

【作者】 刘莹

【导师】 高雁; 丁承运;

【作者基本信息】 武汉音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 筝是我国古老的弹拨乐器,筝乐艺术在我国有着悠久的历史与传统,故人们又称其为古筝。清代以来,古筝音乐在几千年的历史文化积淀下更有了长足的发展,成为中国传统音乐文化中一颗璀璨的明珠。在众多古筝流派中,河南筝以其浓郁的地方特色和脍炙人口的旋律特点深受筝家和广大人民群众的喜爱。自明代大调曲子兴盛以来,古筝依附于大调曲子也取得了丰硕的果实,在近代河南民间艺人的共同努力下,河南筝派逐渐形成,在魏子猷、曹东扶、王省吾、任清芝等演奏家的大力推广下,河南筝派走向了艺术的高峰。在中国传统音乐艺术文化的泱泱大河之中,河南筝派具有着自己独特又独立的艺术风格,占据着重要的艺术地位。然而,河南筝并不是一种单一的风格,受地域方言、民俗文化的影响,其风格形成了不同的支系,也正是这些丰富的艺术表现与千姿百态的艺术魅力才缔造了河南筝派的辉煌。本文从河南筝派四位具有代表性的演奏家——魏子猷、曹东扶、王省吾、任清芝的艺术生涯、演奏特色入手展开研究,分析河南筝派这一伟大艺术流派中支系的艺术风格,并对其风格差异进行试探性地透视研究。河南筝在历史长河中发散着光芒,不论是在现代的传承还是传播都具有着自身的文化职能,为中国古筝艺术增光添彩。本文共分为三章:第一章:对河南筝派的发展历程、形成渊源以及曲目来源与流传地区进行线条梳理与理论总结,为后文提供资料支持。第二章:对河南筝派中四位具代表性筝家魏子猷、曹东扶、王省吾、任清芝的生平、传谱、演奏技法进行分析阐述,总结其风格以及成因,揭示河南筝派中丰富的筝乐风格。第三章:对河南筝派的现代传承与传播进行考察与总结,在当代中国文化艺术文明迅速发展的同时,对河南筝派所面临的严峻挑战提出笔者的思考与对我辈后人为河南筝派继续其辉煌提出展望。

【Abstract】 Zheng is Chinese oldest plucked string instruments,Zheng music art in China has a long history and tradition,so it is also known as the guzheng. Since the Qing Dynasty , Zheng music in the history of several thousand years of cultural accumulation more a considerable development,and Chinese traditional music culture in a bright pearl.Many schools in the guzheng,Henan Zheng its strong local characteristics and the characteristics of well-known melodies by the Zheng family and the masses of the people love. Since the rise of the Ming Dynasty-flat piece since the guzheng depend on the flat piece has also produced abundant results, Henan folk artists in modern times to the concerted efforts of Zheng in Henan gradually formed in Wei Ziyou,Cao Dongfu,Wang Xingwu,Ren Qingzhi,etc. to promote the performer,Henan Zheng sent to the peak of the art.In traditional Chinese music and art culture of vast rivers, Henan Zheng has sent its own unique and independent style of art,the art occupies an important position. However,Henan Zheng is not a single style,geographical dialect,the impact of folk culture,a different style of the lineage,and it is these rich artistic expression and many others to create the artistic charm of Zheng in the Henan brilliant. In this paper,four were from Henan Zheng representative performer - Wei Ziyou,Cao Dongfu,Wang Xingwu,Ren Qingzhi artistic career,starting with the study and performance characteristics,analysis Henan Zheng in this great art schools Zhongqi of the art style,and style differences in their exploratory study in perspective.Henan Zheng in the long river of history distributed light,both in the modern transmission or spread has its own cultural functions and to add luster to the Chinese guzheng art.This paper is divided into three chapters:Chapter 1: Henan Zheng in the course of development,as well as a source of repertoire sources and circulation areas carding lines with the theoretical summary of the text to provide information for the post-support.Chapter 2: Henan Zheng allocated four representative Wei Ziyou,Cao Dongfu,Wang Xingwu,Ren Qingzhi’s life,mass spectroscopy,performance analysis techniques described,as well as summing up their style causes,reveals Henan Zheng were rich in music style.Chapter 3: Henan Zheng in the transmission and spread of modern investigation and concluded that contemporary Chinese culture and art in the rapid development of civilization at the same time,Henan Zheng in the severe challenges faced by the author put forward thinking and the generation after me to send human Henan Zheng looking to continue its glory.

  • 【分类号】J632.32
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】529

