

Research on Composition、Technology and Performance for 1100 Aluminum Alloy for the Capacitor Shell

【作者】 刘囝

【导师】 程晓农;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 材料学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 1100铝合金板材以其优良的延展性与耐腐蚀性被广泛应用于需要有良好的成形性和高抗蚀性的零部件生产当中。由于轧制板材存在力学性能的各向异性,在深冲加工过程中会使杯壁产生凹凸不平的制耳,这种缺陷使得板材成品率及利用率降低。本文通过拉伸实验、冲杯实验、显微组织观察、拉伸断口形貌分析以及织构检测等手段,确定了电容器外壳用1100铝合金成分配比及加工、热处理工艺。重点研究了电容器用1100工业纯铝板材在三种不同热处理工艺条件下力学性能的各向异性,及其对深冲制耳率的影响。通过对板料拉伸断口形貌进行的观察分析与对织构进行的检测结果,分析了板材力学各向异性、制耳率与断口形貌、织构组成之间的关系。本课题在传统金属板材的高精度化方面探索一条适用于深冲板材加工生产的工艺路线,为企业质量控制提供参考。确定了电容器外壳用1100铝带材的优化成分配比(wt%):确定了材料均匀化退火及成品退火制度:均匀化退火:580℃+10h+随炉冷却;成品退火:260℃+3h+空冷。通过对三种工艺方案生产的板材进行拉伸、冲杯试验测得板材的力学性能以及制耳率,板材的力学性能(抗拉强度、延伸率)均达到了1100工业纯铝O态的标准。通过分析发现,在各种力学性能各向异性指标中,塑性应变比(厚向异性指数)的各向异性行为与制耳效果相吻合,将塑性应变比作为衡量板材制耳标准非常切合实验过程所反映的规律。通过对板材拉伸断口的观察发现,三种工艺方案生产的板材的断裂方式均为延性断裂,断口韧窝大小与力学拉伸实验数据完全吻合。从显微组织以及织构方面说明了后两种板材力学性能各向异性及制耳的产生原因。工艺C退火处理冷加工过程中产生的内应力消除更彻底,回复再结晶更充分。成材板料延伸率较高;主要织构密度水平的降低使得板材织构随机化分布更为明显,板材由0°/90°制耳转变为0°、45°/90°方向制耳,制耳率已经低于2%,达到了成品的制耳率要求。通过本文的研究,获得了轧制板材力学性能各向异性的评价基础;与此同时,找出了板材力学性能的各向异性对制耳率的影响;在织构对制耳率影响方面进行了分析研究。本文为今后降低板材各向异性的研究提供了理论基础。

【Abstract】 1100 Commercial Aluminum has been widely used to manufacture components with better conformability and corrosion resistance because of excellent ductility and corrosion-resistant.Anisotropy of rolled sheets produces unsmooth surface called earing on the cup edge,which decreases production yield and utilization rate.Process of machining and heat treatment、The best composition of the aluminum alloy for the capacitor shell was determined..To be the emphasis,the anisotropy of deep-drawing 1100 commercial pure Aluminum sheets produced by three different annealing processes and its relationship with earing rate were studied by means of tensile test,cupping test,microstructure observation,Fractographs of sample and texture analysis.Explored a research route for deep-drawing material productive processing and provided references for quality control for enterprises and the research later.The best composition of the aluminum alloy for the capacitor shell was determined(wt%):And same to the Process of machining and heat treatment,Homogeneous Annealing:580℃for 10h and naturally cooling in the fumace;Fnal Annealing:260℃for 3h and naturally cooling in the air.Mechanical properties of plate,which were obtained by tensile test and cupping test,met the requirements of 1100-O commercial pure Aluminium sheets. The results were fitted by the distribution function and the index of anisotropy was calculated in order to find the relationship between anisotropy and earing rate.The analysis proved that the anisotropy of plastic strain ratio agreed with the earing effect and the earing standard using thick anisotropy index fitted into the rule of experiment. According to the research of Fractographs of sample,We can get the conclusion that all of sample obtained by the three measure were flexible fracture,and the size of the toughness cavity were fitted to the conclusion of test before.Give a summary of relation between earing and the microstructure.3~# technics made the more fully recrystallization and less residue internal stress,and higher elongation.The density of the main texture were more equilibrium,so the 0°/90°earing changed into the 0°/45°/90°earing.The earing rate was lower than 2%and satisfied the requirements of the finished product.The evaluation foundation in anisotropy of rolled sheets was obtained in this paper,meanwhile the relationship between anisotropy and earing rate was studied, and the relation of texture and the eating rate of deep-drawing process was researched. The research provides technical basis for further study on decreasing the anisotropy of plate.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】TG306
  • 【下载频次】219

