

Design and Implementation of XingYe General Application Preposed System

【作者】 陈霖

【导师】 阳国贵;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 银行综合业务前置系统(GAPS)介于外围各业务子系统与银行业务核心系统之间,是银行各种交易渠道的汇总与整合。它通过集中实现不同业务子系统间的协议转换、报文转换、交易路由、安全管理等功能,取代当前银行种类繁多的前置系统,以达到整合银行IT投资的软硬件资源,简化应用开发与维护目的。GAPS的部署与建设有助于商业银行摆脱因近年来业务快速发展,统一规划不足而导致的系统架构混乱、网络结构复杂、运行效率低下、维护成本上升的困境;是银行在基本完成数据大集中任务后的一项重要基础工作。XY-GAPS是一个立足于某银行现实,在保持技术延续性与投资保护、降低切换风险的前提下,从布署银行卡跨行交易系统入手,通过分步实施,逐步取代该行现有各类前置系统的GAPS实现。论文从商业银行的应用现状和需求出发,以层次观点分析了XY-GAPS的体系结构,确定它的子系统组成及基本功能。以XY-GAPS后台应用服务核心的设计与实现为重点,集中深入地讨论了系统实现中的若干关键问题及其解决方案,主要包括:确定XY-GAPS的系统结构;采用基于消息队列组的信息交互模型,解决了XY-GAPS内部高效、异步通讯问题,同时使系统具备了开放与松耦合的特征,易于增加新的应用;合理的处理流程分解使得业务可以流水线的方式处理,并以UNIX多进程池的方式实现系统的并发服务模型,有效地保证XY-GAPS对于大规模交易的支持;引入一种简易自适应机制,使得XY-GAPS可以基于简单的忙闲实时判定动态调整相关进程组的规模,实现任务调节,满足系统的可伸缩性要求;通过综合运用UNIX IPC机制实现系统进程的管理与控制,提高系统的安全性,实现7~*24的服务要求;以TCP/IP协议和socket套接字编程技术来屏蔽复杂的网络通信,实现通信子系统的多接入请求;实现了以存储转发方式为基础的自动冲正机制来保证多方系统中交易数据的一致性;分析并实现了内外部的数据转换与内部交易码匹配算法,并以可视化方式实现系统参数配置与管理。最后,基于商业银行的应用特点,提出并实现了系统各个层次所采用的一系列安全策略。银行卡跨行交易系统做为首个在XY-GAPS上布署的应用获得了良好的效果,提高了系统成功率,大大地提升了该行系统在当地银联的评价。XY-GAPS系统的设计与实现,是对商业银行GAPS建设的有益尝试和探索,对类似系统的开发具有重要的参考意义。

【Abstract】 General Application Preposed System, which is a mediator system between the peripheral system and the backbone system of banking transaction, is an integrated and uniform interface to all kinds of exchanging channels in banks. By realizing protocol translation, message translation, transaction route, security management and so on, it can take the place of current massive front-banking systems to combine the software and hardware resources in banking IT investment and simplify the development and maintenance of application. The building of GAPS, which is one of the most important tasks of bank after the data concentration has been basically achieved, can help to avoid the disordered system framework, the complicated network structure, the operating inefficiency and the rising of maintenance cost.XY-GAPS is an instance of GAPS, which is based on a real bank status. It will gradually replace most kinds of current prepositive systems via step-by-step implementation by deploying inter-bank card transaction system first, which is based on the premise of keeping the progress of the technology and the protection of investment and lower the switching risk.Based on the application situations and demands for the commercial bank, the paper analyzes the architecture of GAPS by using the level perspective, and determines its subsystem and functions. It focuses on the design and application of background application service core of XY-GAPS and deeply researches some key issues about the system realization, mainly including: Determining the architecture of XY-GAPS, Using the message exchanging model based on the message queue to solve the problems of efficient asynchronous communication inside XY-GAPS and at the same time enable the system to be open and loose coupling and easy to add new application. Rational processing disassembly, which can pipeline the transaction and implement concurrent serving model using UNIX multi-process pools to support large scale transaction in XP-GAPS efficiently. Simple self-adaptive mechanism, which can regulate task and enable XY-GAPS to automatically adjust the scale of relative process group according to a simple real-time busy-idle judgment. By making use of UNIX IPC system comprehensively, the management and the control of the system process can be done in order to boosting the system security and to meet the demand of the 7*24 service. Others aspects of the implementation techniques are also discussed, which include communication sub-system using TCP/IP protocol and socket programming technology to shield complicated network communication, flushing mechanism based on store-and-forward mode to ensure the consistency of transaction data in multi-system, analysis and implementation of data conversion between internal and external transaction, algorithm of internal transaction code matching and visualization system parameters and configuration management. Finally, a series of security mechanisms at all levels based on commercial bank application characteristics are discussed.The application of first XY-GAPS in the inter-bank card transaction system shows effective. It improves the system success rate and greatly promotes the estimation of the bank in the local CUP. The design and implementatin of XY-GAPS system is a beneficial attempt and exploration and is of a significant reference for the development of other similar systems.


