

Research on Current Situation and Proposals for Trade Association

【作者】 杨建宇

【导师】 周中朝;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 公共管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 行业协会组织在我国发展社会主义市场经济,推进政府机构改革,转变政府职能、解决贸易争端等方面都发挥着重要作用。我国行业协会组织的飞速发展正是在政府尤其是中央政府的大力支持下实现的,没有政府的推动,行业协会的发展不可能取得如此长足的进步和发展。但是,由于原有的管理体制已经不再适应新的形势,行业协会的发展遇到了重重困难、受到了诸多限制。同样,政府部门的许多工作也无法得到行业协会的有效支持。本文以非营利组织理论为基础,从政治学、经济学、社会学及新公共管理理论中对行业组织的阐释出发,讨论行业协会的概念、特征、职能、生成途径,分析目前我国行业协会发展中存在的问题,并以美国、德国和日本行业协会的发展和现状为例总结其经验教训,在此基础上,提出培育和发展我国行业协会的政策建议。全文分为六部分。第一部分阐明研究的理论与实践意义,包括论文的检索情况和课题设计并提出问题。第二部分采用四个理论视角对行业协会的概念、特征、职能和生成途径进行探讨。第三部分则从我国行业协会的发展现状出发,分析其问题所在。第四部分介绍、分析国外的行业协会,以及从中获得的启示。第五部分提出规范我国行业协会发展的政策建议。最后部分为湖南省广告行业协会的实证分析。

【Abstract】 Trade association played an important role in developing our market-orinted economy, transforming the government function and solving the trade conflict. So, the development of trade association gained strong support which originated from government, especially from central government. But the former management system made it’s organization and function limited, many old rules were still in force. And, the government could not get effective support of the trade promotion association, either.And on the basis of the NPO’s (non-profit organization) theoretical line, this thesis made a research on trade association from perspectives of politics, economics, sociology and new public management. After debating on the essences and definition of trade association, the thesis discussed the current situation of trade association in China. Then the author analyzed the issues focused on trade association in China and made a comparison with those associations running in America, Germany and Japan. In conclusion, the thesis put forward some proposals in developing our trade associations.This thesis consisted of six parts. The first part introduced the theoretical and practical meaning in research on trade association and part two discussed the concept, characteristic, function, classification, nature of trade association by integrating four perspectives. The third part focused on the issue of the practice of trade association in China. The fourth part introduced and analyzed the association’s roles and functions, relations with government and operating mechanism in America, Germany and Japan, and also their enlightenment. The fifth part gave the suggestions on how to promote the development of trade association in China and pointed out the importance of association’s innovation in China. At last, a model case, about Hunan Advertising Association, had been selected to support the explained theory.

【关键词】 行业协会发展现状政策建议
【Key words】 trade associationcurrent situationproposals

