

Research and Implementation of Multi-User Shared Virtual Scene Framework

【作者】 易胜兰

【导师】 吴家铸;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先分析分布式虚拟现实关键技术,深入研究开源的OGRE图形引擎和RAKNET网络引擎,提出多用户共享虚拟场景框架的概念,用户可以使用键盘、鼠标控制在一个虚拟的场景中漫游。框架采用C/S结构和UDP传输协议,并利用场景图分级结构来组织管理虚拟场景的模型数据,通过发送状态更新消息有效的维护了共享虚拟场景的一致性。根据网络传输延时造成画面停滞的问题,提出预载入对框架进行优化。框架的实现坚持以开放源码的免费开发包为基础,大大降低了软件成本,有利于推广。

【Abstract】 Through the study of Distributed Virtual Reality (DVR) system architecture and relevant knowledge and based on the study of OGRE and RAKNET, a multi-user shared virtual scene framework is developed and implemented in this dissertation, The C/S structure and UDP protocol are adopted. The users can walk in the same virtual scene with the control of mouse and keyboard. Shared Virtual Scene management component adopts scene graph to make an effective maintenance of virtual scene database, state update message is used to keep the consistency in virtual scene. For reducing latency, the Pre-fetching mechanism and the multi-threaded mechanism are introduced. Because of the basis of open resources, the software cost of the whole system is cut short and it can be widely used.


