性的战场汽车调度多准则决策问题进行研究,建立问题的数学模型并构造各决策效用函数;对常见的战场汽车调度决策问题如:基于时效性的单起、讫点战场汽车调度问题,基于经济性的单点至多点战场汽车调度问题,带时间窗的多车(车队)汽车调度问题,基于时效性、经济性、安全性的单起、讫点战场汽车调度多准则决策问题等,提出案例,并应用构建的模型和算法进行求解,以验证模型的有效性。

【Abstract】 Transportation is the basis of logistics, the essence of "flow". The proposal of modern logistics is based on the development of modern transportation. In broad sense, military transportation system is the military "circulatory system ", the only carrier of fighting and logistical capacity mobilization (or fighting capacity flow and logistical flow), which is inevitable in the formation of operation situation and the realization of all the logistical support. Furthermore, the delivery ability of military transportation system is a vital element of fighting capability and deterrence. In narrow sense, transportation support is the key part of realizing all kinds of logistical support.Vehicle transportation, mainly used by operation troops under army group, is the essential strength extending the logistical capacity to the forefront operation troops. Since the informationization is not fully developed and mastery of the air and electromagnetism can not achieve absolute predominance, vehicle transportation will play a vital role as it is difficult and costly to achieve vertical air support at the forefront.The thesis constructed math models and found the optimal solution using quantitative approach. The main content is as follows:1 it presented the peculiarity of vehicle scheduling in battlefield, analyzed the factors in it and described the transportation network setting various path parameters;2 it proposed single-criteria decision problems of battlefield vehicle scheduling based on indicators such as security, economy and timeliness with the background of battlefield forefront transportation support. Then effective models are constructed and corresponding algorithms are put forward respectively;3 research was done on multiple-criteria decision problems of battlefield vehicle scheduling based on security, economy and timeliness, on which models and utility functions are constructed;4 it presented cases of the problems commonly seen in battlefield vehicle scheduling found the solution to the models and verified the validity of them.


