Study on the Relationship between Sex-role Attitude and Career Orientation of Female University Students
【作者】 张世平;
【导师】 王瑶;
【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 心理咨询, 2008, 硕士
【摘要】 性别角色态度是人们对于男性或女性相应的角色行为表现所持的一种态度,即对于男性或女性在一定的文化背景下形成的对性别角色的看法、感受与评价。本研究根据文献查阅、学生访谈,开放式问卷调查等方式收集资料,形成女大学生性别角色态度问卷,调查女大学生对女性性别角色有关的人、事、物及概念的认知、意向上的倾向性,然后进一步探讨性别角色态度与职业倾向的关系。通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析得到女大学生性别角色态度问卷,该问卷包含胜任、家庭—事业、性格——职业、人格特质及表现四个因子,能够解释51.168%的变异量,并且具有较好的信度和效度。本研究采用独立样本t检验、方差分析、相关分析、回归分析考察中国文化背景下女大学生性别角色态度与职业倾向之间的关系,即探讨人口统计学变量对性别角色态度、职业倾向的影响;女大学生性别角色态度与职业倾向之间的关系;并检验女大学生性别角色态度对职业倾向的预测作用,主要研究结论如下:第一,文理科女大学生性别角色态度差异不显著;独生子女与非独生子女性别角色态度差异显著;家庭经济地位对女大学生性别角色态度影响不显著;城乡女大学生性别角色态度不存在显著差异。第二,文理科的女大学生在现实型、研究型职业倾向的得分存在显著性差异;独生子女与非独生子女在艺术型职业倾向得分存在差异;母亲的职业类型对女大学生职业倾向类型具有一定程度的影响。第三,我国女大学生性别角色态度的子维度与职业倾向的不同维度,呈现显著相关。其中性别角色态度的子维度胜任与事业型、研究型职业倾向相关非常显著,并对事业型、研究型职业倾向具有一定的预测作用。女大学生在家庭--事业方面的性别角色态度与常规型职业倾向相关显著,并对常规型职业倾向有一定的预测作用。
【Abstract】 Gender-role attitude is the male or female role behaviors by the attitude that the male or female in the acquired as a socio-cultural view of gender-roles for the development of the cause. based on opening questionnaires , analyzing the literature and visiting university students, a questionnaires was developed about female university students’gender-role attitude.Through the Independent-Samples Test , One-Way ANOVA , Correlate Analysis , Regression Analysis , explored the relation of career orientation of female university students and gender-role attitude of female university students in a Chinese context . the mainly research conclusions were as follows:Firstly , there is difference between arts and science female university students on Realistic and Investigative career orientation . There is difference between only-child and non-only-child on arts of career orientation . Different kind of career of mother have effect on female university students’career orientation.Secondly , female right and family obligation of gender-role attitude of female university students has signification collection with Enterprising career orientation and has very significant correlation with Conventional career orientation ; competence has very significant correrlation with Artistic and Enterprising , personality has significant colleration with Artistic and career orientation.Thirdly, part of factors of gender-role attitude can forecast female university students career orientation predict well , but some part of gender-role attitude can not.
【Key words】 female university students; gender-role attitude; career orientation;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
- 【分类号】C913.68
- 【被引频次】13
- 【下载频次】1367