

The Value Research of Chinese Traditional Classics Education in Primary Schools

【作者】 罗萍

【导师】 余立新;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在文化全球化,中华民族日益强盛的现代背景下,小学阶段中华传统经典教育有再次走热之势。但在小学阶段进行中华传统经典教育理论层面仍有争议,争议主要集中在文化观的冲突,教育观的抗衡,以及价值观失衡这三个方面。近两年,重庆市江北区在推进“国学江北”工程中,首先面临以下三个问题:第一认识问题,即“学古为何用”?第二是具体的操作途径及策略;第三是对江北区在进行中华传统经典教育走在前面的学校进行个案调研解剖,深化对推进国学教育的认识。从全国的形势和江北区的区域特点来看,重新审视中华传统经典教育在新的时代背景下的价值是一个很有现实意义的问题。中华传统经典教育的前期实践研究从丰富知识积累,形成合理知识结构和智力训练功能两方面论证了文化经典诵读的智力开发价值;从伦理道德教育的角度论证了经典教育的德育价值;从文化的角度论证了中华传统文化传承价值。但到目前为止,国人对待本民族传统文化的心态还需调整;人们对传统经典教育价值认识不全面,在具体实施经典教育的过程中出现了目标定位不准,行动出现偏差等问题。本文在前期研究的基础上,从教育价值以及教育文化学的基本理论出发,从“社会”与“人”这两个教育主体的角度进一步论证了中华传统经典教育社会价值,体现在文化的自觉与文化的传承方面,即由“文化自在”内化发展为“文化自觉”。经典教育对人的价值,体现在“立人”上,人要有人格。本文特别论述了传统经典文本在当今仍起到了“蒙以养正”作用,这是小学阶段经典教育所具有的独特价值。基础教育时期是人成长的关键时期,开展中华传统经典教育,就是要突出小学生这一重点对象,在对中华传统经典教育价值认识的基础上,结合江北区培新小学开展中华传统经典教育的个案,提出将中华传统经典教育纳入国民教育体系,成为现代教育一个有机组成部分的建议:提倡选择有代表性的先秦与蒙学读物,辅之以唐诗宋词等传统文本作为小学阶段进行中华传统经典教育的教材;提出中华传统经典教育不应仅限于小学教育的范围,而应以书香校园、带动书香家庭、书香社区,最后让中华传统经典教育成为全民性的教育,实现“国学”的普及与推广,使中华传统经典成为教育中一笔可资借鉴的重要文化资源等建议。这是一个实践性很强的课题,以实践为出发点和归宿是该课题研究坚守的原则,尽量让材料说话,让方法说话,让事实说话,努力使理论研究与实证研究结合,是本文立论的基本准则。

【Abstract】 With the background of the cultural globalization and the Chinese nation going to its prosperity, Chinese traditional classics education in primary schools tends to be heated again. The theory about whether we should carry on the Chinese traditional classics education in primary schools still remains in dispute. The dispute is mainly concentrated in three aspects: The cultural perspective conflict, the contradiction of education perspectives, and the unbalanced values. In the recent two years, Chongqing Jiangbei District is boosting the project "the National Studies in Jiangbei", which intends to solve three problems: First one is "Why should we study ancient classics?" Second is the concrete operations and strategies; Third one is about the case study about the school in Jiangbei in which Chinese traditional classics education in primary schools takes the lead in order to deepens the understanding of national studies. Based on the national situation and Jiangbei characteristic, rethinking the Chinese traditional classics education in primary schools has its practical significance.The practical research of the project starts with knowledge accumulation, and through the formation of reasonable knowledge structure and the intelligence training function, it proves the intelligence cultivation value of the cultural classics chant; from ethics moral education it has proven moral education value of the classics education; from the cultural aspect it has proven the value of traditional culture inheritance. But people still need to adjust their attitude about native traditional culture; they are lack of the thorough understanding about the value of traditional classics education, and it eventually causes ambiguity of orientation during implementation and inappropriate practice. Based on previous study as well as education value and education cultural science basic theory, the essay further studies the value of Chinese traditional classics education. In the aspect of the social value, the value of Chinese traditional classics education is highlighted by the cultural awareness and the cultural inheritance, which means the internalization from "culture involvement" to "culture awareness". From the concept of "human being", the value of classics education manifests in "humanity building". The human must have personality. The essay emphasizes the traditional classical text still has the function of "fostering integrity", this is the unique value which the elementary school stage classics education had. The basic education is a crucial period during growing process, and the primary school student will play the most important role in Chinese tradition classics education.With the cognition background about the value of the Chinese traditional classics education, and the case study of Jiangbei Peixin Primary School, we suggest to integrate the Chinese traditional classics education to the compulsory education system, and make it become part of modern education constitution; We suggest choosing pre-qin and the illuminative reading materials, supplemented by traditional texts such as Tang poems and Song verses as the teaching materials for Chinese traditional classics education; We suggest the Chinese traditional classics education should not only be restricted in the primary education, but should be scholar families and communities inspired by scholar campus, making the Chinese traditional classics education going into national education, boosting the popularization and promotion of "national studies", and making the Chinese traditional classics important cultural resources.This is a practical project, holding the principle to make practice the starting point as well as the destination. It gives way to real materials, methods and facts. It intents to integrate theory research with demonstration research, which is the basic criterion for the viewpoint presentation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G629.2
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1475

