

Research on Compensation for Damage of Reliance Interest System

【作者】 杨秋颜

【导师】 王明锁;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国经济体制改革的基本目标是发展市场经济,而市场经济中主体的行为规则在理论上早已明确:个人应自由、企业应自主,但自由的个人和自主的企业必须自行承担其行为的后果,不论这种后果对其自身是有益还是有害。但实际情况是市场经济制度所要求的法治意识、契约观念、自担责任的精神并没有在中国社会真正形成,这与社会的制度在安排中存在有重大缺陷密切相关。在大陆法系和英美法系的学理以及判例中,通常使用“信赖利益”概念来讨论并解决上述问题。在我国,主要通过缔约过失责任以及违约责任制度加以规范,合同法中并没有直接规定信赖利益的概念,不过在学理上是认可的。即便是对信赖利益给予明确保护的国家,在具体的理解和应用上也存在分歧,至今尚无令人信服的论断。因此,本文从学理上深入研究了信赖利益的内涵并达成了统一理解,同时把信赖利益引入我国的违约赔偿制度,增强了立法的可操作性。正文共分为五个部分:第一部分,信赖利益保护的法理基础。两大法系对信赖利益的理解存在明显分歧。大陆法学者认为,信赖利益损害赔偿只适用于合同不成立、无效或可撤销的情形。英美法学者则认为,在违约时也存在信赖利益的损害赔偿问题。笔者所理解的信赖利益与大陆法和英美法学者的理解均有不同,是指信赖合同可实际履行的当事人,因合同未能履行所受的实际损失。它不仅适用于合同不成立、无效或可撤销的情形,也适用于违约的情况下。信赖利益理论自产生以来对各国的立法产生了重大影响,但其自身并非完美,应当对它的局限性,比如立法技术繁杂、合同责任与侵犯债权之间的界限不清晰以及将机会成本纳入合同保障范围存在弊端等予以充分认识,吸收两大法系关于信赖利益的合理因素,来建构我国的信赖利益损害赔偿制度。第二部分,信赖利益违约赔偿制度。信赖利益违约赔偿制度是信赖利益损害赔偿制度的重要组成部分,我国合同法否认在违约情况下适用信赖利益的赔偿,并且有关违约赔偿的一般性条款缺乏可操作性,根本不能更周全地保护非违约方的利益。因此将信赖利益引入违约赔偿制度之中,并借鉴两大法系的违约救济规则,以完善我国有关违约赔偿的救济措施,更重要的是增强司法的可操作性。一是德国法上通过判例发展起来的“赢利性推定”规则,该规则指出,如果一项支出是为了赢利性目的做出的,且该笔支出能够从未来的赢利中得到补偿,则债权人可以请求赔偿该支出。二是英美法确定的信赖利益损害赔偿规则,即使受害人恢复到合同已经得到完全正确履行的状态。第三部分,信赖利益损害赔偿的正当性。违反诚实信用的“法定义务”是信赖利益损害赔偿责任产生的根据。另外,从现代契约观念的转变即从契约自由观念向契约社会观念的转变,以及为实现当事人合同的实质正义目的的角度,论述信赖利益损害赔偿的正当性,以揭示对信赖利益保护的理论价值。第四部分,信赖利益损害赔偿制度的司法适用。首先,介绍确定信赖利益损害赔偿的四个基本要件:对方当事人的利益遭受损害;当事人订立合同时对基于信赖的行为或不行为具有可预见性;信赖行为和要约之间具有因果关系;有对信赖利益的损害给予补偿的必要。其次,介绍具体的计算规则,包括可预见性规则以及减少损失规则。可预见性规则是把赔偿数额限制在对赔偿人来说可以控制的范围之内,对债务人而言,应赔偿的合同损失只限于当初可以预见的那部分。减少损失规则是在被告违约后,如果原告仍然有机会使其商品或服务通过其他途径予以弥补,那么他应抓住该机会,原告只有在采取适当措施减轻本可以避免的信赖损失后,才有权要求期待利益的赔偿。最后,介绍信赖利益损害与交易风险的区别。关键在于是否违背了诚实信用原则、是否符合交易习惯。第五部分,我国信赖利益损害赔偿制度的不足与完善。我国现行立法分别规定了缔约过失责任与违约责任,这样无法起到充分保护债权人利益,并存在违约损害赔偿制度缺乏可操作性的不足。在前文论述的基础上,为我国信赖利益赔偿制度设计出具有可操作性的方案,即创设出“信赖利益”概念,以信赖利益为救济标准,将其贯穿合同的整个过程,并借鉴德国新债法中的“保护义务”的立法方式——不仅合同的履行利益应当得到保护,而且也有义务维护合同前的利益。当事人间除承担基于违反“合意”产生的合同责任外,还有基于违反诚实信用的“法定义务”产生的信赖利益损害赔偿责任,二者共同构成了合同法上的责任。目前我国信用危机较为严重,成为市场经济发展的障碍,需要我们加强对信赖的研究,更需要制订出可操作性强的立法规则对其加以有效保护,本文对此做了深入探讨。但是也存在不足,如在讨论信赖利益损害赔偿范围时,对于第三人损害赔偿的问题未给予关注,需要在以后的研究中加以完善。

【Abstract】 The basic aim of Chinese reform is to develop a market economy, and the action rules of subject in the market economy in theory have been clear: individuals should be free, enterprises should be autonomous. But the free person and the autonomous enterprises should bear the consequences of their actions, regardless of their own consequences is beneficial or harmful. But the awareness of rule by law, the concept of contract, and the spirit of bearing their responsibility that a market economic system require have not really formed in the Chinese society.Reliance interest is often used to discuss the above issue in jurisprudence and case in civil law and common law. However, they have obvious differences on the concept and application of reliance interest. The concept of reliance interest has not been defined directly in China’s Contract Law, but it has been recognized in jurisprudence. The general provisions on compensation for breach of contract are not operated well in judicial practice. Therefore, it is necessary to further study the content of reliance interests, it is introduced into the compensation system of our reliance interest, to strengthen the legislative operation.The text is divided into five parts:The first part is the theory of reliance interest. The content of reliance interest in Civil law and common law is obviously different, the scholars of civil law believe that the reliance interest damages in the contract apply to form, invalid or withdraw. The scholars of common law believe that damages of the reliance interests also apply in the event of default. I believe the reliance interests can actually carry out the stages of the contract. The theory has been produced, which make the legislative practice have a major impaction. But it is not perfect, we should be fully aware of its limitations, such as legislative technical complexity, between the contractual liability and violation is not clearly different and the opportunity cost is included into the contracts, which has defects. Thereby, these reasonable factors should be absorbed to construct our damages the reliance interests system.The second part is the reliance interests on compensation system of the breach of contract. This part relies on the necessity of introduction the reliance interests into compensation system. That is, in the case of default the compensation of reliance interests can not be applied in China’s Contract Law. And the general terms related to damages is operated difficultly, which will not protect creditors’right comprehensively.So, it is necessary to draw on some perfect factors. First, the "presumption of profit" rule in Germany. If the expenditure is to make a profit, and it can be compensated from the future earnings, the creditors may seek to compensate the expenditures. Second, rules of the reliance interests damaged in common law, that is, to make the victim return to the state of the contract entirely carried out. In order to improve China’s damages related to the relief measures, which help strengthen the operation of justice.The third part is the legitimacy of the damages of the reliance interests. The modern concept of contract changes from the freedom of contract to the socialism of contract, and the real justice of the contract, to reveal the theoretical value of protecting of the reliance interests.The fourth Part is judicial application of damages of the reliance interests. First, by introducing the four basic conditions of establishing of damages of the reliance interests, that is, the other party’s reliance interests have damaged, the parties can predict the behavior based on trust of the acts or not. When the parties conclude the contract, between the trust and the offer have a causal relationship, Have the necessary of compensation for the damage of the reliance interest. Second, on specific terms including predictability of the rules, that is, the amount of compensation is limited, which can be controlled by the debtor and the scope can be predicted. And rules of reduce the loss ,after the defendant is in default, if the plaintiffs still have the opportunity to make up for goods or services through other ways, then he should grasp the opportunity, only the plaintiff should take appropriate measures to mitigate the loss of reliance he can seek the compensation of the expect interests. Last, the different of the reliance interest damage and the risk of transaction, whether the principle of good faith is breached or the trading habits is applied.The fifth Part is that China’s system of reliance interest damages is insufficient, so it should be perfected. Now the culpa in contrahendo and the breach of contract are respectively regulated in the contract law. Creditor’s right can not be protected fully, so, we should design workable regulations. Creating of reliance interest, as relief standards, which make it cover through the whole process. That is,not only the positive interests should be protected, but the obligation of the interests of the former contract is kept. The parties bear the responsibility based on breach of "good faith and credit",breach of good faith is based on the "legal obligation" of the reliance interests, which products liability for damages, they together constitute the responsibility on the contract law.At present, our country’credit crunch is more serious, which becomes the barrier in the development of the market economy. We should research deeply the faith to draw up the feasibility legislation rules in order to perform the effective protection for it. This article has made further discussion regarding this, but it also has the insufficiency , which needs to perform in the later research to consummate.。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】79

