

【作者】 刘慧

【导师】 陈冠;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 市场营销管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 广告作为传统的营销传播工具,其有效性研究已经有了一百多年的历史。但是很多已有研究更多局限于传播效果和销售效果,对情感效果的研究也仅停留在品牌喜欢的程度。Terence A. Shimp(2005)首次从品牌的角度阐述了:营销传播的目的是提升品牌价值,广告效应的最高层次是品牌忠诚。虽然品牌忠诚并不一定总能实现,但它作为企业最有价值的品牌资产之一,是广告能够产生的长期效果。综合了态度和行为的品牌忠诚,能够充分衡量广告对消费者引导的程度,是广告情感效果的顶级层次,也是广告长期销售效果是否能达到最优的关键衡量指标。但是,现有对广告效果的研究要么仅停留在品牌回忆、认知或品牌态度的偏好层面,要么仅仅止于研究广告引起的消费行为意向,在品牌忠诚度层面的研究还是一片空白。电视作为大众广告的经典媒体,其应用在我国仍然是最为广泛和流行的,但是如何对电视广告的效果做出品牌意义上的评估,仍然是一个亟待解决的课题。如今的现状是,评价广告效果往往以广告专业人士个人的经验和主观判断为主,难以对广告活动的营销效果做出准确而科学的评估,这成为企业营销部门难以控制的问题。由此产生的广告效果与营销目标的不吻合,不仅削弱了广告作为主要的传播工具的价值,而且带来了企业巨大的投资亏损,这样的例子在国内不胜枚举。基于以上背景,论文将探讨电视广告中的各个广告构成要素与品牌忠诚度之间的关系,从中找到提高电视广告品牌忠诚度层次效果的途径,在理论上能够填补广告效果研究在此方面的空白;通过比较各电视广告构成要素影响品牌忠诚度的路径系数,以及初步挖掘消费者对广告构成要素态度的前因,在实践方面能为广告策划人员有所侧重地创作广告提供参考,同时也为企业营销管理者对广告代理商进行监督和评估提供依据。在确立上述研究目的后,经过文献综述的整理,研究得到了如下理论支持:电视广告的视觉及听觉元素会通过广告态度对品牌态度产生影响;广告态度会通过品牌态度对消费者的意愿、行为产生影响;消费者对品牌的整体态度会促成最终的品牌忠诚度的形成;精细加工可能性模型中广告引起受众的态度改变的边缘说服路径发生于消费者低动机和低能力的情况下,消费者是根据诸如广告信息所激发的不同情绪情感体验等边缘线索直接对刺激做出反应。因此,研究借鉴以上理论依据,在研究目的的引导下,提出了研究的理论框架和模型,即消费者对四个广告构成要素的态度通过品牌态度影响品牌忠诚度,在消费者卷入度低的情况下也会直接影响品牌忠诚度。研究采用规范性研究和实证研究相结合的方法,以“动感地带”电视广告作为研究对象,以问卷形式对“动感地带”的目标消费群进行抽样调查,利用SPSS软件和AMOS软件作为主要的分析工具对数据进行处理和分析。在数据处理前,利用以上两个软件分别对数据进行了信度检验和效度检验。在数据处理中,利用描述性分析描述消费者对“动感地带”电视广告构成要素态度、品牌态度及品牌忠诚度的反馈情况;利用结构方程模型,分析外生显变量对各自外生潜变量(广告的四个构成要素——文案、故事情节、背景音乐、代言人)的影响,内生显变量对各自内生潜变量(品牌态度、品牌忠诚度)的影响,以及最为关键的——各外生潜变量、内生潜变量之间的影响关系。通过各个路径上的负载,我们可以得出各种影响的大小,以利于我们在以后的管理活动中做出决策。根据数据处理与分析结果,论文得出如下研究发现及营销建议:1.代言人通过品牌态度对品牌忠诚度形成显著性正向影响,可以通过提高消费者对代言人的积极态度来提高品牌忠诚度。在选择代言人的时候,我们最应该关注并满足的条件是:代言人是否适合这个品牌所代表的产品、服务、理念等等。其次才是考虑所选择的代言人是否是消费者喜欢的形象、是否与消费者表现出类似的价值观、是否具有可信度这些指标。2.背景音乐直接对品牌忠诚度形成显著性正向影响,可以通过提高消费者对背景音乐的积极态度来提高品牌忠诚度。在选择背景音乐的时候,我们最应该关注并满足的条件是这个音乐是否具有足够的吸引力,而是否有趣、动听或令人愉快排在其次。通过开放性问项的回答整理,发现音乐的时尚性、温馨性也是比较突出的前因。3.故事情节通过品牌态度对品牌忠诚度形成显著性正向影响,可以通过提高消费者对故事情节的积极态度来提高品牌忠诚度。在编制故事情节的时候,我们最应该关注并满足的条件是这个故事情节是否足够有吸引力和有趣,而是否为消费者提供了有用产品(服务)信息或令人愉快排在其次。通过开放性问项的回答整理,发现故事情节是否感人、温馨或具有公益性也是较突出的前因。4.代言人、背景音乐和故事情节这三个广告构成要素两两之间具有一定的交互影响性。虽然这些交互影响系数比较小,但能够说明了一个广告整体中的不同构成要素之间的互相影响是客观存在的,如果优化了其中某一个构成要素,可能提升其它构成要素的正向作用;反之亦然。5.从最终模型中三个广告构成要素对品牌忠诚度影响的路径负载来看,代言人对品牌忠诚度的影响最大,其次是背景音乐,最后是故事情节。而文案对品牌忠诚度没有显著性影响。企业营销人员和广告代理机构广告策划人员可以以上述五条结论为依据,在营销决策和广告策划中有目的地加以参考和运用,以期提高消费者的品牌忠诚度,实现电视广告的最高品牌层次的效果。这样不仅能够带来企业品牌价值的提升,而且能够获得企业的长期盈利,让企业在激烈的营销竞争中打败竞争对手,占据市场优势地位。

【Abstract】 Advertising is a traditional tool of Marketing Communication with a history of over 100 years in the field of its effect study. However, the majority of the studies focus on the broadcasting effect and selling effect, and sensibility effect study also restricts to the level of Brand Favor. Terence A. Shimp(2005)figured out for the first time that the objective of Marketing is promoting the brand value as well as that the highest level of Ad Effect is Brand Loyalty. Though Brand Loyalty couldn’t always be achieved, it is the most valuable factor in Brand Equity which also defines the perennial profit. However, study in Ad Effect in the level of Brand Loyalty is almost a blank nowadays. As a classic media widely used in the field of mass advertising, TV is also very popular in our country. Referring to the assessment of TV Ad Effect in the level of Brand Loyalty, there has been no one who could deal with the problem scientifically. Therefore, it has become an urgent issue which marketing specialists could take control of and assess, instead of the subjective judgment of the Ad makers themselves. Meanwhile, it may cause the inconsistency between Marketing Objectives and the Ad, which is bound to bring huge loss for the enterprises.Therefore, based on the background above, I attempt to find the path how the Ad Elements affect Brand Loyalty, and to what kind of extent or degree they do finally. On one hand, it fills gaps in the aspect of Ad Effect Research in theory; on the other, by comparing the impact of television advertising elements of the path influencing Brand Loyalty, it provides a basis for the advertising staff in Ad Agency and the corporate marketing manager in making decisions on advertising creativity, Ad Effect monitoring and evaluation.After establishing the above-mentioned purpose of the study, I find the following theoretical supports through the collation of documents as follows: 1. TV Ad Elements owe influences on Brand Attitude through Ad Attitude; 2. Ad Attitude owes influences on consumers’desire and action through Brand Attitude; 3. Brand Attitude gives rise to Brand Loyalty; 4. Ad Attitude may directly influence consumers’desire or action under low consumer-involvement.The thesis is a kind of study between Ad Elements and Bran Loyalty, taking M-Zone TV Ad as sample, designing questionnaire to collect data, and using SPSS, AMOS as analytic tools. Before data processing, I use the two tools above to deal with reliability testing and validity testing. During the data analyzing, I use descriptive analysis to describe the customers’attitude toward Ad Elements including Document, Story details, Background music and Spokesperson, as well as customers’attitude toward the brand and the level of brand loyalty. Then, I use Structural Equation Models to analyze the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables. Finally, I use descriptive analysis to find out the antecedent causes of Ad Elements Attitude. We can get the results to help us to make decisions.According to the results, I get the following conclusions.A. Spokesperson owns positive-going influence on Brand Loyalty through Brand Attitude. So we can improve customers’attitude toward Spokesperson to increase Brand Loyalty. And the most important point we should pay attention to when we choose Spokesperson for an Ad is whether the person adapts to the product, service and concept of the brand.B. Background music directly owns positive-going influence on Brand Loyalty, which means we could improve customers’attitude toward Background music to increase Brand Loyalty. And the most important point we should pay attention to when we choose Background music for an Ad is whether it is absorbing enough. What’s more, whether the music is fashionable or warm is also important antecedent of consumers’’attitude toward Ad Music.C. Story details own positive-going influence on Brand Loyalty through Brand Attitude. So we can improve customers’attitude toward Story details to increase Brand Loyalty. And the most important point we should pay attention to when we design Story details for an Ad is whether the story is absorbing and interesting enough. What’s more, whether the story is affecting, warm or commonweal is also important antecedent of consumers’’attitude toward Ad Story.D. There are interactions among Story details, Background music and Spokesperson. Though the interactions are very small, we should attach great importance to the resultant force when they are together as an Ad.E. From the analytic results, Spokesperson is the most important factor in Ad Elements which can increase Brand Loyalty to the biggest extent, Background music comes the second, and Story details is the last one. Document has no significant influence on Brand Loyalty.In order to improve customers’brand loyalty which is the highest level of Ad effect, the marketing specialists in enterprises and the Ad makers in Ad agencies can refer to the five conclusions above, aiming to success in the fierce marketing competition with brand value improving and long-term profit increasing.

【关键词】 电视广告构成要素品牌忠诚度动感地带
【Key words】 Ad ElementsBrand LoyaltyM-Zone
  • 【分类号】F713.8;F273.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1538

