

The Research to the Route of the Teaching Reflection Based on the Problem-solved

【作者】 李平

【导师】 朱德全;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新一轮基础教育课程改革的深入推进,中小学教师教学反思日益成为教师自我提高与教师专业化发展的必由之路。目前,国内外学者对教师教学反思有大量的研究成果,本研究在借鉴学者们研究成果的基础上,在对重庆市石柱县中小学教师教学反思现状进行抽样调查的基础上,并结合农村学校中小学教师在教学中的实际问题和教师教学反思的实际,提出教师教学反思的“悬置——理解——质疑——计划——行动——观察——总结”七步路径。本研究通过与重庆市石柱县中小学一线教师进行合作研究的方式,与教师一起进行问题的归因分析,找出问题解决的大致方法,然后在教学实践中一步步解决问题。本研究包括如下内容:一、结合自己的工作经历,确立研究思路,并对教学反思、问题和路径等概念进行界定,确立研究的理论基础;二、在问卷调查的基础上分析教师教学反思的现状;三、对中小学教师在教学反思中存在的问题进行归因分析;四、探询教师教学反思路径的构建,提出教师进行教学反思的策略,探讨教师教学反思动力机制的构建;五、与中小学教师共同实施教学反思;六、对教学反思路径实施情况进行分析与总结。通过个案研究方式,在笔者与教师共同协商的基础上,我们发现:教学问题的有效解决,受到诸多因素的影响,教师只是其中因素之一,所以教师在问题解决中遇到困难与挫折时,要进行正确的归因分析,不使自己失去教学信心;为了顺利解决问题,必须对问题系统中各种因素进行全面分析,教师必须结合学校的现实条件,主动与同事合作,与学生做朋友,在各种试误过程中一步步发现解决问题的答案,并且在问题解决过程中不断反思,不断总结经验,吸取教训;教师教学反思是一个终身进行的过程,不可能依靠一两次的问题解决实践就能一劳永逸而实现从新手教师向反思型教师和研究型教师的转化;教师教学反思路径不是一个教条式的、处方式被简单使用的方案,而是问题解决过程中的思维方式,教师需要在这种思维方式的引领下,加强自己教师专业能力的提升。

【Abstract】 With the enhancement of the new-round elementary course reform in China, the teaching reflection from teachers in primary and middle schools has gradually become an inevitable way for them to improve themselves and become more specialized in teaching. At present, some scholars in and abroad have gained a great many research achievements in the teaching reflection from teachers. On the basis of using the research achievements of some scholars for reference and the spot check on the current situation of the teaching reflection from teachers in primary and middle schools in Shizhu, Chongqing, combined with the practical problems the teachers in some rural schools face in teaching, we put forward that there are seven steps in the process of teaching reflection: suspension, understanding, suspicion, plan, action, observation and conclusion. Through taking the cooperative research with the superior teachers in the primary and middle schools in Shizhu, Chongqing and making attribution analysis together, this research aims to find out the general approaches to teaching problems and gradually solve them in the process of teaching practice.This research contains the following contents:1. This part will combined with the author own working experience, erect the research route, define such concepts as teaching reflection, problems and route, etc. , and establish the theoretical foundation for the research.2. On the basis of the spot check, this part will analyze the current situation of the teaching reflection from teachers.3. This part will make an attribution analysis about the problems existing in the teaching reflection from teachers in primary and middle schools. 4. This part will try to find out the construction of the route for teaching reflection; put forward the strategies for teachers to reflect in teaching and discuss the establishment of the teaching reflection motivation mechanism.5. Implement the teaching reflection mechanism with the teachers in primary and middle schools.6. Analyze and conclude the implementation of the teaching reflection mechanism.Through the case study and the common negotiation between the teachers and the author, it is found in the research:The efficient settlement to the teaching problems is affected by many factors, while teacher is only one of them. Therefore, when facing difficulties and frustrations in solving the teaching problems, the teachers need to keep confident in teaching and try to find out the reason why the problems come about. In order to solve the problems successfully, the teachers need to make an overall analysis about all the factors existing in the problem system, combined with the realistic condition of the schools, cooperating with the companions, making friends with the students actively, trying to find out the approaches to the problems shortly after several failures and learn to gain lessons after each reflection in teaching. Reflecting in teaching is an everlasting act for a teacher. It is impossible to get the problems done once and forever just by accidental success in solving them; neither is the novice teachers transferred into reflective ones so quickly. The route for the teaching reflection is not such an easy scheme as doctrines or prescriptions, while it is a kind of thinking way in the process of solving the problems. The teachers need to improve their professional ability as teachers by following the lead of such a kind of thinking way.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】670

