

【作者】 江静

【导师】 李东朗;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究历史,意在前瞻。延安时期,陕甘宁边区(以下简称边区)在中国共产党的领导下,开展了轰轰烈烈的选举运动,搞得很成功,也颇有特色。本文以“边区选举”为研究对象,描述边区选举概况,总结边区成功选举的经验,并从中提出了对现在选举有借鉴意义的几点启示。全文分导言和正文四个部分。导言部分,主要说明选题的意义、研究现状以及本文的研究思路和研究方法。正文第一部分:陕甘宁边区选举概述。主要介绍了边区选举的历史背景、运行过程和历史作用。首先,从抗战的需要、共产党自身生存和发展的需要和共产党实践其民主政治主张的需要三个角度分析了边区选举的时代背景;其次,简要描述了边区举行的三次大规模选举运动;最后,对选举的历史作用进行了总结。正文第二部分:边区成功选举的经验。在得出边区成功选举的结论基础上,总结了边区成功选举的经验:重视选举是成功选举的基本前提,否则一切设计都无法实现;有效宣传发动群众积极参选是成功选举的基础;建立一支高素质的选举干部队伍是成功选举的保障;实行竞选制度是选举成功的有效方法。正文第三部分:边区选举的历史启示。在总结边区成功选举经验基础上,针对当前选举中存在的问题,得出三点历史启示:选举是民主的第一要义;选举需要党的科学领导;必须解决好选民的选举冷漠。

【Abstract】 Studying history is for acquiring forward-looking vision. From the 1930s to the 1940s, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border area (Border Area), under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, launched a heated election campaign in the characteristics of their own and has scored remarkable achievements. This thesis tries to make an in-depth study on the border election and sums up the experiences and lessons CPC had accumulated and learned from democratic elections during this period. Furthermore, this thesis provides reference and inspiration to solve current problems in the election for doing a good job under the new situation for democratic elections and strengthening the party’s democratic administration capacityThe thesis consists of introduction and full-text of four parts. Introduction explains the significance and research history of the topics, the research ideas, research methods and the innovation.The first part gives an overview of the election in the Border Area, Mainly on the historical background, proceeding process and historical role. First of all, it analyzes the historical background from 3 perspectives: the need of the war of resistance, the need to struggle with the KMT, the need to fulfill democratic policies; secondly, it briefly describes three large-scale election campaigns held in the Border Area; finally, it concludes the historical role of elections.The second part expounds the experience deriving from successful elections in Border Area. Namely, recognization of election’s value is the basic prerequisite for a successful election, or else no expectation can be realized; effective promotion and mobilization of the mass to participate the election is the groundwork for successful elections; establishment of a high - quality cadres candidates is the guarantee for a successful election; implementation of the election system is an effective way for a successful election.The third part expounds the lessons from the Border Area elections. On the basis of successful elections’experiences, appointing to the problems that exist in the current election, it educe 3 lessons learned from history: first, election is the essence of democracy; second, election needs the scientific leadership of the party; third, electorates’indifference should be solved.

  • 【分类号】D231
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】235

