

The Research of Moving and Change Detection Algorithm in Intelligent Video Surveillance and Realization on System

【作者】 丁峰

【导师】 李宗伯;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着视频监控系统的大范围应用,提高监控系统的智能化程度势在必行。本文提出了一套基于运动物体检测的的智能视频监控方案,对部分关键技术作了深入研究,并实现了原型系统。引入运动检测的目的是从视频序列的场景图像中检测出运动目标,以此来确定是否有物体入侵,并通过运动目标提取,进一步确定运动目标的细节,作为监控分析的依据,或作为犯罪证据保存下来。本文提出了一种新的运动检测算法:在固定背景差分图像法的基础之上引入分块的思想;根据背景噪声高斯分布的特征确定了检测的阈值;加入了自适应亮度调节和参考帧更新机制。实验结果表明:相对于已有算法具有更好的性能,抗干扰能力更强,运动物体检测结果更准确、更可靠。本文采用基于块的顺序区域生长法进行运动目标提取,提出了采用区分规律性运动和非规律性运动的思路,以降低自然界中物体运动对检测效果的影响。在此基础上,设计了一套完整的智能视频监控系统方案,并实现了可运行的原型系统。最终运行结果证明了设计的正确性和运动检测算法的有效性,整体效果良好。

【Abstract】 With the application of video surveillance system widely, it’s necessary to intelligentize surveillance system. This thesis brings forward an integrated design and solution of intelligent video surveillance system based on moving and change detection technologys, studys some key technologys of intelligent video surveillance system, and implement the archetypal system.The purpose of introducing moving and change detection technologys is to detect moving objects. By picking up moving objects, we can get the details of moving objects, and save the video and picture as the evidence of crime.This thesis brings forward a new algorithm of moving and change detection: The algorithm introduces partitioning method based on the frame difference algorithm with changeless image; decides limit range according to the character of gauss distributing of CCD noise; adds brightness adaptive adjustability and updating referenced image. Compared with other algorithm, it’s more accurate and more credible.This thesis designs an integrated solution of intelligent video surveillance system based on the moving and change detection algorithm, and implements exercisable archetypal system. The algorithm in this dissertation is verified by experiments and gets good results.


