

Discussion on Construction of Critical Thinking in the Mathematics Teaching in High Schools

【作者】 曹玉华

【导师】 李振江;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 逻辑学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 对于批判性思维的原始形态,最早可以追溯到亚里士多德(Aristoteles)的“思维的批判术”,但国际上在教育领域,最早对批判性思维(Critical-Thinking)引起关注的是约翰.杜威(John Dewey),他首先从民主主义的角度出发,指出教育要培养的是作为社会民主理智之载体的个体,继杜威之后,许多进步主义者指出学习、生活都要在批判性思维地指导之下进行,强调探究、反思,对批判性思维非常重视。20世纪40年代,批判性思维已经成为美国教育改革的一个主题,而60至70年代,批判性思维成为美国教育改革运动的焦点,到80年代,成为教育改革的核心。我国的台湾80年代中后期也进行了这方面的研究工作,而国内对这一领域的研究相对较晚。现代社会的进步把素质教育提到了前所未有的高度,而批判性思维的培养,对于强化学生的创新意识,鼓舞他们坚持真理的勇气,形成他们独立完整的人格以及科学的世界观和人生观都具有非常重大的意义。因此作为一名数学教育工作者,非常有必要、有意识地加强这方面的工作,以无愧于“数学是思维的体操”这一称号。本文采用理论与实践相结合的方法,初步探索了如何在中学数学的教学过程中培养学生的批判性思维能力。全文除了引言和结束语外共分三部分,引言部分指出了目前我国中小学生批判性思维能力的状况,表明了加强对他们进行批判性思维养成教育的重要性及紧迫性。文章的第一部分是对批判性思维的概述,在该部分中简要介绍了批判性思维的概念、研究溯源及批判性思维的本质特征。第二部分是对数学与批判性思维关系的简单介绍。第三部分是在数学教学中培养批判性思维的策略及具体方法地探讨,这是本篇文章的重点部分也是难点部分。在这部分中首先从总体上介绍了培养批判性思维的几种策略,然后结合具体的数学教学实践,论述了在课堂教学中培养批判性思维的具体方法。本文的最后一部分是结束语,这一部分是对本篇文章的总结,也是对批判性思维在数学课堂教学中建构前景的展望。

【Abstract】 For the original appearance of critical thinking at the earliest stage,we can date back to Aristoteleles’s skill of critical thinking.But in the international education realm,it was John Dewey who raised concerns on critical thinking at the earlist stage. He started researching from the angle of democratism firstly and pointed out that the goal of education was the development of individual as the media of social ,democray and ration .After John Dewey,many actitists pointed out we must have critical thinking not only in study but also in life ,They emphasized investigation and introspection.They realized critical thinking was very value.In 1940s,critical thinking has already become the theme of education reform in the United States, during 1980s it become the core of education reform. The research work was carried on in Taiwan in the later of 1980s. But the study on this field at home is later than that west country . The progress of mondern society has promoted the quality education to unprecedented height.but the development of critical thinking for enhancing the student’s innovation consciousness ,encouraging them to persist in the truth ,of courage formating their independent personality,scientific global and philosophical view .Therefore as a mathematics educator ,it’s necessary to strengthen the research of critical thinking .consciously.This thesis use the method of combining theories and practice toghther,the auther investigated how to develop the student’s critical thinking ability in the teaching process in the high school mathematics.The text is divided into three parts except the introduction and the concluding remark.Among them,the quote part points out the present condition of critical thinking among the students both in primary schools and middle schools. In our country,it shows the importance and urgency to strengthen their critical thinking. The first part of the article is a brief about critical thinking .In this part,the author simply introduces the criticual thinking’s concept research origiens and the characteristics.The second part introduces about critical thinking during the development of mathematics and main thinking quality of mathematics.The third part is about some main strategies of the development critical thinking .In this part the auther introduces several strategies of cultitating critical thinging,then presents some concrete methods of cultivating critical thinking together with mathematical practices in mathematics teaching.The last part is the concluding remark of the article.It is not only the brief summary of this paper’s research contents,but also is the prospect forecast about the construction of critical thinking in mathematics classroon teaching.

【关键词】 批判性思维数学教学
【Key words】 Critical ThinkingMathematics Theaching
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】350

