

Application of Cleaner Production in Electroplating Industry

【作者】 朱静静

【导师】 傅柳松;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 环境科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 清洁生产是一种全新的工业生产和企业发展模式,是工业企业实施可持续发展的有效途径。它是以技术、管理为手段,以节能、降耗、减污、增效为目标,通过对生产的全过程的排污审核筛选并实施污染防治措施,以消除和减少工业生产对人类健康和生态环境的影响,从而达到防治工业污染、提高经济效益双重目的。电镀工业属于高能耗、高水耗、高污染的行业。目前,国内尚未开展电镀行业的清洁生产示范工程,缺乏有效的清洁生产技术信息是电镀企业实施清洁生产的一大障碍。因此,对电镀企业进行清洁生产试点研究,结合国内外同行业清洁生产状况和其他行业清洁生产的经验,研制并实施各项可行的清洁生产方案,有效实现节能、降耗、减污、增效,不仅使清洁生产在该行业获得巨大的环境、经济和社会效益,而且对于缓解我国能源短缺问题也有十分重要的意义。本文在介绍清洁生产基本概念和内涵的基础上,说明了清洁生产在电镀行业的研究背景和意义,指出对于我国电镀企业来说,实施清洁生产是工业发展的必然选择。通过对电镀工业及其对环境的影响的了解,介绍了国内外清洁生产及其在电镀行业的应用情况,阐明了我国电镀行业的清洁生产潜力和应用前景,指出电镀企业只有从节水减污、节能降耗、加强管理等方面寻求清洁生产的机会,实施相应的清洁生产方案,才能有效地解决生产过程对环境造成的污染问题,提高企业的经济效益,实现电镀行业的可持续发展。本论文在研究过程中进行了大量信息调研,在文献资料收集基础上,对电镀行业推行清洁生产过程中存在的问题进行了分析,从宣传、管理、规范化生产、技术改造、技术交流和理论研究等方面提出了对策与建议,通过一系列电镀企业的清洁生产审核试点研究结果,结合国内外电镀工业清洁生产信息,对其清洁生产成果进行评述,从节能、节水等方面归纳了电镀行业清洁生产的适用技术。研究成果对于促进和规范我国电镀行业清洁生产工作的推行具有一定的理论指导和实践应用价值。

【Abstract】 CP (cleaner production) is a new way to manufacturing and development mode, as well as an effective approach to implement sustainable development for industries. With the purposes of saving energy, decreasing material consuming, producing less pollution and improving benefit, along with the implementation means of technology and management, CP eliminates and diminishes the impact of industrial production to human health and environment by auditing the whole production process and implementing pollution prevention measures, and thereby get to the view of pollution prevention and economy improving.electroplating industry remains high energy-consuming, high water-using and high pollution-making. At present, the lack of effective technology information is becoming a main obstacle to the implementation of CP for pulp mills which feeds on electroplating , due to there is a lack of research on the CP exemplary of the electroplating industry at home. Based on the CP demonstration research in the electroplating industry, and the experiences of successful CP implementation cases of the same and the other industry domestic and abroad, the doable CP projects were developed and implemented, thereby effectual carried out energy-saving and pollution-reducing. Accordingly, that will be of great benefit to the electroplating industry in environment, economy and society, and as well as has important significance for mitigating energy shortage.Firstly, the article introduced some basic concepts of CP, illuminated the research background of CP in the electroplating industry, pointed out that for the electroplating industry, cleaner production is the way must to go.Secondly, learned from the electroplating industry and its impact on the environment, and the experiences of CP from the same industry domestic and abroad, the potential as well as application foreground of the electroplating industry which feeds on electroplating was analyzed. Then, it concluded that for the sustainable development in electroplating industry, increasing economic benefit and effective resolving the impact on environment, the effective approach is implement CP from water-saving, energy-saving and management.Thirdly, it also made a further research on the practical problems that may exist in these factories from the aspects of policy, management and technology. And some suggestions and strategies were given to the electroplating industry which feeds on electroplating and some departments related.In the end, investigated the CP experiments of some electroplating -making factories and combined the experiences of successful CP implement ation cases of the same industry domestic and abroad, collected and concluded the implemented CP projects, some useful criteria for water-saving and energy-saving technology were proposed, and the cleaner production fruits were analyzed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】TQ153;X322
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1459

