

The Actuality Investigation and the Settlement Project Research of the Chemistry Experiment Education in the Second Lushan Senior School

【作者】 张巧玲

【导师】 白新瑞;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着素质教育的实施和新一轮课程改革的不断推进,实验教学被放在了重要的位置。以实验为基础是化学学科的突出特点,但从传统的应试教育出发,教师对实验教学的重视程度不够,实验教学过程中还存在着较多的问题,这些问题严重影响了新一轮课程改革的顺利进行。农村的化学教育现状是什么情况?化学学科的实验要求对于新课程的实施带来哪些难度?为了使新课程在广大农村得以推广,对农村化学教育的发展做出自己的努力。本人选平顶山市鲁山县第二高级中学作为研究对象,对化学实验教学现状通过深入教学一线调查分析,找出了新课程实施应解决的问题并提出了解决方案。我所在的平顶山市鲁山县是国家级贫困县,那里经济落后,人口众多,人均教育资源相对短缺,其中鲁山第二高级中学在校生有三千多人,约占鲁山县高中生人数的三分之一,所以鲁山第二高级中学对鲁山的教育起着很大的作用,但本校的化学教育却很不如人意。我以查阅相关资料,问卷调查等形式对鲁山第二高级中学的化学实验教学情况进行了调查。调查的内容有:教师对实验教学的态度,教师对演示实验和学生实验的开展情况;学生对实验的态度及学生实验中存在的问题;试验室的硬件设施,仪器药品种类及人均实验资源情况。通过这些调查发现了许多影响本校化学学科发展的因素。分析了这些现象产生的根源:教师理念保守,自由时间少,学校本身化学资源紧缺,以及化学实验本身的不安全性和毒性等因素。同时也结合本校现状给出了解决问题的办法:给予化学教师充分的理解和支持,并鼓励教师从教材上的实验出发,积极进行实验装置和实验仪器改造探究,在探究过程中渗透微型实验和绿色实验思想,时时用王敏精神鼓励自己。改变本地区化学教育落后的关键一步是调动化学教师参与化学实验教学的积极性。在王敏老师精神的鼓励下,目前我校一部分教师已经开始重视化学实验教学,并进行了尝试。

【Abstract】 With the implementation of the quality-education and the development of the new curriculum reform, experiment teaching play an important role. Chemistry is an experimental based discipline, but there are many problems in course of the experiment teaching because the teacher ignore the importance of the experiment teaching influenced by traditional test-based education. .What is the actuality of the chemistry education in the rural area? What is the difficuly of the chemistry experiment request in the new reform of the curriculum? In order to popularize the new curriculum in the rural country, I would like to do some help to the development of the chemistry education in the rural country. In this paper, the Second LuShan Senior High School in HeNan province was selected as research object. The actuality of the chemistry experiment education was investigated by the experience of myself. Finally, the problem and the settle method were discovered in the course of the new curriculum.I worked in LuShan county city of PingDingShan in HeNan province in which the population is multitudinous, the economy is backward and per capita educational resources is shortage. I investigated the actuality of the experiment teaching in four senior high school by interview, consult the related data and student’s questionnaire. The teachers’attitude of the experiment teaching, the development situation of the demonstration teaching and the students’experiment were investigated;the students’attitude to experiment and some problems in course of the experiment were studied; the hardware equipments, instrument and materia medica, and the per capita experiment resources were researched .I found many factors which influenced the development of chemistry of our country from our study. The reasons of these phenomenon were drow out, which including :the teachers’conservation, the free time shortage, the shortage of experiment resources and the low safety and high noxious of the chemistry experiment. There are some methods to solve the problems including understand and support our chemistry teacher enough ,change the traditional idea of examination education, and more important is give more financial support to the poverty area education.An important step of changing the chemistry education backward is the teachers’take part in the chemistry experiment education. Under the encouragement of the teacher WangMin’s spirit, a part of teachers in our school are pay more attention to the chemistry experiment teaching and make an attempt in the present.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】298

