

Study and Practice on the Inquiry Teaching Approaches of Geometry for Junior Middle School

【作者】 刘兴毅

【导师】 张广祥;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 数学新课标对于初中数学的教学提出了相当高的要求,数学新课标实施以来,教师在初中几何课程的教学中进行了一系列的探索与尝试。教师虽然接受过多种形式的新课标教学的培训,但是纯粹理论上的培训还难以解决教师在实际的几何教学中所面临的大多数问题。因此,新课标下初中几何探究式教学的实践研究,具有迫切性的特点,也具有重要而现实的实用价值。数学新课程倡导教学中的师生互动、学生自主学习,积极提倡学生在课程学习中发扬主动探究的精神,通过观察、实验、猜想、计算、推理、验证等复杂曲折的学习过程掌握知识、增强能力。传统的中学数学课程把知识的传授和知识的熟练掌握作为教学的最重要的目标。数学新课标在学生的培养目标上,把传统的“双基”扩展为更加全面的要求,即基础知识、基本技能、基本思想和基本活动经验;对于问题解决能力方面,在传统的分析问题和解决问题能力的基础上,进一步提出培养学生发现问题和提出问题的能力。本文从新课标的教学理念和教学要求出发,对于初中几何课程的探究式教学进行了理论与实践两个层面的分析与探讨。通过对于国内外数学课标对于初中几何课程的要求进行初步的对比分析,研究基于新课标的几何课程对于教师在知识结构、教学思想、教学方法等方面的要求。讨论了探究式教学的若干实施策略,并且以一系列实际的教学案例,分析了这些教学策略的实施途径。探究式教学法和讲授法是完全不同的教学方法。探究式教学法要求以学生为教学的主体,让学生积极参与整个教学过程,使他们拥有充分的发表意见、讨论交流、动手操作的机会。让学生从问题出发,通过摸索获取解决问题的经验,体会与学习到科学知识,科学态度与科学技能。探究式教学有以下一些特点:学生必须对问题的呈现亲身去观察、主动地探求问题,经历过探求的过程而获得知识:培养学生具有一定的探求能力和探究精神;培养学生用多种方法从已知条件正确推导出结论的能力。实施探究式教学法教师要把握好角色的转变,思考以下这些问题:对传统的“双基”怎样扩展更合理、如何避免以“少讲少练”代替“精讲精练”、怎样有效地施行空间观念的教学。新课标的教学活动应该恰当地利用多媒体,但不要因为便捷的电子课件而忽略了学生必须经历的几何的推导演练的过程,学生的能力发展比教学进度的完成更为重要。依据自身的教学实践提出几何“探究式教学法”的实施策略:创设探究情境,激发学生的探究兴趣;通过实际的操作活动,诱导探究过程;现代教学技术与教学案例的整合;通过变式教学,培养学生的创新意识;新课程不但强调教师的主导作用,更注重师生之间的互动。

【Abstract】 The new mathematics curriculum standards set higher requirements for mathematics teaching in junior middle school, but the gap of practice and theory remains. The new mathematics curriculum standards have just been on for several years while teachers attempt to use the theories in teaching. Teachers have made a series of attempt and exploration in geometry teaching in junior middle school. Although they have gained training of various forms, they find the methods in theory are impractical in some cases. Thus it is urgent and fundamental to research the inquiry teaching mode of geometry for junior middle school under the new curriculum standards.The new mathematics curriculum standards advocate the interaction between teachers and students in class and encourage students to study and explore actively. Students should get knowledge through the complicated learning process ,such as observation, experiment, guessing, calculating, reasoning and validating. The imparting and master of knowledge are the fundamental aims of the traditional maths course. While the new mathematics curriculum standards have an extension for basic ideas and experience besides the basic knowledge and skills. It puts emphasis on developing students’ indepent learning abilities to find out problems and raise these problems as well as the abilities to analyze and solve problems.In this paper we analyze and study the theory and practice of the inquire teaching of geometry in junior middle school under the teaching concepts and requirements in the new mathematics curriculum standards.The author compares the different requirements for geometry course of junior middle school in the mathematics curriculum standards both at home and abroad, in order to study the requirements for the teachers in the structure of knowledge, teaching thoughts and teaching methods. The author discusses several implementing strategies of inquire teaching and points out the implementary approaches with a number of teaching cases.Inquire teaching and merely-lecture method are completely different. The inquire teaching, which is learner-centered, let students communicate and operate in class, and there is much chance for students to ask questions. Students, on one hand, gain the scientific knowledge and skills by the experience of finding out problems and solving these problems, and, on the other hand, form their scientific attitude.There are some features in inquiry teaching. Students themselves find, observe and solve problems, meanwhile, they are active and as a result, they gain knowledge from the process rather than from the teacher. To develop students’ ability and spirit of research. To cultivate students’ ability of making conclusions from the details in different ways.The changing direction of teachers should involve in the consideration of the following aspects: how to make reasonable extension for the basic knowledge and skills in maths teaching at the stage of the compulsory education; how to avoid "speaking nothing" in the trend of "less speaking" while teaching; how to carry out teaching of the concept of space effectively. What’s more, the development of students’ ability is more important than the complement of teaching process, so the use of multimedia demonstration should depend on whether it can help to show the process of making conclusions or not.This paper is based on practical teaching. Several implementing strategies of inquire teaching are pointed out: create situation to motivate students’ interests in seeking, induct the inquire process by experimental operation, integrate the modem teaching technology and teaching cases and cultivate students’ creation by variant training. The new mathematics curriculum standards emphasizes not only the leading role of teachers but also the interaction between teachers and students.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】702

