

A Research on the Publication of China’s New Cartoon

【作者】 李晓舒

【导师】 李建伟;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国传统动漫自20世纪20年代诞生以来曾取得过巨大的成绩。但是80年代外国动漫产品进入中国后,抢占了大部分市场,抢夺了大批受众,由此引发了业界人士的思考,在1993年正式开始了对中国新动漫发展道路的探索。新动漫是20世纪90年代以后,运用电视及电影的动态表现方式,添加数字化制作、剪辑技术,使用多种编绘手法,叙述一个完整而复杂的故事情节,在传播过程中与电视、电影、新媒体相结合的新的卡通形式。在科技飞速发展、信息时代到来的今天,手机、网络等新媒体出版成几何级数发展,动漫的研究领域也从动漫传统书报刊、电子音像制品出版拓展到对动漫新媒体出版的探讨。虽然中国新动漫的发展只有短短十几年,但是却取得了不小的成绩。政府强有力的政策支持给动漫出版前行提供了保障;中国本土原创动漫打破国外动漫的垄断情况,占领了动漫市场的半壁江山,并开始出口国外,创造了巨额收益;打破了单一出版的格局,各动漫品种之间的互动性增强;将具有中国特色网络游戏的发展作为动漫出版工作的重点之一,并创造了不菲的业绩。但是中国新动漫出版工作在取得巨大成绩的同时还存在许多问题。题材陈旧,缺乏成人动漫作品;制作成本高,出版物质量低,精品少;动漫市场盗版猖獗,版权意识不强;找不准自身定位,致使动漫产业链各环节脱节;动漫人才匮乏,致使动漫出版工作后劲不足等。在今后的新动漫出版工作中,我们要立足自身,继续加大国家政策的支持和改革力度;注重内容创新,发扬中国特色;明确受众定位,强制动漫分级;利用新媒体,打造动漫立体出版网络;改革动漫教育,培育动漫出版人才;开展版权贸易交流,实施“走出去”战略,坚持走有中国特色的新动漫出版之路。

【Abstract】 China’s traditional cartoon emerged from the 1920s. The animation movies, animation television and cartoon books have made tremendous achievements. But massive foreign cartoon products entered China after 1980’s. Their products controlled most of the market, grabbed a large number of audiences, which has initiated cartoon industry’s ponder. Then the industry began to explore the development of China’s new cartoon officially.The new cartoon was a kind of cartoon unified television, the movie and the new media technology since the 1990s, which uses the television and movie’s dynamic performance way, the advancing digitization technology, the editing method, the utilization of many kinds of compilation techniques. They narrated one complete and complex plot. With the rapid development of science and technology, the arrival of the information age today, the cartoon publication of mobile phones, networks and other new media has developed fast. The animation research area also from the traditional animation book publication, the electronic audio and video product publication develops to the new media animation publication.Although the development of China’s new cartoon publication only has a short period of 10 years, it had made great achievement. Government’s policy provides strong support for the development of new cartoon publication. China’s original cartoon breaks the monopoly of foreign cartoon, which occupied half the cartoon market. China’s original cartoon has exported abroad, and created huge revenue. The single pattern of cartoon publication was broken; the interaction between all kinds of cartoons was enhanced; the national network game publication was strengthened, the development of online games with Chinese characteristics is the focus of cartoon publication, and created high performance.China’s new cartoon made tremendous achievements, but at the same time there are still a lot of problems, such as old themes, lack of adult cartoon works; high costs of production, bad quality of publications, rampant piracy, weak awareness of copyright; lost their own position, resulting the chain of animation industry outdated; a shortage of cartoon talent, insufficient driving for its future development. In the future publication work of the new cartoon, we must develop animation industry by ourselves, continue to intensify the support of state policies and the reform efforts; encourage content innovation, maintain Chinese characteristics; use new media technology to product three-dimensional cartoon publishing network; reform cartoon education, nurture talents for cartoon publication; enhance copyright trade exchanges, implementation of the“going out”strategy, adheres to the Chinese characteristics of the new cartoon publication.

【关键词】 新动漫出版原创中国特色
【Key words】 New cartoonPublicationOriginalChinese characteristics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G239.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】857

