

A Study on the Formation of Bronze Vessels in Set during Zhou Dynasty in Zhongyuan Area

【作者】 张志鹏

【导师】 袁俊杰;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 商周时期“藏礼于器”,不同等级贵族使用青铜礼器的种类、数量、大小都有严格的规定,贵族使用青铜礼器组合的差异反映了等级的差别。因此,对周代青铜礼器组合的情况及其演变进行研究,有助于我们认识当时社会的宗法等级制度及社会变动。此外,研究周代青铜礼器组合及其演变,也可以为中原地区周代铜器墓葬的分期与断代以及青铜器自身的分期与断代提供依据。此为本文选题意义之所在。本文首先广泛收集中原地区狭义周文化范围内1的铜器墓葬和窖藏资料,对其中未经盗扰、有完整组合的近300个单位进行梳理。接着,根据相关文献资料和青铜礼器资料所反映的用鼎制度,将周代贵族分为五个等级。继而,通过对典型青铜礼器资料的分析,并结合金文材料、联系周代历史实际,根据其用鼎制度僭越情况呈现的阶段性特征,将周代青铜礼器资料大致划归于四个时期。最后,在将中原地区周代青铜礼器资料划为四期、五等级的基础上,通过对不同时期、不同等级青铜礼器资料的排比、分析和归纳,对周代不同等级贵族,在不同阶段使用青铜礼器组合的特征进行总结。此外,本文还结合当时的社会历史,进一步简要分析说明了不同时段青铜礼器组合特征形成的原因。通过对中原地区周代青铜礼器组合的上述分析,本文的主要论点如下:第一、周代贵族可分为五个等级,划分的依据是周代贵族的用鼎制度为五个等级,这得到文献资料和青铜礼器资料两方面的证实。第二、周代青铜礼器组合的演化进程可分为四期,即西周早期、西周中期(或西周早期偏晚)至春秋早期、春秋中晚期至战国早期、战国中晚期,依据是周代用鼎制度僭越情况呈现的阶段性特征。第三、周代贵族的鼎制僭越,首先是从高级贵族开始的,随着时间的推移越来越普遍;时间越早,各个等级贵族使用的青铜礼器组合,就越完备;等级越高,贵族在各个时期使用的青铜礼器组合,就越完备。它们集中反映了以鼎、簋为核心的周代青铜礼器组合,在时间上从早到晚、等级上由上到下,逐步瓦解的过程。这也与周代礼制的变化相一致,并且符合周代历史发展变化的实际。

【Abstract】 The bronze sacrificial utensils stand for rituals and the aristocrats of different ranks use bronze sacrificial utensils whose types, quantities, the sizes have the strict stipulation. The difference of the formation of bronze utensils in set used by aristocrats reflects the rank difference. Therefore, the research of the formation of bronze utensils in set during Zhou Dynasty and its evolution is very useful for us to realize the clan hierarchical system and Social changes during Zhou Dynasty. In addition, the research can provide the basis for the research of dividing copperware graves and copperwares into periods by stages This is the significance of selecting the topic for this article The article,firstly, collects widely copperware graves and the cellaring materials of the narrow Zhou Dynasty Culture scope during Zhou Dynasty in the Zhongyuan area,which is carried on the pectination by region and divided into periods by stages.Following is dividing aristocrats during Zhou Dynasty into five ranks on the basis of the tripod with two handles system which is deduced from related literature materials and bronze sacrificial vessel materials. Then,divides the bronze sacrificial vessel materials during Zhou Dynasty into four periods approximately according to the gradual characteristic of the tripod with two handles system, through the typical bronze sacrificial vessel material’s analysis and the using of the bronze inscription materials. Finally, based on these, makes it clear approximately that the characteristic of the formation of bronze utensils in set which used in different times,the aristocrats of different ranks in Zhou Dynasty , through the parallelism, analysis and induction of the bronze sacrificial vessel materials in different times and different ranks. We also summarize the reason why the vessel combination characteristic formed in different times, combining with the history during Zhou Dynasty.Through the above analysis about the formation of bronze utensils in set during Zhou Dynasty,the main point of this article is as follows:First,the aristocrats during Zhou Dynasty are divided into five ranks on the basis of the five ranks of the tripod with two handles system which is tested by related literature materials and bronze sacrificial vessel materials.Second,the change process of the formation of bronze utensils in set during Zhou Dynasty can be divided into four periods,namely the early time of Western Zhou Dynasty, from the middle time of Western Zhou Dynasty (or the later of the early time of Western Zhou Dynasty)to the early time of Chun Qiu Dynasty, from the middle and later of Chun Qiu Dynasty to the early time of Zhan Guo Dynasty , the middle and later of Zhan Guo Dynasty, Dynasty, on the basis of the gradual characteristic which presents with the tripod with two handles system during Zhou Dynasty.Third,The Zhou Dynasty aristocrat’s tripod with two handles system oversteps one’s authority, firstly starting from the high-level aristocrat, and getting more and more common with the lapse of time; The time more early, the bronze sacrificial vessel combines useed by each rank aristocrats is more complete; The rank is higher, the formation of bronze utensils in set used in each time, is more complete. They concentratedly reflects the formation of bronze utensils in set during Zhou Dynasty taking the tripod with two handles gui as the core gradually disintegrates from early time to later, from top to bottom. This also consists with the change of the state of Zhou Dynasty rituals, and tallies with the change reality of Zhou Dynasty historical development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】K876.41
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1064

