

【作者】 张勇

【导师】 左凤荣;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 2001年1月布什入主白宫特别是“9·11”事件后,美国政府对日政策较克林顿时期发生了新的变化。在经历了克林顿时期的“敲打日本论”与“忽视日本论”之后,布什政府时期主要流行“日本期待论”。扩大日本作用,加强与提升美日关系成为布什执政以来对外政策的核心目标之一,正是在这个时期,现代美日关系迎来了150年以来前所未有的“黄金时代”。本文的主要内容包括以下几部分:第一部分是本文的重点。这部分在着重分析布什政府对日观及对日战略的基础上,总结概括布什政府对日政策变化的新内涵。一方面,布什政府着力提升日本的战略地位,以更好地利用日本支撑美国霸权;另一方面,为了延续与加强美日同盟存在的正当性与合法性,布什政府正在不断开拓美日合作新领域、达成美日同盟间的新共识,推动美日同盟向更加自由主义倾向的“认知联盟”方向转化。布什政府同时加强盟内“权威领导”,换取日本对联盟“自愿性”的认同与支持。与克林顿时期相比,美日双方更能以战略性眼光来审慎应对双方关系中不时出现的摩擦与分歧。第二部分对影响布什政府对日政策变化的因素进行了综合分析。这些因素主要包括布什政府对外战略的变化,全球化进程加速发展中的亚太、中国与日本的变化以及布什个人与“知日派”因素的作用等。第三部分分析了布什政府对日政策变化对美日关系以及中国与亚太的影响。“放松是为了更好地控制”,正是在推动美日之间权利与义务趋于“对等化”的过程中,日本被纳入了更深层次的美国全球战略轨道之中。美日同盟由传统的“威胁平衡”模式向“机制共同体”模式的转变对于中国与亚太来说机遇与挑战同在。文章最后对日美关系的未来发展进行了展望,对中美日三边关系的前景进行了探讨,并就中国如何应对美日同盟演化的新趋势提出了建设性的意见。

【Abstract】 New changes of US Japan policy have occurred since Bush came into power, especially after“9·11”attack compared with the Clinton Government.“Japan Expectation”policy is becoming popular in Bush’s Administration after“Japan-Bashing&Passing”policy in the Clinton Government. Expanding Japan role and transforming US-Japan Alliance is one of the core objectives of the Bush Administration’s foreign policy, thus we see the unprecedented“Golden Age”of the modern US-Japan relation since it was established over 150 years ago.This dissertation consists of three main parts:The first part is principal part of the dissertation. Basing on the analyses of the Bush Administration mainstream strategic views on Japan, the author summarizes new changes of US Japan policy. For one thing,the Bush Administration is to make better use of Japan to support US hegemony by elevating Japan’s strategic status globally. For another thing, to continue and reinforce the“justness”and“legitimacy”ofUS-JapanAlliance exsistence, the Bush Administration is promoting US-Japan Alliance Transformation to a more liberal version:“Authoritative Alliance”;Besides,it is strengthening US“Authoritative”leadership in the Alliance in exchange of Japan’s more“willing”recognition as well as support for the Alliance.Both sides can face and tackle the divergence and frictions between them better than what the Clinton Government did with more strategic and global view.A comprehensive analysis of reasons for new changes of US Japan policy is made in the second part. Dramatic Aisa and China in the rapid developing globalization, reemerging Japan, and Gorge W. Bush as well as“Japan Stressing”school roles are all included.The third part analyses the impact of the new changes of US Japan policy on US-Japan relation as well as Asia-Pacific area and China.“To untie Japan is to control more,”Japan is more deeply integrated into America’s globally strategic orbit in the 21st century during the process of promoting symmetrical rights and obligations between US-Japan. As for Asia-Pacific area and China, the transformation of US-Japan Alliance from traditional“threats- balance”model toward a more liberal version means challenges as well as opportunities.In conclusion, this dissertation provides a perspective view of the US-Japan relation development; besides, a discussion about the future“China-US-Japan”triangle relations is given. Finally, some constructive suggestions for China’s rational response to the latest developing trend of US–Japan Alliance are made.

  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【下载频次】154

