

The Analysis of Landacape Dynamics and Pattern Characteristic in the Metropolitan Region of Chongqing City

【作者】 熊春妮

【导师】 魏虹;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城市化正对当今世界产生深刻的影响,中国的城市化已经进入加速发展时期。中国的城市生态面临着严峻的挑战,城市景观受到越来越多的关注。重庆是长江中上游的经济、文化、交通中心,自1997年设立直辖市以来,经济飞速发展,城市面貌日新月异,城市景观发生了巨大的变化,以其主城区尤为明显。重庆市以建造“山水园林城市”为城市规划目标,城市绿地既是解决城市生态环境问题的手段,也是城市建设的目标。本文以重庆市主城区为研究对象,利用1995年和2002年两年的土地利用图,在GIS软件中进行重新分类,并且分别提取出城镇景观、非城镇景观、绿地景观。首先比较了直辖前后主城区景观、城镇景观、非城镇景观、绿地景观的动态变化,分析城市化对主城区的影响。然后在多个粒度下分析主城区景观、城镇景观、非城镇景观、绿地景观的格局特征,探讨各个景观的粒度变化规律。利用移动步长法,在不同的幅度下分析了主城区景观的空间异质性。最后,选用多个连通性指数分析主城区绿地景观的连通性,比较各指数的优劣,并且分析绿地景观中的斑块对其连通性的重要性,找出对连通性最关键的斑块。主要得到以下结果:(1)8年间,主城区景观整体变化很小,但城镇景观变化较大。城镇景观变得简单、紧凑、均匀。主城区景观的变化是由城镇景观引起。但城镇景观的面积占主城区比例较小,因此对整体景观特征影响较弱。绿地景观几乎无变化,相对城镇景观的迅速增长,绿地建设已经滞后,需要加强建设。(2)城镇景观、非城镇景观、主城区景观、绿地景观的粒度效应不尽相同。其中,非城镇景观与主城区景观粒度效应一致,绿地景观与其它三类景观粒度效应差异较大。城镇景观、非城镇景观、主城区景观在120m之前变化不大,绿地景观在240m出现明显的转折。(3)幅度变化影响着主城区景观格局特征空间异质性的表现。随着幅度增大,斑块密度、分维数和多样性指数的最大值减少,聚集度指数的最小值增大。其中,斑块密度受幅度影响最大。各指数最大值域由点状逐渐扩大为面状。在1km的小幅度下,可以发现主城区斑块密度最高、多样性最高、聚集度最差、分维数最大的小范围区域。在4km的分析幅度下,则能较真实反映主城区的异质性全貌。(4)最大斑块密度在小幅度下分布于九龙坡区南部和北碚区东北部,在大幅度下位于沙坪坝区和巴南区东南部。分维数最大的区域在巴南区的西北部和九龙坡区的南部、渝北区的北部,说明这些地方斑块最不规则,景观复杂。聚集度最大的区域在巴南区和渝北区,主要的土地利用类型是农业用地。多样性指数最高的区域分布于两江沿岸,土地利用类型主要是城镇用地,但同时也有水体、绿地、农业用地,景观结构复杂。(5)通过连通性指数的比较,发现COHESION、CONNECT、IIC、PC4个指数值能反映绿地景观连通性的实际状况。尤其是IIC、PC,具有可以实际应用等优越性。指数计算的结果说明重庆市主城区绿地景观连通性较差。(6)重庆市主城区绿地景观主要由少数巨型斑块和大量小型斑块组成。巨型斑块之间相互分离,小斑块分散。重庆市主城区的绿地景观连通性较差与景观组成密切相关。对于绿地景观的连通性而言,巨型斑块的重要性最大,但是小型斑块的重要性也不容忽视。(7)对绿地景观连通性重要值最大的斑块主要分布于主城区的几大山脉上,具有较好的生态系统服务功能。因此,在进行绿地规划时,首先要保护重要斑块,同时要考虑在巨型斑块之间构建小斑块,形成连通性廊道。

【Abstract】 Urbanization has profoundly transformed natural landscapes throughout the world. With accelerating urbanization in china, the ecological environment in cities confronted huge challenge, city landscapes were play more and more attention. Chongqing was one of center cities in economic, civilization and communication in mid-higher Yangtze River. After 1997, the economic of Chongqing developed rapidly and the appearance of city was never-ending changes and improvement. The landscape of Chongqing, especially in the metropolitan region has changed greatly. "Landscape garden city "was the target of planning of Chongqing, Greenland landscape was not only the method to solve the problem in environment, but also the object of construction.The metropolitan region of Chongqing was the study area. Land use images in 1995 and 2002 have been reclassified by GIS software. The building landscape, non-building landscape and Greenland landscape have been cut from the land use images respectively. Firstly, For analysting the effect of urbanization on landscape pattern, the dynamics of the building landscape, non-building landscape, landscape of metropolitan region and Greenland landscape have been quantified between 1995 and 2002. Secondly, patterns of building landscape, non-building landscape, the metropolitan region and Greenland landscape have been measured under multi-grain to understand the scale effect in every landscape. Third, the heterogeneity of the landscape of metropolitan region has been researched under multi-extent by "moving window". Finally, several connectivity indices have been used to measure the connectivity of Greenland landscape. All indices were compared, and two indices were selected to compute the important value of patches in Greenland landscape, for finding the key patches. The results and conclusion as below:(1)Non-building landscape had hardly any change, while building landscape changed greatly. Building landscape grew simpler, even and compact. The landscape of metropolitan region had little change, which was significantly influenced by building landscape. Because area of building landscape was lower proportion in metropolitan region, the influence was not obvious. Greenland landscape had hardly any change too. Compared to the development of building landscape, the development of Greenland landscape has fallen behind, so it needs more attention.(2)The scale effect of building landscape, non-building landscape, landscape of metropolitan region and Greenland landscape were not identical. The non-building landscape and the landscape of metropolitan region had the same scale effect. There were greatly differences between Greenland landscape and the other three landscapes. The building landscape, non-building landscape and landscape of metropolitan region have been not affected when grain was less than 120m. Greenland landscape varied intensely when grain was 240m.(3)The extent had effect on the appearance of heterogeneity of landscape pattern of metropolitan region. As increasing in extent, the max of Patch density, Fractal Dimension Index, Shannon’s Diversity Index decreased, the minimum value of Contagion Index increased. Patch density had more influenced than other indexes. The shape of the highest values of all indexes grew large, from point to surface. Under small extent 1km, the figures of spatial heterogeneity of indexes respectively displayed areas which Patch density was highest, Shannon’s Diversity Index was highest, Contagion Index was lowest, Fractal Dimension Index was highest. Under extent 4km, the figures of spatial heterogeneity of indexes can show the spatial heterogeneity of the landscape of metropolitan area of Chongqing.(4)Under small extent, the max of PD distributed in the southern of Jiulongpo and northeastern of Beibei. Under big extent, the max of PD distributed in Shapinba and southeastern of Banan. The max of FRAC disturbed in northwestern of Banan, southern of Jiulongpo and northern of YUbei, where was not regular and most complex. The max of CONTAG disturbed in Banan and Yubei, where type of land use was agriculture land. The max of SHDI disturbed in shore of Jialing river and Yangtze river, where type of land use included building landscape, water, Greenland, agriculture land.(5)Eleven connectivity indices have been compared. COHESION、CONNECT、IIC、PC can display precisely the connectivity of Greenland landscape. The values of the four indices showed that the connectivity of Greenland landscape is not very good. Among the four indices, IIC、PC were the new connectivity indices for overcoming defects of other indices. They had been proved by researches.(6)The results showed, the Greenland landscape was consisted of few large patches and many little patches. The huge patches separated to each other while little patches scattered everywhere. The construction of Greenland landscape was related to the connectivity. The important values of huge patches for connectivity of Greenland landscape was more than others types of patches. It was the first object that must be considered in planning. The important of little patches can not be ignored.(7)The most important patches were exhibited with figure in paper. These patches lied in mountains in metropolitan region and provided various well ecosystem services. As above, the better way, which to increase the Greenland value in urban ecological and environment management is to increase the connectivity of patches, both small and huge patches when planning Greenland landscape in metropolitan region of Chongqing city.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】Q149
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】318

