

Research on the Comparison about Teacher’s Professional Standards in Primary and Secondary School of Sino-America

【作者】 闫兵

【导师】 魏宏聚;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教师职业标准是对从事教师职业的专业人员的知识水平与能力、教学方法与技巧、职业道德与修养、教育评价与反思等方面的要求,是教师从事该职业的前提条件与基本准则。美国的教师职业标准认证工作开展比中国早,模式、体系相对比较完备,并且在某些方面已取得了显著的成效。本研究试图从中美中小学教师的知识要求标准、资格证书要求标准、教学方法要求标准、教育技术要求标准、职业道德要求标准、教师评价要求标准等几个方面进行比较分析,通过研究分析,借鉴美国在教师职业标准认证体系中的成功经验,并批判性地进行吸收,以期对中国目前正面临的教师教育改革提供一些可行性的建议。论文主要分四部分:第一部分绪论:提出选题原因及意义,并对已有研究文献进行整理、加工、分析。并对与本研究相关的概念,即职业、职业标准、教师职业标准等核心概念进行界定。指出教师职业标准是对教师职业的不可替代性和独立性品质的科学规定与行业要求,是教师教育各个学科专业应该达到的基本指标,以此为基础展开论文的写作。第二部分中美中小学教师职业标准认证的历史沿革:该部分主要梳理分析了我国教师职业标准演变的不同时期及其变化特征。同时,对美国教师资格证书的确立与革新、美国教师教育认证标准(NCATE)的新进变革进行了分析。通过对两国教师职业标准的历史变迁的梳理、分析,把握两国教师职业标准演变的特征与规律,为现阶段教师职业标准比较做好铺垫。第三部分中美中小学教师职业标准的比较:该部分分别从教师从业的知识要求标准、资格证书要求标准、教学方法要求标准、教育技术要求标准、职业道德要求标准、对教师评价要求标准等几个方面进行比较分析,找到两国在教师职业标准认证中的差异,提出该研究的重点所在。第四部分美国教师职业标准认证对我国的启示:通过比较,借鉴美国先进的经验,阐述对我国教师教育改革的借鉴意义。教师职业正经历着由半专业化向专业化转变的新时期,教师职业标准的认证在这一特殊时期已开始成为衡量教师专业发展的关键环节,逐步形成了一股世界范围内的热潮,对世界各国教师教育改革有着深远的影响。本研究认为,对中美两国中小学教师职业标准进行比较,并借鉴其成功经验,无论是对我国教师教育理论工作的开展,还是对实践活动的推进都有着重大的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Teacher’s professional standards means the requirements about level of knowledge and ability, teaching methods and skills, professional ethics and self-cultivation, educational evaluation and reflection of the professional teachers who are being in the teaching fields, and they are the precondition and basic criteria for the teachers taking the profession. The certification work of the professional standards in U.S. are earlier than the situation in China, and it has a relatively complete model and system, meanwhile, many transcendental achievements in some areas are also available. This research attempts to constitute the comparison and analysis from knowledge required standards, qualification certificate required standards, teaching methods required standards, educational technology required standards, professional ethics required standards, teacher’s evaluation required standards of the primary and secondary school teachers in Sino-America, and we can absorb critically the successful experience from the certificate system of teacher’s professional standards in the United States through the research and analysis, which can offer some feasible proposals to the teacher’s educational reforms which we are facing. The paper is divided into four main parts:Part I Introduction: Pointing out the cause and significance of the topic, the author processes and analyzes the existed research materials. Meanwhile, the author definites the core concepts related to the research, and they are profession, professional standards, teacher’s professional standards. This part mentions that teacher’s professional standards are the scientific rules and professional requirements which can not be substituted and have unique quality for teacher’s profession, and they are the fundamental indications for various disciplines of teacher’s education, which is regarded as the basis of the next writing. PartⅡThe historical development of teacher’s certified professional standards of the primary and secondary school teachers in Sino-America: The part mainly analyzes the different periods and their changes characteristics on the evolution of China’s teacher’s professional standards. Meanwhile, it analyzes the establishment and innovation of American teacher’s certificate of qualification as well as the historical changes of NCATE. It attempts to understand the evolutional characteristics and laws of teacher’s professional standards in Sino-America which paves the way for the comparison of current teacher’s professional standards through the carding and analyzing of the historical evolution on teacher’s professional standards in Sino-America.PartⅢThe comparison of teacher’s professional standards in the primary and secondary school of Sino-America: This part constitutes the comparison and analysis of knowledge required standards, qualification certificate required standards, teaching methods required standards, educational technology required standards, professional ethics required standards, teacher’s evaluation required standards for teacher’s profession, which attempts to find out the differences of teacher’s professional certificate standards in Sino-America to point out the emphasis of the research.PartⅣThe enlightenment of American teacher’s professional standards to China: Learning the advanced experience from America to expound the reference significance to China’s teacher’s educational reforms by comparison.Teacher’s profession is undergoing the transformation from semi-professional specialization to a new period of professional specialization, and the certificate of teacher’s professional standards has been the key link to measure teacher’s professional development in this special period, which led to the formation of worldwide tendency gradually and had profound influence on teacher’s educational reforms of many countries in the world. In this research, the author constitutes the comparison of teacher’s professional standards of the primary and secondary school in Sino-America, meanwhile, and this research learns the successful achievements from America, which will have profound practical significance not only to the implement of China’s teacher’s education theory work, but to the promotion of practical activities of education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1114

