

Research on the Methods for Real-time Realization of the RLG Strapdown Inertial Navigation System Based on DSP

【作者】 李同安

【导师】 吴文启;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 车载探测系统需要在运动中实现对目标的精确定位。这就要求惯性导航系统提供实时的动态姿态、方位和位置等导航参数,以对探测结果进行运动补偿。导航参数测量的实时性直接影响运动补偿效果,并最终影响目标定位精度。论文针对惯性导航参数高精度实时测量这一需求背景,以激光陀螺捷联惯导系统为对象,研究基于高速信号处理器DSP6713车载运动参数的实时动态测量实现方法。主要研究工作包括以下五个方面:(1)研究并解决了惯性导航参数更新频率低(100Hz)而探测系统在运动补偿中要求姿态参数更新频率高(1000Hz)的矛盾。提出了满足采样定理条件下的姿态参数插值方案;通过转台试验以及联调测试,表明方案可行。(2)研究了激光陀螺捷联惯导系统导航参数的时间延迟问题,包括测量延时、惯导解算延时与通信延时等。采用试验的方法,精确测定了系统延迟,对由于延迟造成的时间不同步误差进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决方案。(3)基于高速信号处理器DSP6713,研究了激光陀螺捷联惯导系统初始对准算法的实时实现问题。针对停车时存在的基座扰动,采用了先粗对准,再精对准的对准方案,设计了5状态的初始对准Kalman滤波器。分析了惯性姿态解算、比力方程解算和Kalman滤波初始对准解算等算法模块的计算量及不同的实时性要求,合理分配实时多任务软件模块,实现了系统的快速精确对准。(4)研究了激光陀螺捷联惯导系统组合导航定位算法的实时实现问题。论文对纯惯导系统的定位原理及定位误差进行了深入研究,为了满足定位精度的要求,采用里程计组合、地标修正的方式进行辅助定位。对里程计的参数在线标定、里程计与惯导系统组合导航定位的原理与方法以及地标修正的方法进行了深入研究,并在构建的DSP6713平台上实现。系统联调试验结果表明,组合导航定位精度满足指标要求,修正算法软件能够实时并行工作。(5)实际构建了基于高速信号处理器DSP6713的惯性导航解算平台,实现了载车运动参数的实时动态测量。通过实验室静态试验以及外场车载试验证明:基于DSP6713的激光陀螺捷联惯导系统能够满足实时性要求,初始对准与组合导航精度满足项目指标要求。这为探测系统在运动中实现对目标的精确定位提供了前提条件。

【Abstract】 The Inertial Navigation System(INS) is needed for the vehicle detecting system with its realtime dynamic horizontal attitude,azimuth and position,so that the detecting system can compensate the detected results.The realtime property of the navigation parameters affects the compensated results directly,and will influence the precision of the target’s location given by the detecting system.To this question,the thesis makes a research on the Ring Laser Gyro(RLG) Strapdown Inertial Navigation System(SINS), especially how to get the vehicle attitude and motion parameters in real-time,which is based on the high-speed digital signal processor DSP6713.The main work of this thesis is showed as follows:(1) The inconsistency between the low updating rate(100Hz) of the inertial navigation parameters and the high updating rate(1000Hz) of the attitude parameters needed by the detecting system has been solved in the thesis.Under the condition of Shannon sampling theory,an interpolation method is proposed.It shows that by swaying experiment on turntable and the experiment in outfield the method is feasible.(2) The thesis researches on the time-delay of the parameters given by the RLG SINS.The time-delay of the system includes the sampling time,the calculating time and the transmitting time.By experiment,the system time-delay is determined exactly.The errors led by time-delay are also analyzed and methods are proposed to reduce the influence.(3) Based on the high-speed signal processor DSP6713,the realtime realization of the algorithm for RLG SINS initial alignment is researched.Because of the vehicle perturbations,a coarse alignment and five-states Kalman Filter alignment scheme is made.According to the computation numbers and real-time desire of attitude updating, the specific force vector resolution and the Kalman filter initial alignment,the software is well configured to finish the initial alignment quickly in a high precision.(4) The real-time realization based on DSP6713 of locating algorithm of the RLG SINS integrated navigation is researched.The integrated navigation includes much navigation information and it is very important to mix it.The thesis discusses the pure inertial navigation position theory and the position errors.To achieve the position precision,both the odometer and landmark are used.The odometer parameters’ on-line calibration,the SiNS/odometer integration method and the landmark correction method are also lucubrated and realized on the DSP6713 platform.The outfield experiment shows that the integrated navigation position error is limited under the guideline,and the software works well.(5) The real-time measurement of the vehicle movement parameters and attitude parameters is realized on the navigation-computing platform based on high-speed digital signal processor DSP6713.The lab experiment and the outfield experiment both tells that the system can satisfy the real-time desire,and the precision of initial alignment and integrated navigation can be well accepted.It is an important precondition of high precision vehicle detecting system.


