

A Study on School-based Teaching Research in Professional Development of Teachers

【作者】 王晓阳

【导师】 刘清华;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教师专业发展作为教师教育的核心目标之一,正在引起和受到人们越来越多的重视。提高中小学教师的素质是我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的启动和深化的迫切要求,教师专业发展的主要内容和目的就是要全面提高教师的素质,特别是教师的实践性知识和科研能力。校本教学研究是适应我国目前基础教育课程改革与发展的要求应运而生的,作为教师专业发展途径之一的校本教学研究以学校所面临的各种问题为研究对象,着眼于在真实的学校情境中发现问题、研究问题、解决问题,有助于教师把获得的新理念、知识和技能向课堂及教学行为的转化;能促进教师知识结构的完善合理,能提高教师的教育和研究能力。校本教学研究将得到广大教师的关注和越来越多的学校的重视。本文从教师专业发展这一视角入手,在梳理前人研究成果的基础上,探讨了教师专业发展中的校本教研教学研究。本研究尝试对教师专业发展与校本教学研究分别进行理论澄清,以求进一步增进认识,并对校本教学研究的概念作了适合我国教育实际的界定,探讨了校本教学研究在教师专业发展中的意义。本文从实际出发对校本教学研究活动的实施现状进行调查,深入实践,在问卷调查和访谈的基础上,指出校本教学研究在研究主体、研究形式和内容、专业引领等方面存在的现实问题,并揭示其背后的深层原因。在对校本教学研究的现状进行剖析之后,论文尝试对教师专业发展中的校本教学研究进行了构建。在实践经验与理论指导下,论文基于教师专业发展提出了开展校本教学研究应必须具备的实施前提,阐述了校本教学研究的实施流程,对学校实施校本教学研究提出了具有操作性的保障措施,归纳出教师投身校本教学研究的有效途径,论文的最后就教师参加校本教学研究应注意的问题进行了总结。力图树立“标杆”,指导中小学校本教学研究有效实施,以完善传统的教师专业发展途径,为教师专业发展提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Teachers’professional development as one of teacher education’s core goals, is attracting more and more attention. To promote teachers’quality of primary and middle schools is the urgent need for new curriculum reform of elementary education.The content and goal of Teacher’s professional development is to promote teachers’quality ,especially teachers’practical knowledge and research ablity.School-based teaching research came into being because it can adapt itself to our state’s present curriculum reform of basic education. The school based teaching research as one way of teacher’s profession development studies all the problems school has met and focus on finding problems , researching and dealing with them in real school context, which will help teachers apply their new concept, kowledge and skills to classroom and teaching behaviors. School-based teaching research will attract most teachers’attention and more and more schools will put great emphasis on it.Viewed from teachers’professional development ,based on research results gained before ,the paper studied school-based teaching research in teachers’professional development. It tried to confine the concept of school-based teaching research and teaching research according to our country’s real educational situation , study the meaning of school-based teaching research in teachers’professional development.Based on questionnaire, interviewing ,the thesis revealed the problem existing in research subject, research form and contents and specialty leading. By analyzing the situation nowadays of school-based teaching research, it tried to construct the school–based teaching research in teachers’professional development . Guided by the theory and experience gained before, the paper presents the necessary condition for conducting school-based teaching research and discusses the process of school-based teaching research, and the measures have been presented for schools enforcing school-based teaching research.,points out the effective paths for teachers participating in the school-based teaching research. In the last, the paper summarizes the problems which should be paid attention when the teachers participate in the school-based teaching research. It strives to construct standard pole to guide the effective enforce school-based teaching research of primary and middle schools, improve the traditional methods of teachers’professional development and provide the experience and references for teachers’professional development in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】447

