

A Research on EYES ON in CCTV News Channel

【作者】 王莉媛

【导师】 周鸿铎;

【作者基本信息】 中国传媒大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 《共同关注》是中央电视台新闻频道的一档日播类新闻专题栏目,栏目定位于关注弱势群体,努力“打造中国老百姓的精神家园”,在央视新闻频道中始终保持着综合评价排名前五的好成绩。自2005年以来,《共同关注》栏目组连续三年成功实施大型社会公益活动“圆梦行动”,这一活动在社会上共募集善款近4亿元,帮助了数万名家庭经济困难学生顺利圆梦大学,也打响了《共同关注》栏目的公益品牌。本文首先对《共同关注》栏目及“圆梦行动”做了全面介绍,在文章的第二部分,从受众、媒介产品及媒介环境等方面对栏目现状进行了深入分析,并以这三方面为出发点,对普遍意义上的电视栏目运营也做了相关探讨。同时,本文还从社会学、传播学角度及资源、机制、包装推广等方面对日渐成风的媒体活动营销与媒体公益这两个话题做了重点讨论。文章的第三部分从市场营销学的角度对《共同关注》进行了全面的竞争状况分析和SWOT分析,由此对栏目下一步发展战略提出建议,对栏目的大型活动策划和整体营销策略也提出相关建议。在本文的最后,提出又一新命题,那就是,面对多元化信息传播的新媒体时代,《共同关注》将如何应对?

【Abstract】 Eyes On is a daily news program in CCTV News Channel, focusing on caring about the vulnerable groups, whose main aim is to build the spirit homes for the Chinese people. It is one of the top five programs in the whole channel. Since 2005, the activity Do for Your Dreams, organized by Eyes On, have been held successfully for three years, which raises more than 400 million RMB and helps more than 10,000 students, whose family cannot afford the tuition, to go to the college. Meanwhile, this activity brightens the community brand of Eyes On.First of all, the paper gives an introduction of Eyes On and the activity Do for Your Dreams. In the second part, it analyses the actuality of Eyes On from three aspects, there are audience, media production and media circumstance. Based on it, the paper also gives a discussion about other TV programs alike. Meanwhile, using theories of sociology and communication, the paper also pays more attention on media marketing activities and media commonweal from several aspects such as resource, mechanism, marketing and so on.In the third part of the paper, it gives a complete competition analyze and SWOT analyze on Eyes On using the theory of Marketing. Also, it gives many advices on its’development in the future.In the last part of this dissemination, a new question is proposed and discussed, that is, what does Eyes On should do when facing diversified information communication in this new media age.

  • 【分类号】G222.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】530

