

Research on the Small Watershed Silt Storage Dams’ Planning Information System

【作者】 王亚楠

【导师】 余明全; 秦奋;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 黄土高原严重的水土流失不仅制约了当地经济的发展,而且由水土流失产生的泥沙不断流入黄河,抬高黄河河床,致使黄河中下游险情不断增加,进行水土保持治理工作已成为黄土高原一项任重而道远的工作。自黄土高原流入黄河的泥沙,89%源自于沟道,因此治理沟道理所当然成为重中之重,淤地坝作为主要的沟道工程更是在水土保持工作中担当起不可取代的地位和作用。科学合理地进行淤地坝规划和建设不仅可以治理黄土高原水土流失,实现国家提出的山川秀美工程,而且还可以改善提高当地群众的生活质量,因此有着很大的现实意义。我国黄土高原具有独特的地理特征,国外有关研究和采取的措施与我国相差很大,除了借鉴其成果之处,还要大力发展我国坝系建设,必须依据我国的国情,结合黄土高原小流域的实际情况,开展坝系规划与建设工作。在坝系相对稳定理论、沟道分级理论的指导下;以国家颁布的标准和规范为依据;以真实可靠的第一手资料作为数据分析的基础;以地理信息系统(Geographical Information System,GIS)软件强大的分析功能和地理空间数据库强大的数据管理功能作为技术支撑,建立小流域坝系规划信息系统,为黄土高原水土流失综合治理服务。本文主要研究内容如下:1.文章从理论出发,根据国内外淤地坝相关资料,对目前相对稳定成熟的技术与理论做出了解,总结了国内外淤地坝的工程建设与研究状况、淤地坝建设存在的问题、淤地坝研究存在的问题。2.分析影响淤地坝规划建设的因素以及这些因素是从哪些方面影响坝系规划建设。文章主要从规划选址、布坝密度、布坝类型等方面进行分析,提出影响淤地坝规划建设的主要因素为横断面、比降、沟道每一点上游的汇水面积,沟道形状、沟道等级、降雨、植被、当地居民积极性、原本的水土流失治理程度。3.设计了基于GIS技术提取流域基本水文特征的分析模型,为分析影响因素提供数据基础。选择GIS模型,对不适用的模型进行改进,将影响因素分别提取出来,作为规划的依据,分析并得出影响因素的分布图,建立数据库,存放各种分析结果和数据。4.提出了基于信息系统进行淤地坝规划的技术流程。在进行规划时,将影响因子进行综合考虑,将不同的影响因素综合进行叠加分析,设置影响因素的数值,根据影响的程度不同,从大范围到小范围逐级进行分析,最后确定规划的类型、坝址,可在一定程度上避免由于考虑不周而进行重新规划。5.设计并开发了小流域坝系规划信息系统。提出了系统的构架、功能和集成方式:使用VBA对ArcObject进行二次开发,并嵌入到ArcMap中,结合Geodatabase管理各类数据。6.给出了小流域坝系规划信息系统的应用实例。以黄土高原史家沟小流域为研究对象,将用系统做出的规划方案与传统的方法做出的规划方案进行比较,结果表明淤地坝在位址、类型等方面相同,但采用信息系统提供的数据更丰富,管理更方便,可视化程度更强,可满足史家沟小流域在不同的时期多种需求,为小流域的水土保持工作提供科学、可靠的技术平台。通过对研究区的实际应用,发现制订出的规划方案更科学、更合理。研发的通用性系统可为黄土高原小流域水土保持中的沟道治理提供技术支撑。

【Abstract】 The serious water losses and soil erosion in Loess Plateau not only confines the development of the local economy, but also the produced sediment continuously flows into Yellow River, raising the bed of Yellow River, increasing the danger of middle and lower reaches of Yellow River. Soil and water conservation of the Loess Plateau is arduous and the road will be long and tortuous. 89% of Loess Plateau sediment flows into Yellow River derived from gullies, so gully control is the key point. And silt storage dams, as one of the most important measure for gully control project in the Loess Plateau, play an important role in soil and water conservation. Planning and building silt storage dams scientifically and rationally not only can harness the Yellow River, realizing the country’s Landscape Beautification Project, but also can improve and enhance the life quality of local people. Therefore, it has great practical significance.Loess Plateau in our country has unique geographic feature. International relevant researches and measures are very different from our country. However, we can draw lessons from out former work to develop Chinese dam system construction and planning, based on the current condition of our country and the actual situation of the small Watershed in Loess Plateau.Under guidance of relatively stabilization theory of dams system and the theory of channel grade and according to the national standards and specifications, reliable first-hand information is collected as the basis of data analysis. Then by employing powerful analysis function of GIS software and powerful data management capacity of geographic database, systematic small watershed dam system planning information system is developed to improve the work of the soil and water loss comprehensive harness of Loess Plateau. This paper is composed of 6 parts:1. Both domestic and overseas document related to silt storage dams are studied and current mainstream techniques are examined. The paper then summarizes the problems in silt storage dams projects construction in our country and in the world.2. Factors and their influence are analyzed which impact silt storage dams planning and construction. The article mainly discusses planning site, dam density, dam type, etc. then conclusions are drawn that major factors are cross section,gradient ratio,upper reaches water catchment area of every point of the channel, channel shape, channel level, rainfall, vegetation, the enthusiasm of local residents, and the original extent of soil erosion control.3. The hydrological model are developed using GIS technology to extracte the basic hydrological characteristic of the small watershed, provides data foundation for analyzing the influential factors. GIS models are adopted, of which some models are calibrated and improved. The influential factors are extracted as the basis for planning. And distribution maps of the influential factors are analyzed and derived. Finally geospatial database is built to store all the results and data.4. Technical process based on information system to plan silt storage dams is discussed and applied innovatively. In the planning, with a systematic consideration of influential factors, integrating influential factors (both their values and the extent they influence) and employing overlay analysis, the precise type and location of the planning dams can be calculated first from the large scale then the small-scale. In this way it can avoid re-planning caused by immature consideration.5. Small watershed dams planning information system is designed. The system architecture, function and type of integration are proposed and realized using VBA together with ArcObject to embed modules into ArcMap, where geodatabase is also integrated for efficient management.6. An application example of the small watershed dams planning information system is given in the paper. Shijiagou small watershed is taken as case study for the empirical research. Comparison is made between current planning scheme produced by program in this paper and the former planning scheme using traditional method. It result shows that although there’s similarity in dams’style and location, yet the information system is capable of serving more data, making management more convenient, and realizing higher degree of visualization. Apparently, design with information system can meet multiple requirements of Shijiagou small watershed at different periods, and provide scientific and reliable technology platform for soil and water conservation work of the small watershed.Through the practical application on the study area it shows that planning with information system is more scientific and more reasonable. Research generality can provide technical support for the gully control of the soil and water conservation in whole region of Loess Plateau.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】S157
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】97

