

Research on the Method of Determining Semantic Similarity Oriented Ontology Mapping

【作者】 董发花

【导师】 邓苏; 黄宏斌;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 语义网是解决现行Web不能自动处理海量信息的有效途径。本体作为一种领域知识概念化的方法,是语义网的基础。Web本身的分布性使得不同的用户根据不同的应用需求构建合适的本体。这些本体所描述的内容在语义上重叠或关联,但在表示语言和表示模型上却具有差异,这便造成了本体异构。本体映射能够很好地解决本体异构问题。映射过程中,核心内容是概念间相似度的计算。MD3模型是一种典型的概念间相似度计算方法。它基于本体描述,分别从概念名称、特征属性以及语义邻居三个方面计算相似度,然后加权综合得到概念之间的综合相似度,然而它还存在一些不足。本文在分析MD3模型的基础上,增加了非层次关系以及实例对概念相似度的影响,提出了MD4模型。并进而提出了基于MD4模型的本体映射机制,构建了相应的本体映射流程,设计实现了基于MD4模型的本体映射算法;搭建了本体映射的实验平台。三组本体映射的对比实验显示,在同等条件下,与MD3模型相比,MD4模型在返回率和精确率上都有所提高。相信随着本体技术的不断发展,MD4模型的优势还有待于进一步发现。

【Abstract】 Semantic Web is a good way to solve the problem that the current Web can’t process the massive information automatically .Ontology is the base of the Semantic Web because it is a good method of conceptualization of the domain knowledge .The distribution of the Web makes that different users develop their own ontologies according to their requirement .The content of these ontologies is overlapped or related in their semantic,but the description language and the model are different ,so the ontology heterogeneous has generated .Ontology mapping can solved the problem well. And in the process of ontology mapping ,determining the similarity of the concepts across different ontologies is the key.The Triple Matching Distance Model(MD3) is a typical method to determine the similarity of concepts from different ontologies .The model is on the basis of ontology’s representations ,to determining the similarity from three facets: (1) lexicon matching, (2) feature matching, and (3)semantic-neighborhood matching .The global similarity is then a weighted sum of the similarity of each component. MD3 model is a good method, but it has some shortcomings.On the basis of analysis to the MD3 model, taking into account the influence of non_hiberarchy relations among concepts and the instances of concepts, the paper has proposed the MD4 model .On the basis of the MD4 model, we have proposed the ontology mapping mechanism ,designed the flow of ontology mapping ,and implemented the arithmetic of ontology mapping , and then have built the experiment flat of ontology mapping .Tree groups experiment results show that MD4 model is better in the recall and precision than the MD3 model in the same condition .With the development of the ontology, it is true that the advantages of the MD4 model will be found in the near future.


