

Comprehensive Evaluation of Resource Corporations’ Sustainable Development Ability and Government Behavior Research

【作者】 王会青

【导师】 田家华;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 可持续发展是当今时代的要求。不管是国家还是企业都要与时俱进,实现可持续发展,是一种必然也是一种需求。目前,国内外学者对企业可持续发展的研究有很多,与此同时对企业可持续发展力综合评价的研究也成为一个热点。它对企业的可持续发展具有指导性意义。对企业进行可持续发展力综合评价一方面是对企业的现状和发展现状从理论上加以评价,用于指导企业的发展,实现其永续性;另一方面在实现企业微观层面可持续发展的同时,能够服务社会经济的永续发展。作为企业的一个最主要的组成部分,资源型企业为国家的经济发展起着重要的作用;随着社会的发展,对资源的需求越来越强。资源型企业所依赖的资源一般是一次性自然资源,然而长期以来对资源进行的过多的掠夺式的开采,使自然资源逐渐枯竭,加之传统的计划经济体制的影响,市场经济体制的冲击,以及国有企业的改革要求,我国资源型企业可持续发展出现了困难。因此,资源型企业的可持续发展是时代发展提出的新的要求,也是其自身发展的必然,对其可持续发展能力进行综合评价具有其非常现实的意义。然而,在对大量参考文献进行分析总结的时候,我们发现,对企业可持续发展的研究有很多,对某个区域或是某种资源进行可持续发展力的评价也有不少,但具体到资源型企业,具体到其可持续发展力的综合评价却很有限。对企业可持续发展力进行综合评价,可以采取的指标体系和研究方法有很多种。AHP法是其中的一种,它将定量分析与定性分析相结合,适用于较为复杂的社会经济系统。但将AHP法应用到一个资源型企业的可持续发展力综合评价中,还是一种尝试。本文力求能够将AHP法应用到资源型企业的可持续发展力综合评价体系当中,与行政管理知识结合,对资源型企业实现可持续发展,提升可持续发展力予以指导,促进企业和政府的共同发展。这是本文的创新之处。本文的思路是:先从我国资源型企业的现状出发,提出可持续发展的必要性和重要意义,引出建立可持续发展力综合评价体系的需求。然后,结合企业能力理论,在详细阐述AHP法理论的基础上,建立基于的AHP法资源型企业可持续发展力综合评价体系。并以华北分公司作为例进行实证研究,对其可持续发展力作出评价。最后,在分析我国资源型企业存在的问题及原因的基础上,对政府在资源型企业可持续发展中的影响与作用进行研究,以华北分公司作为例,从企业自身和政府行为两个大的维度提出实现资源型企业可持续发展的对策。希望能够在指导资源型企业保持优势,改进自身的不足,实现持续发展的同时,达到企业与政府的双赢。具体如下:第一章,主要介绍本文的选题的背景、选题意义和目的,以及本文的内容和研究方法。第二章,在分析总结大量文献的基础上,对资源型企业的内涵进行了界定,且对国内外相关的研究领域进行了文献综述。第三章,论文基于AHP法构建了资源型企业可持续发展力综合评价体系。首先,对层次分析法的基本原理及基在可持续发展力评价体系中的作用作了介绍;其次,对可持续发展力评价指标体系的内涵进行了详细的阐述,这部分包括了以企业能力理论为基础的可持续发展力的内涵,给出了本文构建可持续发展力评价指标体系的思路和原则;最后构建了资源型企业可持续发展力综合评价指标体系。第四章,以华北分公司为例,用层次分析法进行了资源型企业可持续发展力综合评价的实证研究。着重阐述了实证研究的步骤和过程。最后一部分,对资源型企业可持续发展过程中的政府行为进行了研究。首先,以我国资源型企业可持续发展的现状为出发点,分析了其中存在的问题,找出了制约其发展因素,对企业发展与政府行为的关系进行了剖析。然后,在前四章的基础上,以华北分公司为例,给出了资源型企业实现可持续发展,提升可持续发展力的对策,主要包括企业自身和政府地为两部分,最后,笔者将企业、市场与政府三者相结合,指出需要从不同的角度共同努力,迎接新世纪新形势的挑战。在本文的研究过程中,采用了文献资料法、实地调研法、以及定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法。期望最终能够建立基于AHP法理论的资源型企业可持续发展力综合评价体系,能够从政府行为层次指导资源型企业保持优势,改进自身的不足,能实现可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Sustainable development is a request of our time. Carrying out the sustainable development is not only a necessity but a demand, as no matter a country or a corporation must advance with the its time. For the moment, there is much research on the corporation sustainable development both our country and abroad. And at the same time, the research about comprehensive evaluation of corporation sustainable development is becoming a hotspot. And it can give some instruction to the practice of corporation sustainable development. The comprehensive evaluation about sustainable development ability, one side is to theoretically give an evaluation about the corporation’s actuality and its development actuality; on the other hand, hope that corporations can realize sustainable development from a microcosmic point severing for the eternal development of the social economy.As a main part of all kinds of corporations, the resource corporation is very important to the economy development of our country. With the development of our society, requirement to resource is becoming intensively. However, at the present moment, in our country there are many difficulties in the process of the resource corporation’s sustainable development. The first reason is the resources that the corporations depend on are almost one-off nature resource. After the spoilage exploitation of a long time, the nature resources are gradually drying up. In addition, the infection of the planned economy, the impulsion of the market economy system, and the request of the national corporation reformation all have made difficulty for the resource corporations sustainable development. Therefore, giving comprehensive evaluation on the sustainable development of the resource corporation has its practical meaning.Whereas, after analysis and summary of a lot of references, we find that research about the corporation’s sustainable development or about the comprehensive evaluation of sustainable development ability on a certain resource is not a little, as concretely to the comprehensive evaluation about the resource corporation sustainable development ability, the research is very limit, though we can know that there are many feasible index systems and research measures. AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), which combines the ration analysis and the nature analysis together, is one of them, suitable for complex social economy system. It is an experiment to adapt the AHP theory to the comprehensive evaluation on the resource corporation’s sustainable development ability. So this article will try to make it a success, and then from the point of administration, guide the resource corporation realize their sustainable development, advance its sustainable development ability, and bring the prosperity for both corporations and the government. This is the innovation of my article.The article have there main parts: first, beginning form the actuality of the resource corporations in our country, the author puts forward the necessary and the importance of sustainable development, and elicits the demand of constructing the system of. Second, combined with theory of corporation ability, the article has constructed a sustainable development ability comprehensive evaluation system based on the AHP. And then, given and evaluation on the sustainable development ability of Huabei Filiale as an example. Thirdly, there is the problem and reason analysis of the resource corporation in our country. Then, taking Huabei Filiale as an example, after the research about the infection and action that the governments make in the resource corporation sustainable development, the author has given some suggestions for the resource corporation sustainable development from the view of. Finally, hoping that can help the resource corporation keeping its advantage, improving its lack, and realizing the sustainable development of both corporations and governments.In the first chapter, there is the back ground, the meaning and the purpose of my subject. And also the author has instructed the main content and measure of the article. Second chapter, after reading a lot of references, the paper gives a definition that what is a resource corporation and summaries the interrelated research both in our country and abroad. The third part, establishes the resource corporation sustainable development ability system. Above all, there is the special instruction of AHP and its function in our comprehensive evaluation system. Next, the particular explanation of the sustainable development ability index system, including the connotation of sustainable development ability based on corporation ability theory, the route and the principle of establishing the index system. Last, accomplishes the sustainable development comprehensive evaluation index system.The fourth chapter mainly is a demonstration research which takes Huabei Filiale as an example, use the resource corporation sustainable development ability comprehensive evaluation abased on AHP theory. The step and process of the demonstration research is the keystone. The last chapter, the author has a research on the government behavior that takes place in the development process of resource corporations. Starting with the actuality of resource corporations’ sustainable development in our country, there is the analysis about the problem and the limit factors, making preparations for the explanation of the relationship between corporations and governments. Following, above on the first four chapters, taking Huabei Filiale as an example, is the suggestion for the resource corporations to realize its sustainable development and advance its sustainable development ability. And the suggestions mainly contain the corporation themselves and the government two parts. In the end, the author integrates the corporation, the market and the government, points out that we should work from different views to receive the challenge of the new century.Literature reference, spot investigate, combination of ration analysis and nature analysis are the main measures of this research. The final goal is to establish a comprehensive evaluation of resource corporations based on AHP, and help the resource corporations keep its advantage, improve its lack, realize sustainable development from the government behavior.

  • 【分类号】F279.2;F205
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】722

