
MPLS VPN在电子政务中的设计与应用

The Design and Using of E-government Based on MPLS VPN

【作者】 田宇

【导师】 侯秀红;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 应用数学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 信息技术的迅猛发展,为电子政务的发展及应用提供了新的动力。政府机构运用现代化网络通信与计算机技术,将政府管理和服务职能通过精简、优化、整合、重组后在网络上实现,从而打破时间、空间以及条块分割的制约,以加强对政府业务办公的有效监督、提高政府的办公效率,并为社会公众提供高效、优质、廉洁的一体化管理和服务。本文在介绍了电子政务相关理论基础上,研究分析了电子政务的网络需求,并在比较电子政务中应用技术的前提下,从MPLS(Multi-Protocol Label Switching,多协议标签交换)VPN(Virtual Private Network,虚拟专用网络)理论研究方面分析了MPLS VPN在网络中的应用,并设计了基于MPLS的VPN模型以及对其进行了测试,在对MPLS VPN应用进行分析的基础上,提出了MPLS VPN技术在电子政务中的应用。本文所做的主要工作包括以下几个方面:1、通过对目前电子政务应用现状、体系架构、网络结构等进行分析,提出了电子政务网络中存在着访问灵活度不高、不易管理及安全性等问题。2、设计了基于MPLS的VPN网络模型,并从安全性、扩展性、维护性方面对该模型进行了测试。3、提出了将MPLS VPN应用到电子政务的方案,并构建了实验网络模型。

【Abstract】 The development of information technology provides the driving power for developing and implementing e-government. The management and service functions of government are provided on the network after they are retrenched, optimized, integrated and reorganized by using modern information and network communication technology, which can surmount the restrictions of time, space and division in the management aspects. Moreover, the office businesses of government can also be supervised effectively. Therefore, the efficient, dynamite management and service can be achieved with transparent specification to the whole society.In this thesis, the researches related to e-government are firstly reviewed, based on this, the implementing principle and method of applying MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) VPN (Virtual Private Network)are analyzed in detail. And then, a construction scheme of e-government based on MPLS VPN is proposed, and its enabling technologies are also discussed in detail.The main contents and innovations in this thesis are as follows:1. According to the basic theory related to e-government,the significance of developing e-government is analyzed,and the research contents and developing trend of e-government are discussed. Based on this.2. As for the e-government,the implementing principle and method of MPLS VPN are first analyzed,and then the application of MPLS VPN network is discussed in detail.3. According to the above theories and methods,a MPLS VPN based construction scheme of e-government with MPLS VPN is proposed.

【关键词】 信息化电子政务MPLS VPN
【Key words】 Information technologye-governmentMPLS VPN
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】TP393.1;TP399-C2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】142

