

On Studies of Reports for Models of Henan Province in the New Century

【作者】 王丽花

【导师】 宋应离;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 典型人物报道是一种宣传性报道,是为了达到宣传推广的目的在同类事物中选择典型的人物进行的集中报道。上世纪末我国典型人物报道一度陷入低谷,甚至有学者认为典型人物报道过时了,但新世纪河南推出了任长霞,李学生、洪战辉、谢延信等典型人物,在全国产生了强烈的影响,尤其是任长霞这一典型更是深入人心,给典型人物报道的发展注入了全新的理念。在河南典型在全国成功推出并获得非凡影响的时候,以河南典型人物报道作为本文研究对象,对于新世纪我国新闻宣传的重要手段——典型人物报道的研究可以提供有益借鉴。典型人物报道具有政治性、宣传性和教育性特点。其主要是社会整合作用,同时也具有榜样示范和时代象征功能。典型人物报道从上世纪四十年代演变至今,其媒介形象已经从单纯的“道德之师”和“政治之师”,演变为具有多元个体特征的现代“自然人”形象,其报道手法也有很大改进。新时期河南典型人物报道取得很多突破和创新。在传播理念上摆脱了以往“高大全”的思维定势,在典型人物的选题、选材及议程设置上都趋向平民化;在写作模式上减少了空洞的说教,故事化写作更吸引受众,主要表现为注重细节、凸显人性化、寓观点于事实中、语言情趣化等;在传播方式上,变单向灌输转向网络互动,更加注重策划整合,分层次立体化传播,营造了强势效应,报道方式也灵活多变,内容丰富多彩。新时期河南典型人物报道应该注意把握好典型宣传的“度”、充分考虑报道结果是否在无形中损害了当事人的相关权利;要拓宽典型人物报道的“面”,新世纪河南人民在中原崛起过程中表现出的锐意进取、积极开拓等时代精神在报道中应适当挖掘;同时要注意典型人物宣传的持久性和连续性,防止典型宣传的“一阵风”。

【Abstract】 Typical characters reports are propaganda reports, that in order to achieve the purpose of publicity and promotion before in similar things in the typical figure on the report. Since the late 1980s, China had reported a slump typical characters, and even some academics have reported that typical characters obsolete, But the new century Henan launched Ren Changxia, Li Xuesheng, Hong Zhanhui, Xie Yanxin, typical characters in the whole country had a strong impact, especially Ren Changxia is the people of this typical for the development of the typical reports injected new ideas. In Henan typical in the country and access to the successful launch of the extraordinary impact, as reported in Henan typical characters this study, the news of the new century an important means of publicity - the typical characters research reports can provide useful reference.Typical characters reports of a political nature, publicity and educational characteristics. Its main role is social integration, but also a symbol of the era by example and function. Typical characters reports from the 1940s on the evolution since its media image from a purely "moral army" and "political division" into a multicultural individual characteristics of the modern "natural" image, its approach also reported significant improvement .Henan typical characters in the new period reported many breakthroughs and innovation. In the dissemination of ideas from the past "high-grade" thoughts, but topics, agenda material and the setting up of civilians have tended; Writing in the mode of reducing the empty preaching, and story writing more attractive to the audience, mainly for attention to detail, highlights humanity, and combine perspectives on the facts in the language of taste; In the mode of transmission, changing one-way interactive network to educate and pay more attention to integration planning, at different levels of three-dimensional spread, and created a strong effect, flexible methods of reporting, rich in content.Henan typical characters reports the new century should pay attention to the promotion of good examples "of" fully consider whether the results reported in virtually damage to the related rights of the parties. It is necessary to expand the typical characters reports "noodles" in the new century in Central China Henan people demonstrated in the course of the determination to press forward and actively explore the spirit of the times, such as in the report and not fully revealed. At the same time we should pay attention to the sustainability of typical characters publicity and continuity to prevent the typical propaganda "wind."

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G212
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】231

